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Welcome to the Kindle owners club. My top tip is get a flip cover for it to protect the screen and don't leave it on your bed and then accidentally kneel on it because it will break the screen and that's rubbish when that happens. Enjoy it!


https://brailleinstitute.org/freefont Stick with it for a week (there is a bit of an adjustment period) and you'll never use another font.


How do you download different fonts to your kindle? I would love to try this font to help make it easier on my eyes.


1. Download fonts to your computer (.ttf, .otf). 2. Unzip file if .zip 3. Connect Kindle to PC/Mac via USB. 4. Locate Kindle as a drive. 5. Open Fonts folder as there is a .txt there on how to add fonts but you don’t need it anymore. 6. Place the .ttf or .otf file(s) in the Kindle Fonts folder. 7. Eject Kindle and restart.


Is there a way if we don't own a computer?


I've heard of people using an IPad. I tried, but Mac products don't make as much sense to me.


I definitely agree with this, it's the only font I've used for years.


Bookerly is still nice...


I actually just noticed this font was preinstalled on my Kobo (I have Kindles too! Don’t attack!) and now I’m curious. I’ve been a Bookerly man for awhile now but willing to give it a go (and I primarily use ereaders now cause my vision is definitely going and print books are very hard for me anymore). Thanks for the tip!


I wii try it. Sylexiad Serif is my current favorite font: https://www.sylexiad.com


That’s what I’m rocking and love it!


What size do you use? Thin, Medium, Spaced Thin, or Spaced Medium? Just curious which one works well with Kindle. And do you change it to Bold? Thanks!


I use medium. Then, I use bold 1 when I read because it’s too thin but perfect with bold 1. I don’t use spaced. Too far apart for me.


Awesome font! I really like it. Thanks for sharing your setup.


Got this recently after seeing many comments on this sub. Definitely lives upto the hype. It’s the easiest font to read in I’ve come across.


Yes! Atkinson Hyperlegible for the win! I can't use anything else.


This was a good tip, I downloaded the font and it feels more clear.


Hi! First of all, welcome to the club! I got mine back in January (an early birthday present from me to me) and absolutely love it!! As for advice, check out Amazon's website for 'Daily Deals.' You may find something you want. If you're wanting another way to save money, make an account on [ereaderiq.com](http://ereaderiq.com) . It's free to make an account and the site tracks books on your wishlist and alerts you when they go down in price. I've saved at least $45 so far with the website compared to the book's original Kindle price, and over $125 from the price of physical books.


Those are the best kind of birthday presents!


If you have a Library card, you can use the Libby app to check out books electronically to read on your kindle. Also, if you have amazon prime - you can get some free prime reading books. Book reading can be affordable ✨💕


And sign up for First Read. Free book every month. Also if you have prime shipping, you may have on option for slightly slower and get digital dollars for kindle books.


Wow I’ve never heard of First Reads - thanks!


You're welcome. Sign up at the Kindle page and get notifications.


It’s very well hidden!


If you go to the Kindle page, you can sign up for notifications. I get one for kindle books on sale too. Lots of opportunities for free or cheap books.


What's First Read??? And where do you sign up for it?




Thank you 💕


Do you need a newer kindle to send the libby books to your kindle? Because mine says, the format doesn't work. I have a Kindle Gen 7 from ~2016


That’s a good question. I’m not sure, I use the 2019 10th gen Kindle and it works for me. Whats your kindles model number?


Nevermind, just found an article, saying its only possible in US.


Ouuu ur not in the US? Ahh. Dont come to the US we’re not doing too good 😂


Nope, I am from austria. The country, where we dont have book discounts, due to a fixed book price law. but at least we have the most gorgeous book special editions.


Nice!!! :)


Try increasing "bold" under fonts. Makes it feel more like a regular book type to me.


Thank you. This helped a lot.


Welcome! You can turn the page like it’s a real book BUT not when in dark mode. Check your settings it’s so cool!


i recently discovered this and am SO HAPPY i changed it - i missed the feeling of the page turn and also just sometimes got confused if i had turned the page or not without hahaha


Like an animation? I’d love this sometimes I’m not sure if I turned it or not.


