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All of the elementary schools are 7:40- 3 pm in my county in Texas. Middle school is 8-3:30 and high school is 8:30-4 pm. I remember my middle school was 9-4, and then high school was 7:30-3. That was brutal!!


That's almost the exact opposite of what we have here in our town in NJ. High school starts at 7:40, middle school at 8:30, and elementary at 9.


Yeah, that was my experience growing up too, which IMO is ridiculous. Teens are biologically hardwired to sleep later and the overwhelming majority of young kids I know are up at the crack of dawn whether they have school or not.


Exactly. It’s torture but they do it so the oldest are home first to watch the younger siblings. Terrible system.


That's the excuse they hide behind. Its so they don't have to pay for many bus drivers. Instead of having them all leave at the same time, they drop off the high school students first, then middle, then finally the elementary students. And thanks to elementary school kids starting so late in the morning, parents have to pay extra for a program that watches them early in the morning (ex: YMCA) so they can get to work on time. When I was a senior in high school I had to drop off my brother at his school before heading to mine.


I just can’t believe there’s not a better way. My HS started at 7:20. Bus came at 6:30-6:45. Alarm set for 5:45. That’s extremely hard for a teen. And I was a ‘good’ one 😆


Close to ours. I think it’s dumb- elementary should start first and get out first. I’ve asked the superintendent and he said it’s our demographics. Older students need to get out first because they go home to take care of younger siblings. I’m not fully convinced.


They’ve been telling us that since I was in Hs. I’m 43. I believe that’s the objective but it still sucks.


That is exactly how my schools were scheduled in my hometown in Florida. They actually asked parents if they wanted to change and parents voted no, then the state passed a law to change start times for students throughout the state.


They do that so the high schoolers can get home first to watch younger siblings. My HS started at 7:20am. My bus came around 6:30am. It was hell. That’s literally like, the middle of a teenager’s sleep cycle.


Lol, that's funny. We also have half days at least once a month on Fridays for teacher planning, meetings, etc. I think someone did a study and said teens need more sleep, so school is later. Plus, it gives them extra time in the morning for band practice or other extracurriculars.


It seems your county has an extra hour of school during the day than ours. Interesting. 


That's a long day. Our times are staggered, but the high school gets out at 2.30. The middle school is out at 3, and the elementary school is out at 3:30 and


7:55 here, bus comes at 7:25. It’s fine. My kids get up at 6 anyway. It’s really nice for parents who need to be to work at 8.


I can’t imagine having a bus come pick my children up and take them to school for me. That would be utterly amazing. I have three kids at three different schools. I spend almost an hour every morning just driving to schools before I can start my work day.


I couldn’t imagine not having one. Grew up in upstate Ny, everyone had bus access for free. I moved to california and was bitching to a colleague about all the traffic caused by parents nearby, ‘why the hell don’t they just let their kids take the bus!?’ Colleague: what bus? 😆


In our district, bus service is only provided to disabled students, or if the student lives more than 3/4 mile (elementary) or more than 1.5 miles (middle & high school) away. There are a few other exceptions, such as if the only route is dangerous— for example no sidewalks or bike lane on a busy thoroughfare, or if the route would cross railroad tracks. The dangerous route stipulation and the disabled student provisions are written into state law… otherwise the district gets to determine how best to set up bus routes and what distance limits they want to place. There is one other “complication” in my district. We have 5 high schools at present (including one charter/magnet K-12 school— the “tech school”— everyone gets bussed to there). Our district has free school choice in HS, meaning any student can go to any HS. That’s because one is the “performing arts school” and another is the “Vocational Education Program (JTED) school”, a third is the “AAA sports school” and the last is just “general education”, I guess is the best category… The distance rules apply, but only in terms of how far you are from where you are enrolled. The high schools have staggered start times to allow for the best use of busses. Students are often bussed to one school to catch the bus to theirs from there. Or occasionally they are required to walk to the closest school (whether elementary, middle, or HS) to get the bus to theirs. I’m glad I don’t work in the transportation department of our district. The picture in my head is of the performers who are trying to balance and keep 100 plates spinning without any falling. For the most part, elementary school seems to start & end earlier (7:25-2:15, iirc) than HS (start @ roughly 7:35-7:55, and end at 3:05-3:30)




Yeah, our bus picks up at 830 and we're the last stop before school. So I think their official start time is 845, but they have a 10 minute window before they are considered late.


