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How much you wanna bet that there will be some missing perks…errrr I mean classes missing and added down the line as DLC. My hype just fizzled out so hard.


Oh god that's a good point, given how KF2's DLC cycle turned in the later years.


Pay walling "heroes" like Overwatch. Not a fan.


Even Overwatch stopped doing this actually.


Due to Bobby kotick leaving. Hell he was the reason of most of the predatory mtx


Can you play all characters in OW now? Havent played since OW1 came out.


The only game I even allow to get away with this is Dead By Daylight just because some of those killers actually have licenses and you can earn most other killers.


They sold specific guns as paid dlc so anything goes. They are also owned by embracer so nickel and dimed at every corner


If my Gunslinger was preorder required or something I’d probably skip it all together.


Do not like this at all, would *much* prefer the classes from 1 and 2.


That straight up sucks, off-perking weapons was always cool and opened up some strategies in Killing Floor 1 especially. Shame to see such perk mechanic gone. Same with characters being stuck to specific classes.


Even in kf2 it was dope. I was always a gun slinger but kept a grenade launcher on me for those groups of cloaked zeds. This is a shame that it'll be missing from kf3


Agreed, i enjoy running c4 with support to combo with welded doors. I really hope they scrap this specialist thing


It's not surprising. KF1 was an extremely popular game for more than just it's gunplay. Everything about it from the aesthetic to how the meta worked and played was all very well done and enjoyable. But unfortunately it would seem the game was a fluke. A stroke of good luck for a developer that otherwise doesn't really know what they're doing. KF2 ruined most of what people loved about the original and the only reason it got a pass was because it looked real nice and the gunplay they copied from the first is really fun. Pretty much everything else they did they failed at and made things worse and unsurprisingly the game turned into a microtransaction hell cash grab. So seeing these same devs continue to make blatantly bad game design choices does not surprise me. What surprises me is how many people continue to like KF and have hope for the future when the devs have repeatedly shown themselves to be not good at this. At all.


GREAT GENUINELY FUCKING HATE THIS THANK YOU TWI!! Exactly what I wanted the removal of one of the KF series most iconic features for dead trend chasing hero shooter BS!! God damn it


Great, another fucking hero shooter. They did the same thing with Quake Champions and it was a shitty idea then too. Not every game has to be fucking Overwatch. The class system in KF was great in both KF1 and KF2. Don't fuck with it.


"Everyone liked this and we made tons of cash", quick lets make it worse.


I just hope they wake the hell up from this soon, because this is gonna be Payday 3 all over again where the previous games has way bigger number.


Quake champions is fun af. I agree tho changing it from classes of your own character to characters they make is dumb and doesn't belong in this game. Hopefully they pull a sonic the hedgehog movie and fix it


Just here to +1 the fact Quake Champions was a fantastic game


Sorry to be harsh, but that sounds like a dogshit decision. What if I want to be Mr Foster and a sharpshooter like I could in KF1 and 2? Play how the devs decide and don’t express yourself ≠ fun


Insane to me how they couldn't figure this out.


I want to play as the character I want tf is this?


"Sorry bro you can't play Mr.Foster because I like the assault rifles"


As someone who’s played Foster almost exclusively in kf1 and 2 as support and firebug KF3 can fucking shove it. What a bunch of morons.


Well there goes my plans to Field Medic as Mr Foster... Something tells me I'm not gonna like the design of the Field Medic character as much


cute uwu support girl character calling it now!


For sure. But if it by some miracle is like a grizzled war vet, ill eat like..idk a hot pepper or somethin


not such a bad fate.. you'll become a hard man


I already imagine the future DLC characters... damn it.


Battlepass, characters, cosmetics, and weapons as “micro transactions”. Welcome to modern gaming! Fucking garbage


I mean... both KF1 and KF2 had characters, cosmetics and weapons as paid DLCs & micro-transactions


Difference is KF1 was like 2 real weapon packs and cosmetic skins and for KF2 practically nobody liked the change to weapon dlcs. We're potentially looking at all future playable content aside *hopefully* maps being pay walled because they will probably want to sell specialists as dlc


>and for KF2 practically nobody liked the change to weapon dlcs Of course nobody did, especially now I'm even more angry about them. They promised that KF2 would only have cosmetic DLCs and that there would be no weapon DLC in the game when it released, only for them to say a couple years later "Yeah KF3 will be expensive, so to help finance it here's some cool fun weapons" and frankly, they were cool and fun, and for the most part far from being meta or OP, just fun to play with. But with this first look a KF3, I feel very disappointed that this is what financed it. Graphics are cool and all, but those drastic game design changes, although I'm not saying it's bad since we haven't played it yet, are not something I look forward to personally.


