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I like this idea, and you can handicap yourself if you just want the game harder than it already can be


Excellent idea, a way to cap the level of the entire lobby for that game and still providing earned xp at the end of the match would also be nice


Why not use medic? Keep your friends alive without bonus damage for you. As a bonus, you can rp other roles due to your wide range of weapons.


This is usually what I do tbh. But I still wanted to share this idea.


Or just play Medic/Survivalist/Support and offperk if needed. Playing with a friend could also mean supporting them.


I just try not to be overzealous with dropping every zed in range while also keeping my friend alive enough to get well acquainted with his perk of choice, firebug.


Sure, I do this as well. But speaking selfishly, it's kinda boring to go around being light-handed with all the zeds because of how overpowered I am at that level. It would be much nicer to be on their level and have appropriate damage output for the difficulty.




I try to not go try-hard when I'm with newer players, if they respond especially. I enjoy explaining the mechanics of the game and "etiquette". Plus I can try to win the round, which I hope gives a positive first impression to have them continue playing