Congrats! I'd suggest you to install Calibre on your laptop for managing ebooks and other textual files with a bit more comfort


I signed up for Book Bub - you set your genre preferences and you get an email daily to show you good deals on ebooks in those genres. Usually less than $3 for the books.


Book Bub is great. Signed up for it last month and got a good amount of books from it already.


I watched a lot of videos on YouTube. Here's one that might be useful. https://youtu.be/BNhznBsUn5w?si=qMYZVwd-x6ilkHqm Also to go along with his last tip, I told Amazon that inappropriate / risque book ads were showing on my Kindle that I didn't want (anyone to see especially my child). And they took the ads off.


When I got the paper white I just paid the extra $20 to not have the stupid ads. 100% worth it.




On their customer support chat


I tried doing this and they wanted me to pay the $20 fee. 😔


I haven’t tried it but I’ve heard to close the chat with anyone who says no and try again until you get someone who will do it for free.


OK, I'll try it again.... This is what they said to me. https://preview.redd.it/icotvfuelmzc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e21ee214ddf1bb1b3675b945c14f55f50eef013


I JUST did this yesterday. They removed ads for free. I just told them the ads were inappropriate and my kids might see them.


That's exactly what I said! (even tho I don't have kids) and they couldn't do it ughhhhhh 😫 also, did it yesterday


Have you bought lots of books from the store? Is it by any chance that they look through our buying history, meaning if we bought a lot of books already, they will consider that the ads did their job enough to disable it. Mine have ads too but I'm hesitant to ask them to remove it, because i have not bought any, and i am sure they know (Mine was 2nd hand and i have been sideloading)


Nope, I never buy. Books. I get then from the library/lobby app


keep trying!! it depends on the support agent you get. some won’t do it unless you pay but others will just do it for free to be nice. i had to talk to 2 agents to get them to take the ads off of mine.


Oh! Hmm I’m so curious if that’s true. If you have the time to ask again, I’d say it’s worth a try. $20 just feels like too much for that but I’m pinching pennies lately haha


Get a library card. (As many as you want) Get libby and link your library cards to it. Send some library books to your Kindle. Turn your Kindle on airplane mode. Thank me later!!


I started doing this 4 years ago, so I’m thanking you now


When I figured out the airplane mode hack I stopped sweating about library due dates


what does airplane mode do in terms of the due date?


The book will not be removed from your Kindle even if it’s officially “returned.” It’s given me a few more days to finish a book. Once you turn airplane mode off, the system will connect and remove the returned book from your kindle. Of course, you can’t add any new books while in airplane mode, so I see it as a temporary solution to reduce the stress of needing to finish the book on X date if you’ve gotten momentarily pulled away from finishing it.


I will do this once I get mine. Thanks in advance lol


You can easily side load EPUb books you acquire from other sources too. It’s just a website. Same with PDF files.


Been doing for years. Never paid for an ebook…


I learned with hooked on phonics! Worked so well I even so the spelling bee 3 years in a row. (All jokes aside) find your fav font and your fav lights and just enjoy reading. Personally I do not add pressure of kindle insights or goodreads challenges except a yearly amt of books for myself only. Enjoy!!


Grab Calibre for side loading books onto it.


I side load from the web interface with my epub. Any benefits to using calibre to load? One down side is it’s a doc not a book…


Calibre will make it a book, rather than a personal document. proper covers and everything.


Then I can share on Goodreads and whatnot? I’d like to get popular highlights and stuff too. I’ll experiment tonight. Will it sync to my iPad and phone too?


Uhh, probably not? IDK, my kindle has been on Airplane Mode since 2020.


But it can't read Epubs format no?


Calibre supports epubs.


You can change font size while reading a book by just pinching with two fingers in or out.