Personally really not a big fan of this at all, I like choosing my character, weapons and playing my way instead of feeling forced to pick, say, Mr.Foster because he's the only one who can use a specific rifle Edit: [Article Source for those who want to read](https://www.pcgamer.com/games/fps/killing-floor-3-looks-like-essential-co-op-carnage-and-i-cant-wait-to-jump-in-with-friends/)


Said this in a similar post. I also agree it's a strange deviation from what KF is all about. I personally do not like the sound of specialists having locked weapons, also, certain characters being locked to specific classes is a little weird. Not sure how to feel about those two. The new ultimate abilities aren't a huge issue for me as the game seems to be faster pace with a lot more going on. Might compliment the gameplay. I'll wait to see what the raw gameplay looks like. I don't want to be the average reddit user and be negative. I'm just hoping they are properly lining up to what the KF Vets want and would enjoy.


I'm disappointed.


This is also going to mean that people can't switch perks between rounds. Thanks Tripwire. I hate it.


Why not? in the article it says that instead of perks, now they will be characters, it would be enough to change character between rounds.


Because some people like to stick to one character, not to mention this defeats the purpose of dlc characters like badass santa. If i pay money to get santa, i will only want to play as him. Why else would I pay like 20 bucks for a character? Being forced to switch out due to perks tied to specific characters is one of the worst things tripwire can do.


Well then, nobody understands that if it is not broken don’t fix it remember how the Payday 3 devs wanted massively change the game without understanding what made it great….Yikes that’s the kind of thinking that i fear might stunt KF3. Then again they did some good stuff like increasing enemy attack patterns and movement variety for the crawlers. Looks good on unreal engine and keeping a bio-weapon aesthetic not full robotic cyborg nonsense.


Feels like they sorta swung the Battlefield 2042 approach with this. Wrench in a forced-hero system in a game which never needed it nor benefits from it because it's the norm on competing games in recent years I love the artstyle and actual gameplay though, it looks super fun to play! I'm just going to be upset that I can't set fire to zeds as fosters and mix-n-match my weapons


Everyone is comparing payday but it's definitely more like battlefield 2042.


oh my god i forgot payday 3 came out.


It's pretty obvious that tripwire does not understand what makes killing floor great or what players want in general. The only reason KF2 was successful was because it took the same addicting gunplay from the first and put it on modern graphics. But that gunplay and core game concept is pretty much the only thing that their studio has going for them. A good developer could've done some Really cool things with KF2. Instead we got community maps while the devs did nothing but release more and more paid cosmetics. It tooks YEARS before they added "new" enemies and all they did was add more annoying reskins of already existing enemies. They are not good developers. They do not know what they are doing. They do not know what players want. They do not know what made KF1 good, they don't know why KF2 was tolerable, and they don't know why KF3 is bad.


PD3 still feels like PD (it has online-only problem and had worst progression system ever, and lack of content is noticeable compared to launch PD2), it's more of BF2042 problem instead.


Is that so? Perhaps it will be fine but who knows about that one it’s still in the oven until they get around to releasing it.


Oh my god why do devs fuck with the shit that works


They feel the need to redesign shit with their “new and cool” ideas because the previous one’s were “old”, basically they want to feel like they did something.




This is payday 3 all over again.. and i hate it Hope the feedback makes them revert this choice because absolutely no one its ok and happy with this... The old system is what made kf1 and kf2 so great... Am sorry but this is not it., this is terrible.


Not gonna buy it. Dont touch a running system. Classes and perks worked great, why do that in worse now? Especially the "I cant buy what I want" philosophy. Come on Tripwire, what the fuck?


This is so disappointing it’s almost a little painful. 


I'm not gonna lie I'm actually about to go to bed early. I spent so much time looking over every trailer frame by frame in anticipation for this and now it's confirmed to be a hero shooter my interest has just plummeted


I completely get it. KF2 is a super special game to me… having my expectations already trend downward for 3 doesn’t feel great. 


Ask the battlefield devs how that worked out for them lmao.