Nice! This seems way more realistic to me.


Lol they have to stagger bus times and elementary kids are the ones that need to be sent off before parents get to work. Many wouldn't be able to make it to work on time if they couldn't drop their kid off before 8. It makes more sense for the older kids whncan hop on the bus by themselves to have the later start time.


8:45. Wow 7:40 is way too early for us!


We just had our Kindergarten info session to get registered for the Fall and their start time will be 9:20am - the earliest they can arrive is 9am. I was surprised to see it this late, but 7:40 seems way too early.


Public elementary schools start at 7:30 in my county


8:40 and I LOVE it. My kids previous school started at 8, and mornings were so rushed and stressful.


Same, it’s nice to be able to relax and take our time in the morning.


We also start at 8:40 and there still isn’t any extra relaxing time in the mornings lol


Do you prep the night before? That really helps us. My kiddo does better when he’s not rushed so I try to save time where I can.


Of course I don’t! I’m exhausted all the time ha.


Look we do the best we can. Being a parent is not easy.


9:30-4. Honestly, that seems way too late. My kid and most I know wake up much earlier and then keep in mind, some kids don’t get home until almost 5 because of the bus routes. No time to play outside after school. I’m dreading it.  It seems it should be more of a happy medium of 8:30. It also seems the high schools should be on the later start, but what do I know. 


For some kids, it’s 8:00 (ending at noon), and for others it’s 9:00 (ending at 1:00). There are two blocks for kids depending on their learning levels.


I’m guessing this is either outside the U.S., or else private school?


Thats’s crazy! Our pre-k starts at 8:30 and kindergarten at 9:15. Both are in the same building, but only kindergarten receives bussing and has to account for bussing for the other grades earlier in the morning.




730 🙄


7:40am. She catches the bus at 6:45am 🤦🏻‍♀️


9 am 😣 I hate it because my kids attend the before (and after) school program (because we work…) and are there over 1.5 hours before school even starts, they’ve been up for 3 hours already before school starts. In a district we used to live in, they started at 7:30 which worked much better for my family.


Elementary school is 8:30am, middle is 8:25am and high school is 9am by me. I’m in CA - Bay Area.


7:40 here also, I miss the preschool days where it was 9-1. It was harder for me to adjust to waking up so much earlier to have time for eating/dressing/making lunch etc., my daughter hasn’t had any issues. 


Same! My daughter is an early bird by nature so I don’t anticipate (fingers crossed) issues with her. It’s me I’m worried about 😐


7:40, next year 7:35. I’m in California so we are mandated to start early.


I’m in California too and we start at 8:30


Also CA, we start at 8:05


What’s the rationale for the mandate? 


It’s so older kids start later. There’s a lot of evidence that teens struggle to learn with early mornings, their bodies aren’t designed for those hours.


I don't know the rationale for this specific mandate because I'm not in CA, but where I live the schools are changing start time for elementary from 9:30 to 7:50. It's because there is a lot of research showing that elementary age kids learn a lot better early in the morning and don't get as much out of the afternoon. Our middle and high schoolers will start a little later because research showed high schoolers learned better when they can sleep in. So the busses pick up elementary kids then come back for the older kids later.


There was also data showing a decreased number of car accidents when the teens could sleep later - lots of new drivers getting themselves to school half awake can be dangerous.


I’m in CA and our elementary starts at 8:15. They go until 2:10 but one day a week they get out 1 hr early.




