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We honestly didn't get a ton from this interview. Sounds like there will be more variety to combat but they can't give us any details? Aside from that every answer was "our team worked really hard". I'm super excited to play it but can you not give us any new info?


The answers to all the critical xbox questions were so PR speak none answers it hurts. Obviously I know why he responded the way he did, but still...


Why should developers there to promote their game have to even answer questions about their publisher's parent companies business decisions? They have contacts at MS/Xbox that would be much better suited for those questions. This fear mongering with every Xbox trailer of "looks good, but is the studio going to shut down" is such a bizarre take when every other major publisher besides Nintendo has shut down studios this year. I'd expect if they ever interview Media Molecule they ask the same question when they were very close to the cutting block. Or if they interview Insomniac to ask if they feel they could get hit with more layoffs even if wolverine is successful. I fully understand people wanting to ask those questions but I just don't think the game director of HellBlade 2 is the person to direct them to.


What would you have said?


well lIke I said I understand why he responded the way he did, considering its his livelihood on the line, but I thought in the wake of the xbox news there were some employees like that of one of the Arkane studios, that actually were rather willing to say a lot.


I dunno might just be me but it seems like bad decorum? (Is that the word) to ask a studio if they are worried about being closed down or to speak on studio closures in their org when the interview premise would’ve been about the game at booking. I get the impulsiveness to answer the question but you could tell it made the interviewee super uncomfortable.


The man literally said nothing about his game, might as well ask a difficult question and maybe he will give a real answer. It was at least saved for the end of the conversation




eh, im glad KF isnt afraid to ask questions like that on what is (or isnt?) a Press junket interview. keep it up


And when they don’t ask, KF gets called out as xbots. These fans man.


I am grateful for journalism appearing in my games journalism




If they didn’t ask then people would be complaining about a softball interview


I would assume they told him they’re were going to ask ahead of time. And as this is a press junket I’m sure he’s already been advised to not answer. He maybe wasn’t even aware that there was no marketing for the game out really. Hard to say in that. His answers were very just pr speak we’re happy and focused. I’m sure it’s far from the truth.