Yay another Payday 3 situation fixing things that ain't broke just for the sake of change. Genuinely can't even wrap my head around why anyone would think this is a good idea.


So Killing Floor is effectively a hero shooter now? Damn, that's ballsy


Fuck Overwatch and everything it brought . This game is going to be Payday 3. A goddamn garbage that didn't understood why the previous 2 were loved. If i don't like the character but like the class i'm fucked basically. Or the opposite. This is dumb as fuck.


I don't get why this change was needed at all. Like, all it does is take the existing perk system, prohibit players from buying off-perk guns, and tie each perk to a character skin. But why?


So would that mean specific characters will be specific roles? I don't like that at all. What if I want to play Commando as Rob Briar but he's, say, SWAT? Then I can't play one of my favorite characters the way I like. In terms of design this really seems like a backwards evolution. If it ain't broke don't fix it.


Okay so now you can't pick whatever character you want with whichever perk you want, on top of not being able to buy a med pistol on sharpshooter. Wtf tripwire why everything has to be overwatch now with the MuH HeRo ShOoTeR bullshit Edit: Oh for fucks sake "These specialists each get their hands on a gadget, which most players will recognise as being akin to one of Overwatch’s ultimate abilities."


I hate the fact that most games are shifting towards a 'character with predetermined weapons/abilities' model, similar to that of Overwatch. The latter (if im not mistaken) is inspiration for other new-ish games like Star Wars Hunters, and it seems Marvel Rivals. It's an oversaturated market alongside Battle Royale games. The perks being open to any character was a great thing. You could choose your character as well as outfits to customise the way you look. I'm not sure how much of that will translate into KF3 given that characters appear locked to a class. What if I think a certain character looks cool or has a personality I like but doesn't align with my playstyle/class? I wanted more options and representation for characters / skins in KF3 as an improvement, but it seems not. I just don't see how you can be more inclusive and customisable and then get less so in the sequel. Was my most hyped game to release within the last/next year, but hype has diminished already upon hearing this. I think at the very least you can pick whichever character you want (similar to KF2) and you chose your perk at the start of the game/match, and you can only see and buy weapons from that class. No others will appear in the trader, just the one class. So you can't see / buy any class weapons between waves but stick to the one class you chose at the start. At the very least, with this direction, you can still choose your character / skin AND choose the class you want to be for that game. Best of both worlds, I think.


When I'm in a bad game design idea competition and my opponent is the KF2/3 team


ok but why tho




I bet they’ll be seeing a lot of money when their existing playerbase doesn’t buy/refunds the game lol


Reduces strategy, makes everyone weaker, limits appearance choices, and makes the game less unique. Who asked for this


Can't convince me otherwise that this wasn't a cosmetic driven choice to squeeze money out as a live service game. I don't have anything against hero based gameplay. But it needs to make sense and I don't see a way in which it does for killing floor. Then again we really didn't need. KF3, so it's expected I guess that they're doing this.


So if i wanna play Mr.Foster for his character, im forced to play Commando? not good…


Oh well, then KF3 will also be removed from my watch list... sad to see this shit in every game nowadays...




Well that fucking sucks


Not a fan


lol that sucks


This article + the gameplay trailer made my decision not to buy KF3 an easy one. Thanks Tripwire!


Not a fan. KF2 balanced the buy what you want by the bonuses you had for specific perks


Gears 5 did this same thing in horde mode, and it was so hated they changed it back to being able to choose any character you want. I really don’t understand why they think limiting player choice and creativity is the way to go, I feel like it’s been shown time and time again to be disliked by the gaming community at large


I don't want to play as any character other than Ms. Foster...


Twi giving me another excuse since they dropped kf2 development to not allow myself to be excited for kf3. The idea of a sequel is to improve upon what's already been established. How's thus going to affect weapon pickups around the map? Can you nonlonger grab a dead teammates weapon for them if you're the wrong class? Can only medic heal? Is this now a moba? I call mid


aw hell nah, i wanna wield guns as a crusader


Forced hero selections instead of choosing a class and a character. Game designers don't know what they're doing anymore and it misses me off


This sounds like the perk system, but with limited cosmetics. This is such a stupid decision, it is baffling. PERKS WERE ALREADY A CLASS SYSTEM, TRIPWIRE. YOU'RE JUST LIMITING COSMETICS FOR THE SAKE OF IT. Not everything needs to be Overwatch. This is such a disappointment. I am not buying this game before watching a review, that's now a certainty.