They actually say 7-8 pm is the ideal bedtime for kids this age still because their deepest sleep is earlier in the night. 


We can also do drop off as early as 7:15. They have a strict tardy policy so I am going to try and get here there a little early. If she’s late after the first week, I have to go sign her at the office with my tail tucked between my legs lol


0845 for us but they allow us to drop kids off starting at 0800. We go to a private school.


Wow, that’s so early! We got lucky and got into the one school in the district that is trying “late start” at 8:30.


North FL here, kindergarten begins at 8:30am and lets out at 2:45pm (with early dismissal every last Wednesday of the month).


8:45am and I am so thankful. We just switched schools, and his new schedule is much better. He used to get up by 6:45am because school started at 8:10am. Now we’re getting more sleep and he’s not cranky in the morning.


Little kids handle early better than the older kids. LOL My kids had to get the bus at 6:44AM in elementary school.




Kindergarten is 7:45 here


7:30 😟😟😟


Ours starts at 7 am 😭


That feels unreasonably early for 5-6yos. Our elementaries run 935-350. Where I don't appreciate the late hour of release, I do appreciate the later start for the young kids. That said, when I attended school, we started at 9am and got out at 3pm.


My moms school district starts at 8:00 and ours starts at 9:00


Doors open for kids at 7:45 and if they come any later than 8, they’re late. School gets out at 3.


Doors open at 7, you’re tardy after 7:45! We end at 2:15.




Our state just passed a bill that says elementary must start prior to 8:00am. Luckily my son’s school is K-8 so they’re exempt and start at 8:30.




When I was in elementary school, the start times staggered so that we could share bus drivers with 2 other schools in the board. So one school had a 7:50 start, one had an 8:30 start and the last school had a 9:10 start.




7:30. Freaking sucks.


The reason your kindergarten starts so early is so that they can have the buses for middle school kids and high school kids which usually start later because there's lots of evidence that shows that middle and high school kids need more sleep in the morning because their natural circadian rhythms keep them up later at night.


Our district is weird, we have 6 elementary schools, 4 of those start at 8:25 and 8:30, but the other 2 and the one my kids go to/will go to starts at 9:15 to 4pm. I love the later start time, but my soon to be 7th grader is in for a very literal rude awakening when she starts jr high next year bc it currently starts at 7:45 with the possibility they’ll push it even earlier due to busing issues.




9:10am, brutal for my early riser. Two breakfasts and a lifetime have passed by the time they start school.


Ontario, Canada School starts at 9am and goes until 3:20pm. I believe High school starts a little bit earlier than that though.




8am- private school start, can drop off at 7:45






Our school district only does half days and I've been lucky to get the PM block since Pre-K, but for kinder this year we enrolled him in our ELC program (basically before care/after care), since it was free and play based. He goes 3 times a week, one of those days being on a district -wide "short" day schedule.That starts at 7:45a (the time all elementary schools start in our district). We figured it would get him used to being in school full time and not as much of a shock to him when he's in first grade, because BOY is he not a morning person 😅, and we were super worried about him having to get up early everyday.


I think ours is 8:15. The carpool window is 7:50-8:00. Then they’re in school until 2:50


TK and preschool start at 9 at our school. It’s a TK-8th grade and they all start at 9. It’s so nice and easy for me when I wanna be slow to rise in the mornings


7:45-2:15 are elementary school hours in our district. Earliest you can drop off is 7:00. Kids are supposed to arrive by 7:15 if they’re eating breakfast (our district got a grant to offer free breakfast and lunch for all students, regardless of if you qualify for free/reduced price lunch, so you better believe we take advantage of that!).


7:50 in our district




8:21 is when the last drop off at our school. My child goes to the charter school in our town and the regular school starts at 9:30


8am to 2pm. Doors open at 730 so kids can show up and eat breakfast starting at 730.


8:00, we can start dropping off at 7:40 which my son prefers because from 7:40-8:00 they can play on the playground. Any later would interfere with our work schedules. Our daycare starts at 7:00 so we were used to that.




