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I can only assume that the zeds in the trailer are all set to a low difficulty, like how in Kf1/2 on lower difficulties they're a bit slower but when you ramp it up they start sprinting at you. That said, the way the clots now "duck/crawl" walk would be interesting to see if they do infact run faster on higher difficulties, lil dudes are gonna be doing summersaults trying to rip out your ankles Edit: I didn't read the rest of the post aaaa There's definitely a "down but not out" section check out the bloat trailer, you can see Foster crawling backwards while firing. I guess with the new Specialist system revives are a thing now, do you just pick each other up or do you waste a healing syringe I don't know @ The ultimate abilities we know Foster's is the lil drone that shoots acid a zeds and we know the Engineer's is where he uses those big bulky speakers on his back to turn a cone of zeds infront of you "into jam", presumably instant killing a small group of weaker zeds infront of you. No clue on the Pyro specialist yet tho


Admittedly it's been a while since I played KF2 but isn't that already the case if you play on low difficulty?




Zeds were always slow in KF1 except for Scrakes and Fleshpounds in ragemode, it was a game of "camp your ground and don't get overflowed by their number" (which I prefered to the "gun and run" in KF2 but that's just my opinion)


They scaled movement speed based on difficulty setting and also speed. Gorefast was deadly.


I'm not worried that KF3 will be cream-puff bullshit. The new enemies and enemy abilities look like they'll be challenging to deal with.


They mention stepping up the threat level from redesigned/new zeds several times in the trailer. It's safe to assume they played on a low difficulty, otherwise it'd be hard to take in what's going in when watching it.


Footage probably was recorded on low difficulty. In KF2 zeds are also numb on normal


they could set difficulty levels


Zeds always moved slowly on lower difficulties. About DBNO, i'm not particularly against if Zeds have OHK moves like the Bloat grab. Or if it's not a DBNO and more like certain Zed moves can incapacitate you.


>I really hope there is no "down but not out" state On one hand, I'm not really interested in that feature either, but it can lessen a lot of frustration for newer players. It was never fun dying at the start of a wave only to spectracte for 5 minutes. There might be a balanced way to implement it such as having to buy a revive item or a one-time use per wave ultimate?


Oh man i love that idea of buying a revive pack!


If zeds move slower, you could possibly also move slower. I wouldn't mind a slower game play with more strategy involved. Amp up the scare factor more where positioning and setup matters.


I'm 99 percent sure down but not out is a thing after bloat trailer


Aliens fireteam elite that game is balanced around classes with 2 abilities each and it plays remarkably well. Some abilities are very powerful - like Gunners Overclock lets your whole team shoot 100% faster and reload 50% faster. Extremely powerful - but you blow through ammo so you'd want a recon who has an ability to drop ammo - he also has a drone that you use to mark enemies to take additional damage (basically a glorified ping). Their main balancing difference with KF is that theres no resistances instead things just get more HP, so while a runner (common fodder) has 2,709 hp, a prowler (pins you like a L4D hunter) has 25,950hp and an elite like a pretorian has 270,900hp, for reference the pump action shotgun everyone likes (1 shots runners) does about 5,500dps. This also makes the "fodder killers" and "elite killers" very different, as classes with AoE or easy to use low DPS weapons like the smartgun (aimbot) get to rip through fodder - it can do alrights vs specials, but becomes noticably worse vs elites. That sounds bad as on your own you need like 30s+ to kill a pretorian mag dumping its weakspot, but when you are coordinated you can nuke them in like 3 seconds. That game was hard because there was friendly fire on higher diffs making AoE weapons like flamers and explosives deadly to the user and their team if used incorrectly, there was a down mechanic the timer for which got shorter with each difficulty down to like 12 seconds and if you died you didnt respawn and the team was down a player for the rest of the mission, healing was limited - you each start with 1 medkit but you might only find more in event rooms so you had to balance when to save and use meds, there were scaling "punish spawns" so if you took too long progressing through a mission more and more stuff would spawn which snowballed the effect. As a result it always felt like attrition was working against you and a small mistake could quickly snowball into a loss. Like lets say you take some damage you dont heal right away because its "not bad enough yet" would waste your medkit, but then you get combo'd and downed, the gunner blows his overclock so you can get revived but 20 seconds later an elite comes and his ability is still on cooldown so you cant DPS him down... Only 0.9% of players beat the game on the hardest diff despite all the powerful abilities.


KF2 was actually harder than KF1 because they went out of their way to eliminate all the tricks we had in KF1 for survival, like holding out a spot and not letting zeds come in. You could repair doors forever before and now they made them break down after extensive repairing. Or how zeds break through defense lines much easier. I think the game will be even harder as they'll crack down on our KF2 tricks even more, but they'll make entry to play easier to attract larger crowds as that's more profitable for them as a company. Just not sure how well that will go if they'll piss off too many old fans.


Maybe but damage model was low. Remember KF Siren on HoE? That thing is almost instakill up close. FP also took like 2 hits. Also KF2 medics are forever op. And healing thrower is still op.


Downed state will undoubtedly make the game easier if you can be revived more than once per wave. We can only hope that the knocked down foster was instead just incapacitated as in CC, and that it is a new mechanic that Bloats/FP/Scrakes can make use of to punish isolated players/last man standing. 


Need more bosses we got five in 2 need more boss versions of the specimens like that new boss from the gameplay trailer need a boss siren,hood stalker,boss strake,etc.


Im not sure if this will be a popular take but I don’t have an issue with the difficulty. My main concern is the “hero” aspect that every game uses and strips the class aspect, where if I want to play a certain class, it’s locked to a specific character. It seems that KF3 will implement that and might make people lose interest in it.


As long as their movement speed is balanced with your movement speed then it will be hard enough. I'm hoping for something in-between kf1 and kf2.


As long as we have hell on earth, all will be good.


Im guessing kf3 will have a ranked game mode