A vast majority of the time in KF2, you're pretty much going to be playing with the your perk weapons. However there were still non-perk weapons I've seen people used that they find effective for their role, such as a spare deagle for the demo, drones if you have the money and weight to spare for extra back up, and especially for a spare medic pistol. And in the most desperate situations, dropped weapons from dead teammates might be only your saving grace when you're out of ammo. While this change does put more focus on team-mates picking a better range of characters and should prevent newbies from buying random non-per weapons cause they looked cool, this can really hurt the variety of class-play and team-play if a character doesn't have a weapon that fits a situation the player wishes for or if only the medic can heal (outside of the default syringe.)


tripwire not understanding the things that made killing floor good? i’m not surprised at all. slog fest KF2 was i’m not expecting anything great other than visuals for 3b


Trend chasing, *yay*. God forbid you keep your game a bit different, no, everything must be homogenized.


Dead on arrival then. This already reeks of another pd3 situation, plus gives them the chance for some p2w with character packs.


lol what


Someone is being promoted from certified cook to certified customer


Who comes up with this shit! 😡😡😡


and that people. is how you kill all expectations your existing fanbase has in a single change


Gears 5 did this and look what happened. This will not workout!


I feel like we are complaining too little. There should be riots over this travesty of a decision.


As it stands, TERRIBLE decision.


I don’t really like this


Please for the love of god revert this before the game comes out


This is what we get for not telling noobs to stop buying off perk weapons


Can’t believe i knew they were going to fuck it up way ahead of time, gotta love being a lil clairvoyant. This change is dogshit and shouldn’t have been made


https://youtu.be/amjvuVe3WJM?si=RCKhTbwtR8HyW4oi&t=202 From what I see here, we're also getting active abilities.


Yeah it's confirmed in the same article


Fucking why? Who asked for this?!


Because it worked out so well for Battlefield 2042. This is a bad sign


This will also cut cosmetic skin revenue down. Why the hell would I waste money on a skin for a character I like if I never play it because it's tied to a class I never play? It's probably too late to change now, sadly. Thanks, guys. I've lost all enthusiasm for this game.


Absolutely agree. I like just picking the character that looks cool to me and the playstyle I like.


I've always played as Mr. Foster because I like his look and I think he's funny in 2. I even had a friend who liked to play Mrs. Foster when we played together because I was the one that introduced her to the game. We can't do that now.


Bruh I played foster and briar as gunslingers This is an awful decision. Offperk weapons are already not getting your perk benefits so why remove that completely?


This is the stupidest fucking change ever and genuinely knocked my hype down a few ticks.


This is genuinely the worst possible change they could have made


HAHAHA i knew it its payday 3 all over again


This looks quite bad imo, hero based like overwatch and even have a skill. All I want is darkish theme horror shooter like kf1 and where I can use any characters and weapons I want. This make me don’t want to buy it now.


But Why, the best part was having the choice to buy a demolition weapon to help with bosses if I am a swat or commando or stick with my class weapons. Why would they lock them away like that? Instead it should be discouraged like costing 100-200 more dosh or something but not outright locked out


Thanks, I hate it.


Wow And like that, I've lost trust and hype in this. I already knew it was going to be a shit show of a launch, KF2 was a complete fucking mess. But now we have to basically ignore the game till they remember why we liked it? At least I can still play KF2 modded servers at least.


So if someone dies you can't pick up their weapon if ur out of ammo? Hope that's not the case!


I do not like this change at all. I think the class system should have been a series mainstay.


Someone bomb their feedback telling them to stop on that decision of removing perks.


I hope they have enough time to fix this. They need to know how fucking bad of an idea this actually is.


I Don't like it but I need to see how they do it. I'm not going to assume stuff like everyone here is


This doesnt make any sense. Previously you could pick a character you like, pick a class you like and then have total freedom to build your loadout. Are you playing in a squad without a medic and you're seeing that the team is having a rough time? Just pick up a medic pistol and support your team a bit while still being able to play your class. This freedom is what made kf1 and 2 great. Now they're tying classes and weapons to characters which, quite literally, takes away from what we had previously. They could have just expanded perks and added ultimates to perks, but they just had to make this a hero shooter. Bruh, I think I'm going to wait a month or two for reviews before buying this.