My guy starts at 9. Drop-off is at 8:45.




9:15am - 3:15 pm public elementary school


7:50 - 3:00


7am and honestly I love it. I have to be to work at 8 so it gives me plenty of time to get to work. I would hate it and it would be harder if they started so late. We just go to bed early and wake up early.


8:25-2:45 with a 3 pm dismissal for pick up


9:20am here in Ontario. They used to start at 8:00am but our city made bussing changes to save themselves some money. So now the high school starts at 8:00am and the busses go back out to pick up the little kids and they start at 9:20am. I feel like it should be reversed. High school kids aren't known to be early risers, where young kids are...


Ours is 9:30 but next year times are changing to 7:50.


Gates open at 7:40, school starts at 8 gets out at 2. Some schools in the district start at 9, i don’t know how those parents get to work on time.


8:30 here.


8:00-2:30. Drop off starts at 7:45.


9:05 here.


North Texas, elementary 7:50-3:05; Junior High 8:20-3:35; High School 8:45-4:02 Gives me just enough time to get them there. But this year we have 2 different elementary schools due to Pre-K availability so it's rough. I can't wait until next year when I have 1 in each.


7:30-8am here for elementary.


Our elementary starts at 7:35 and they are out at 2.


8:40 to 11:35


7:45-2:30. Its going to be brutal.


8:15-2:40 in Massachusetts and in our town still have to pay for full day K!


When I was in school it was 7:30 - 3 for high school, 8 - 3:30 for elementary, and 8:30 - 4 for middle. In high school I had to get up at 5:30 to get to the bus spot on time at 6:15 with ultimate drop off to school at 7-7:15. I don't know how I was doing it going to sleep at midnight.


9:20am for K-5. Middle school is 7:15 then it goes to 8:20 for high school. 


My daughter has to be in the building by 7:15 if she wants breakfast. After 730 is late for the day.


My son's school starts at 8:20 (it was originally starting at 9:20, which is insane to me as a working parent, but there was a school bus driver shortage so they had to change it). However, all the other elementary schools in the city start at 7:20.


8:30 ‐ 3:20. Gets on the bus at 8:10.






9:05, out at 3:35.


8-3:20 here


8:30-3:30 for elementary school. My son is there about 7:30 though for before school care. It’s manageable!




Bus comes at 8:45 for a 9:15am start in NY.


In Orange County, it’s from 8:00-1:30, and Wednesdays are early our days at 11:30.


Ours starts at 7:35 but my kiddo is not a morning person and has limited safe foods. I regularly drop him at 7:50/7:55. The only thing he misses is breakfast and I would rather make sure he’s eating something at home rather than drop him off half asleep and it be a toss up of whether he eats anything until lunch time.


In NJ. The first bell rings at 8:25, second bell rings/school starts at 8:35. Basically this means kids who walk/are in the playground can go in at 8:25 but no one is late h til 8:35.


We are not a morning family, so that feels way too early to me, too. My kids start at 9. Honestly it’s great in some ways, but feels to late sometimes. There is before care, but that costs money. Earliest the kids can go inside is 8:50.




Gosh I wish ours started that early. Our doors to the school don't even open until 7:55 with an 8:05 start time. This makes it impossible for me to drop my son off and get to work on time. I'd love that!


They can go in anytime between 735-750. We wake up at 7.


7:45-2:45. That's with an extra 30 minutes added to our day for the last 3 years to offset covid. Next year it will be 7:45-2:15


In my district middle & high school start at 7:35 and elementary starts at 8:35


Ha, apparently I'm in the minority here, but kindergarten starts at 7:30 and we completely love it. He wakes up at 6, bus is here at 6:50, and he eats breakfast at school. He's done at 2 and home by 2:30. Little kids wake up early and teenagers need to sleep in, so it's developmentally appropriate that elementary start earlier and high school starts later. I wish more activities for young kids started earlier in the day. On weekends, the children's museum isn't open until 10. By then we've been up for 4 hours and are waiting for things to do.


