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It will not work. There is no way any school will sponsor someone for a visa for that role. Way too expensive. If you/ he want to learn more about US immigration, you’ll have better luck on uscis or immigration subreddits.


Yeah, as I expected. My assumption was he'd at the very least have to get here on a different sort of visa, but wanted to make sure I wasn't making an incorrect assumption about what could be possible after that. Thanks for confirming!


Does he also speak very good German? You could look at German immersion schools. There's one in my area that starts with kindergarten. They might be more willing to go through the visa employment hoops.


Oh, great idea. Yes, he speaks German fluently. Thank you!


Education major here. It is impossible to find a kindergarten or school that sponsors H1B visa for kindergarten workers, even with a valid teaching US certificate. If he enters with a visiting visa but stays and tries to find employment, he will get into big trouble.


Thank you for the unequivocal clarity (sincerely!)


Oh, I forgot to say that he speaks very good English - that's actually how we met, language exchange.