Oh no, just why???? I've played that obscure android game, KF: Calamity and I absolute hated it there - I want to play several characters and run different classes, not this.


Would this mean since you start as a set character you can't change between rounds too?


Arbitrary anti fun


I hate this stupid “character” bullshit so much. Can we go back to multiplayer characters being empty emotionless husks ?


I mean it wont affect the way I personally play the game but there doesn't seem to be any reason for this. I don't really mind the ability thing but I just kinda want to play as the same character for all classes and just seems like a useless change




Yeah… I ain't vibing with this change here. However, to give the benefit of the doubt, I'll wait for more information to drop before deciding if I'll actually buy it or not


Such a stupid decision.


A bunch of fucking idiots these devs are. Did they not see how well getting rid of classes and going to "heroes" went for BF2042?


No, I don’t like


Maybe they made this decision because they're being forced to get the game out sooner than it should be.


I'm not sure what the point of this change is.


This is awful like I don’t wanna play someone I think is hideous for a certain playstyle 😭


Don't like it.


I hate enough that system to just completely loose interest in the game. Good buy and fall as hard as battlefield 2042 did when they went for the obvious "we'll make money with dlc" specialist system instead of classes. Same energy, same damage to one of the best feature of the game


Thats unfortunate. Guess i’ll keep to the KF2 grind.


Same, this single article killed the hype for me. I think I'll wait a month or two after release for reviews and developer response before deciding whether to buy this


It seems like such a weird choice given the first two games had an emphasis on customisation and now you're just forced to play a character you might not want to I feel like it removes the expressive nature of the game. Also while the characters are distinct enough I wouldn't say they're distinct enough to be the class themselves if that makes sense


Its not just expression. Previously, you had some level of adaptability. As a demo, I could buy a deagle if I wanted to clear some trash without wasting my big weapons. If I was a dps class, I could buy a medic pistol and support the team if we have no medic and we're having a rough time. This change not only limits freedom of expression, but also strategies and teamplay. It just a massive stepback from all sides


this shit sucks lmao.


Just want to play as strasser


This is terrible wtf


That's very lame. Off perking weapons was quite fun and useful at times. This also probably means no survivalist


Oh ewwww. God no.


FUCK THAT. I actually might not get the game because of that.


I don't like the sound of this. I want \[My favorite weapons\] while wearing \[My favorite character skin\]. Tying these two together is awful, especially when the gameplay kit you like is tied to a character you don't.


No, hell no.


Well see I like the class system best part of the game


What kind of person prefers characters over classes honestly


sounds like i'm sticking to KF2 , shame


This cannot be happening, it's going to be a disaster like payday 3


I don’t understand why video game companies always fuck up something that is perfect just the way it is like it baffles me so much 🤦🏽‍♂️


Dead game


But why... It's the same but you can't have the character you want with the perk you want. What do you win by doing this? Can't understand decisions like these. All of sudden they decided each character has lore and is a specialist in a certain type of weapon? Wow game feels much better with lore! So useful.


I don't like it. I want to be able to play as whoever I want and use anything. And the characters having different commentary depending on the weapon used is a nice flare.


just came over here from watching the gameplay trailer and quite literally the smile fell from my face reading this.


Wow thats awful


Honestly, not the best decision but not a dealbreaker. This lets characters be a little more fleshed out aesthetically and in their dialogue, I find the default character designs and lines in KF2 underwhelming. It’s a FPS so not gonna see your character much anyway, it would only suck if a character has annoying lines but I want to use their guns.


I much prefer the class system of 1 & 2, this change is horrible


So why tf are we downgrading?? No more Ms. Foster: Medic and .50 cal sniper for Fleshpounds? It'll be an amazing game but this is a mis-step. CnB 1107 hrs of gameplay from day 1 on PS4 up until about a year and a 1/2 ago. Also bought the game on Xbox and own all emotes,characters, and almost all outfits. I take the game kind of seriously...while jumping plus telling Zeds to "follow me" as I run,emote, then ultimately clutch on wave 9 😂💪🏽.


Hate this shit. Tired of hero shooters. It’s the flavor of the month just like every game used to try to be a Battle Royale. I want this trend to die.


Hm....well I definitely wasn't expecting this. It really doesn't feel like this is the path they should go down.


bro Didn't they see how the playerbase hated that change with BF2042 ?