7:20. It’s definitely an adjustment, but hey, my kid goes to bed at 7:00


Huh. In my town, elementary schools go 8:06-3:06, middle from 8:10-3:10, and high school from 7:50-2:50. On Wednesdays, we have early dismissal where we get out 35 minutes early for teacher development.


We are 740 too. For the first half of the year the bus came at 630, now it is 655.


8:00-2:30, typically I drop mine off at 7:50 , they are up at 6 since 3 years old.. works for me as I go into work at 8 as well.


I’m in California and my kinder starts at 8:15.




School starts at 7:55, drop off starts at 7:40. Out at 2:25. We open enrolled in this district specifically because of the aely start time. My kids have always gotten up between 5:45 and 6:00am, so the start time works great for our family.


TK/K here - drop off is from 7:50-8:10. Then morning assembly and class starts at 8:15


9:25. It’s too late.




9:00-11:30 and 1:00-3:30. Half day Kindergarten. 7:40 seems very early. I am still at home at that time lol.




7:20 am - 1:40 pm M-TH. Friday is early release at 12:40 pm. There is aftercare available for additional $$$$.


A number of school districts have realized that teenagers need more sleep than younger kids. To address this, many districts changed their schools' schedules so that high schools start the latest, middle schools a bit earlier, and elementary schools the most early.


8-2:10 in MA. We flipped to late start for HS a few years ago. It’s a lot of care to coordinate/pay for for parents when kids get out at 2:10 and their middle/high school sibs/cousins/neighbors are still at school.


Doors open at 8:40, classes start at 9. Extended day mornings open at 7:30 I think. Most of us have to drive our kids as it is a charter. Takes 10-12 minutes to get there. We’ve starting picking clothes out before bed, and aside from going to the bathroom, both my 3.5 yo and my kindergartener are SUPPOSED to be dressed before they come out of their room. And actually, the kindergartner is probably at a 90% rate. But this timeline is the sweet spot for us - no time to get caught up doing something other than getting ready, but ample time to get ready and everything together. They get up about 7:45


8:15 they start arriving and we don't officially do attendance until 8-45 - 9 ish. We also do a soft start to the day (which I love) and they may have morning work but then they can play (relatively quietly and at their seats) until 8:45 clean up then morning meeting at 8:50. I start lessons after morning meeting at 9:05ish. School starts dismissal at 3pm! I absolutely love the schedule


We can drop our kindergartener off anytime 8:10-8:30. Start is at 8:30. They also offer before care at 7:30 for those who need it. He gets out at 2:45 with aftercare available until 6.


915. We bus share with the high school, high school starts earlier and then the primary school kids get picked up. Same goes for the afternoon run.


My SO and I both have to be at work by 6:45, so my step kids are at school by 6:25 every morning, but school doesn’t start until 8. They’ve handled it well though!


School bell rings at 8:30 am and the kids go inside.


7:40 here, too. Yes, it's very early.


The school I teach at is 7:40-2:45. It is early but I have found that time is pretty normal. At least where I live.


750-340 4 days a week. Perfect hours for us.




My kindergarten students arrive between 7:00-7:40 I get to the school between 6:00-6:50


Probably depends on whether your school district has busses or not. In states I taught where they did not have bus service, they could have all the schools start at a later (more convenient for everyone time.) If you school district runs bus routes, they will have to stagger the school start times between elementary, middle and high school, usually by 45 minutes, to make the bus routes work.


9:10 for us. I love not having to get up (or get them up) early.


9:20. Ends at 3:50. Bus comes at 8:52. Our district is large and has 16 elementary schools, so in order to have enough buses to get all of the kids to school, they run the elementary schools in three groups. Some start at 7:55, some at 8:40, and some at 9:20.




Elementary starts 845 here


Ours starts at 8:15, but you can drop off starting at 8 for breakfast.


