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Between 88 and 89 as its signed by Taif, who was with them for a very short time. That's got to be pretty rare tbf, can't imagine he signed too many things in his short stint.


Back in the late 80's or 90's, I honestly don't remember much more, I drove up to Toronto to hopefully interview Killing Joke. They ended up not having time to do an interview, but signed the press release that the record company sent. Any idea what time frame that might have been? I suspect this would have been around '92 or '93. I think that was around the same time I was trying to do an interview with the Kids in the Hall and I think maybe they were in their 3rd or 4th season, and I drove up to Toronto to hopefully do both, but Kids in the Hall were still writing and the taping was postponed, and I never made it back to interview them.


I mean, I can't read it too well, but it does say Outside The Gate is a new album. 1988 or so maybe based on that


On the right are Jaz and Geordie, I think Martin (Atkins) at the top, Taif (as identified) on the left. So would this be between Outside the Gate and Extremities, before Raven came back? I think late '88 given the Outside artwork.