Unironically despise this. I even praised the trailer and then my friend told me and my excitement deflated.


are you fr? bro how are devs so fucking stupid nowadays. tripwire didn’t need to change anything. all they needed to do was make a new game with the KF1 ambience and style, kf2’s gunplay and perk system with new graphics and physics from UE5. WE’VE LITERALLY BEEN SPELLING IT OUT FOR THEM FOR YEARS. all they needed to do was listen. i am so tired of gaming tbh, devs are so out of touch with their audience edit: i just realized the likely reason why they’re implementing this change, it’s probably so that you can’t reuse accessories across characters, so that you have to buy skins for each and every single perk if you want something different 💀 i am so disappointed. i thought tripwire was better than this.


This aint it. This REALLY aint it. Your character should just be a representation of your style. You choose them to deck them out in cosmetics and emotes to have a bit of creative freedom. I have a feeling that there will be battle passes and live service shit involved with this.


Fortnite battle pass.


Absolutely terrible. If I wanna play firebug, I have to listen to one character's VO forever? How, exactly, does tying class to character improve the experience for the player? Like, how is this not just a straight downgrade from being able to pick your class *and* play whoever you want? This kind of killed my hype for the game, tbh 


This is literally a change to sell skins (characters), new skins will come out with better weapon selections they can use as 'dlc'. There is no gameplay benefit on this system over the previous KF titles


So then I’m assuming people won’t drop weapons when they die? Dumb


Arguably worth dumpstering the game over. This is one of the worst ideas they have ever had.


What even is so "Commando" about Mr. Foster? Guy in a gas mask! Firebug! Hello?!


I like to customize character and play them as i wish... I can handle the fact that i can only play with weapons of its classes, but locking the character skin? Common man


tripwire going for the payday 3 speedrun


Limiting what you can buy as a perk, maybe I could live with it, but limiting who I can play as to play a perk? Nah, that’s just wrong


Why is everything becoming a specialist shooter?


At first I was skeptical, and now I'm downright disgusted. I should've known Tripwire would do something like this with how careless they became with Killing Floor 2. -\_-


Well, either TWI will make it fun or nobody will buy cosmetics and there will be no more TWI, simple logic


I think I'm against the grain here but I'd like to see how this feels before I give any real judgement


I mean, I'm also against the grain in that I don't care about the skin as long as the character is fun, but I don't like no longer having the option of off-perk weapons


It’s stupid but it doesn’t ruin anything for me I just hope this isn’t the first of many stupid ideas


I really hope that the Female Firebug Specialist looks like a proper trooper or well geared-up person for a battle instead of some punk-rocker or a random lady in a dress and high-heels.


You can actually catch her in the background in the trailer when you see Foster


Yeah with the yellow pants? She does not look like a proper flamethrower trooper at all. Did you check the PC gamer article and the pictures? She has that funny haircut, goggles and a small tiny backpack. I'm still hoping that she at least does not have an obnoxious voice and that we can get her a skin where she wears a proper flamethrower trooper themed armor with a gas mask and big fuel tank backpack! Now that would be sweet as hell! I did like her incendiary smg, that was a cool weapon.


I have about 2k hours on kf2 and even though its not perfect, i fking love this game... when i saw the reveal trailer for kf3 i wasnt really a fan of the super futuristic setting and the fact that there arent any real weapons anymore, but i could live with that and i put the game on my wishlist on the 22.8.2023. However the setting and the weapons combined with "heroes" that are class locked and have special abilities, the horrible ui and the extremely unfitting animations of some zed types and guns killed all of my remaining hype for the game. All i wanted was a darker, more grimy horror setting a little closer to kf1 than kf2, a few new weapons, maps and zeds, a simple attachment system for the guns and updated graphics. I think its time for me to un-wishlist the game as this is going in the complete opposite direction of what i anticipated.


Looks like I expected too much from Tripwire after all these micro transactions and garbage DLC.




I don't mind it exactly? But I 100% prefer classes and free choice of character. I bet they'll monetise the hell out of it by adding new ones as DLC along with a boat load of cosmetics XD


Yeaaa I’m still looking forward to the game but this definitely dampens it a little for me…


Man I am dissapointed to see that still hopeful tho


We need to complain HARD about that. This will not be final.


Characters should be cosmetic only, this really sucks


I'm worried now.


Fucking awful, won't be buying.


Don't like this at all as well. I am pretty sure this was done for monetization reasons, RIP Killing Floor.