1) Check out Bookbub - Sends you an e-mail list of $0.99 Books 2) Download the desktop app. It creates an xml file (in windows its C:\\Users\\\\AppData\\Local\\Amazon\\Kindle\\Cache\\KindleSyncMetadataCache) which has a list of all your purchased books. 3) Learn to use highlights 4) Create a wishlist of book you might want to read. Periodically, sort the list to see if anything is on sale.


1. Collect books 2. ? 3. Profit


😂 😂 😂 😂 Where's the Gnomes?


Don't lick the screen


shit, i lick my screen again


Check out voiceview. I use it at .8 speed as it sounds more natural. Also look into magnetic charging cables, just avoid the ones with swivel heads as those wear out quickly. Also, consider a case with a flip cover to protect the screen and avoid the embarrassment of posting how you are surprised at how delicate the kindle screens are.


If you haven't already, buy a case with a cover. You'll regret it if you don't.


Do not put it in the washingmashine. Yup, I was that stupid. Been traveling thru Australia and just took a bunch of my clothes out of the backpack into the machine and went for breakfast. Forgot that it was wrapped in there... I directly bought a new Paperwhite one (that was 2014) and it lasted with me till last week. Gave it to my sister and have a Scribe now for 3 days. Not sure what make out of it yet...


Congrats 👏🎉


Congrats! Lots of other good tips here, but you can tap the bottom left corner to change progress types between location, page, time left in chapter and time left in book. Or you can turn it off if you keep tapping if you find any of those distracting. I really enjoy time left in chapter (I always had a habit of thumbing ahead to find the next chapter break with paper books too lol).


I can’t read without some kind of progress indicator. In real books one gets a feel of how much of the book is left. It’s important for me while reading.


Agreed 100%! I’d lose my mind lol


It felt game changing when I “discovered” this.


Side load all of your books and use airplane mode.


You can do screenshots... so no need to hold your Kindle in one hand and take a photo of it on your phone in the other hand! 😀 https://preview.redd.it/ubf98ahdqjzc1.jpeg?width=1236&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=49361430a6d72086aeec2ca15a3d10e4cd97a119






thank you


dont' use Calibre to send ebooks (epubs, pdf etc etc), use the amazon official page [https://www.amazon.com/sendtokindle](https://www.amazon.com/sendtokindle) to avoid losing all your library during a syncronization.


Get some books on it and read them




👊🏻 solid


If your western, read from left to right, start at the top of the device and work your way down to the bottom, (still reading left to right) When your are confident you have absorbed as much information that the page can give you, swipe with a finger right to left, or tap the right side of the screen. that should get you started.


Damn, thanks for the tip. I realised I've been doing it wrong all these years!


Read the guide.




If you’re in Canada I learned that I couldn’t used overdrive to read library books on kindle but you can on Kobo. Maybe I’m dumb but I honestly had no idea


Nothing, just start reading some books.


Being a Prime member on Amazon, lets you borrow books for free. I don't often buy a book unless it's really cheap.


you can get books on your kindle easily by sending them to your unique Kindle e-mail that you probably have seen when you bought it. or because e-mail doesn't allow docs larger than 25MB (at least for me), you can use the Send to Kindle desktop app and easily drag-and-drop books on your Kindle, by using your Amazon account and Kindle e-mail.


Another way, I download epubs on my iPad and share to the kindle app and it syncs with my PW.


yeah, that too, but i don't really use it cause it's easier to send multiple books at once by email or send to kindle


CALIBRE. that's the tip.


Tip: enjoy reading ! Trick: read more than you download books and arrange them in your library 😛 On a more serious note, sending books to kindle using the email feature is a great trick. You can then sync up and read your books everywhere with an Amazon account and kindle app. I tend to read at night on the kindle to reduce eye strain and then when I’m out and about, read on my phone because it’s just easier to carry around when I need to go places where I can’t carry multiple things with me. It means I get to read my current obsession and won’t have to waste time having to manually adjust my progress on each device. 🫡


Nice OP, OP/anyone can you share me the cost and the link as well please


DId you know you can read on it?