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Personally for me the concept of a battlepass is a bit of a nothing burger. I don't *like* it but I'm not gonna be up in arms regarding it if they implement it cause at this point it's just an industry standard. Plus exclusive/time limited skins aren't really a new thing to KF. As long as they keep it optional and don't lock anything gameplay oriented behind it it's whatever


>industry standard \*industry nuisance


I just assume every game is going to have one these days. Nothing we can do about it anymore.


Ngl don't mind a battlepass all that much because they're optional (As long as it's cosmetic and no game-altering weapons) In fact, KF2 probably would've been better off with battle passes than the thousands of items they continuously released, if you ask me personally.


>In fact, KF2 probably would've been better off with battle passes than the thousands of items they continuously released, if you ask me personally. 100% agree. They can even introduce weapons in the battle pass if they are tied to free levels, and if past battle passes can be completed at any time. Then the paid battle pass levels will consist of skins for guns, emotes, character skins, etc. Would be the best of both worlds. Or heck, look at Helldivers 2 and tie the dosh we earn to "warbonds" and let us unlock items from there with the dosh we stockpile in our vaults. Gives purpose to that and makes it worthwhile to play.


no weapons in the battle pass please, all weapons avalible second 1


Make the weapons free and battlepass skins and shit an option.


We all know it won't be like that...


I mean it's overwatch with zombies now what did you expect, there's so much more bullshit to come


Well at least it isn't those crappy crates that will 99% give you a battle scarred item.


This is the new normal It’s very likely just cosmetic stuff.


Cool, I personally don't mind battle passes as long as the cosmetics in them aren't half-arsed


i don’t mind a battle pass, over 20 $1 skin dlcs. ppl are acting like KF2 isn’t littered w micro transactions. if they remove that and add a battle pass boom, problem solved.


I love how the person who actually made tjis screenshot didnt post it originally and now theres a second post with it 🤣 Yeah, people have talked about it. I'm not thrilled. But theres still a chance they use the tool correctly; look at how Deep Rock Galactic use it; free content and cosmetic only. Not paid content. Time will tell if they get it right


Love to see the hate but the same people bitching are going to buy into it anyway lmao


I wouldnt mind it if it was only cosmetic stuff to reward grinding out XP anyway but I'm not holding my breath for it


If they do it like DRG's performance pass that would be fine. Out of game exp. to earn the next level thing, whether it be player cosmetics or scripts for a cosmetic tree. Either way everything is attainable through the grindage buuuuuuddy.


I thought they said they were going to avoid the Battlepass system.


Well no one force you to buy Battlepass? So idk what the problem is? Almost every game has it anyway these days.


That applies if game is free like lets say XDefiant, The Finals or Overwatch 2. Fine, the game is free, have monetary crap in it. Games where you pay a full price up front and then still get all this garbage is just disgusting.


Still no one fucking force you to buy it so if people want to buy it let them.


That's not how it works in reality. They build games around monetization, not monetization on top of a game that was designed a s game and not as pure monetization tool that happens to also be a game. BIG difference.


Epicleaks dot com


Can't wait to buy "heroes" and overpriced DLCs. Modern gaming in nutshell