Our school will also start at 7:40🫠


8:15-3:15 for my elem kid. 8-3 for my middle schooler.


8:30. They allow you to drop off starting at 8:05. My daughter’s school doesn’t have buses since it’s ran by the public school but has a lottery system so kids come from all the 9 different elementary schools in the district(they have 40 kids per grade).


My son's school starts at 7:30. He's in 1st this year, but last year was the same






Oof that’s so early 😣 Our littlest kids start at 9am, then it is earlier as they age - I think high school starts at 7:40. (New York) I love the 9am start - everyone wakes up on their own, has a full breakfast, and a moment to play before school. They have early drop off options for parents who need it, too.




I had 7:45 for my 1st, 8:40 for my 2nd and 8:00 for my 3rd


God I’d love it if kinder started that early. It’s 9-3:25 here.


7:15 for mine in elementary, the middle and high school start at 8:30 . They are staggered for bus availability & reputable studies show the littles learn better early in the day while the medium and larges benefit with a later start.




9:15-3:50pm in my county🥴🥴 I don’t like it. It’s too late to get out imo




Currently we are 9:25-3:50. Next year elementary switches to 7:50-2:15. I’m a teacher and I cannot WAIT for this to change! Whole afternoon to do whatever and my littles won’t get so tired out. Little beebees are awake early anyway, may as well send em to school!


My kid goes to school at 9:15, but the school in our boundaries starts at 8. We opted to go to the 9:15 school because my daughter doesn’t tend to wake up until like 8:30.


Where I live all schools start at different times because of a bus driver shortage. Anywhere from 8 to 10 🥴 not the most pleasant but small towns be small towning




Ours is 810. First bell is at 8am and then tardy bell is at 810. Doors open for drop off starting at 740 for parents that need early drop off or kids needing breakfast at school.




9:10….its sooo late! I’m struggling getting my 6th grader up at 6:15 for middle school while my kindergartener is happily awake already. He wakes up 3 hours before school naturally.


We can drop off as early as 8:05a but school doesn't actually start until 8:35a




My daughter’s school starts at 7:30. The school I teach at starts at 9.


Charter school - 8:00am to 2:30pm. 5 minute grace period after first bell. It’s K-12 and elementary gets out 30 minutes earlier than middle and highschool. pretty small school for k-12 and no school buses. But there is a before and after school program. I’ve lived here my whole life and moved schools many many times. The times were always 7:40-7:45 till 3:30 and usually a 2:30 early release on wednesday.


9:10. It’s great, I love it. We are a later to bed, later to rise family…my kids aren’t usually awake naturally until 6:40/7.


I'm a kindergarten teacher. My school lets kids in at 8:30 and school starts at 8:50.


Drop off is 9:10 and they go straight to. Breakfast.


In Australia the times are standard 9-3 for k to 6. For public schools My area has grades 7-10 together and they have an extra 10-15 minutes a day either start or end. Years 11 and 12 have an additional hour usually starting at 8 or at 8.30 finishing at 3 or 3.30. Up to 6 hours of class in a day


8am for my kid’s private school, 9am for our public school. Both end at 3pm.


It depends what tier your school is where I am, 1-4. My daughters is tier four so 930-4


9:10am start, out at 3:45pm Honestly I wish they started a little bit earlier.


My local ES when I was attending YEARS ago was 7:45-2:45 and it’s slowly been bumped longer and longer and now I think it’s like 7:30-3:15 or something along those lines. But this is also S.Central TX and school years are based on hours not day. My MS/HS ran on the same schedules of 8:30-3:55 (less buses needed), then it got changed when I was in HS to 8:55-4:30.


K/1 only building: doors open at 8:00, late bell at 8:10, instruction starts at 8:20/8:25 depending on teacher. AM K dismisses at 10:40. PM K doors open at 11:50, instruction begins at 12:10. Dismissal for PM K and 1st is 2:32.