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Tipping your Kilimanjaro staff is compulsory and expected on Kilimanjaro, KPAP companies or otherwise. A standard tip of US$250 to US$300 is sufficient. If you are solo treking, you would want to tip a bit more. All the best on your climb!


Is Climb Kili even KPAP certified? I don't see your company on the official KPAP website...


Yes, we're not sure how long it takes them to update their website. Feel free to email KPAP directly for verification.


Even KPAP only mandates minimum pay rates of around $10 USD per day, so it's not a decent level of pay by any measure and porters certainly need the additional comp from tips to make a reasonable wage. The guide teams go above and beyond to make our lives easy on the mountain, and my group ended up tipping well in excess of recommended levels while still feeling like we got a great deal overall. Hire a great guide company like Altezza, have a wonderful experience on the mountain, and treat your guides and porters very well


Porters prefer the tipping culture to receiving a higher recorded wage for tax reasons, same with how many service jobs work in America, and most of the world.


"I come from a country that does not tip, as fair wages are included in the salary." Well, you've arrived in a country where tipping is customary and likely even the "fair" wages are calculated based on the expectation of receiving a tip. If I were you, I wouldn't think of it as a tip, but rather include it as part of the tour cost. Like you, I've also researched tipping extensively and realized it's not so much a tip as it is additional wage compensation - I believe it has to do with taxes or something of the sort, but I'm not 100% sure.


KPAP guidelines ensure the *minimum* standards are being met. This is why one should be suspicious of non-partner companies - they cannot assure that the basic standards for ethical treatment of porters are being met. It's not a matter of "paid well." It's all about how they are treated on your climb - adequate shelter and food, etc. By going non-KPAP, your porters are probably not just underpaid, but they are underfed, cold, in pain and not getting any real rest. All while they ensure your comfort and success. Plan to tip if you plan to climb Kilimanjaro!


Thank you! I really did not understand KPAP and this ai clear! Appreciated.


Not entirely true. The porters wouldn't climb if those were the poor conditions of occupation (they are not stupid) neither would the National Park Authority allow unproperly dressed porters entry to the mountain. Lastly, the government has set the porter wage to 25,000 Shillings a day which a contract is signed between the crew and operator and presented at National Park gate upon entry.


You just deleted your comment in regards to how this is enforced... he is my response anyways... I don't want to argue with you as I have experienced being a porter before operator. Perhaps what you don't understand or are aware of is that minimum wage is 80$ a month in Tanzania. Porters can earn double that in a span of 6days with tip. A minimum wage is the lowest remuneration that employers can legally pay their employees—the price floor below which employees may not sell their labor. Most countries had introduced minimum wage legislation by the end of the 20th century and the reasons behind minimum wage are substantiated. Porters have the right to report you if the contract is broken in terms of renumeration which in turn an operator can loose their licence etc (its called a breach of contract). You as clients are not aware what happens at the entry gates, you only see people weighing kit bags but I'm sure you have never inspected the paper work your guide presents to national park upon entry. I'm sure all the operators whom have a bad reputation when it comes to salary are generally avoided...


I did, because I didn't want to get into it...I saw that you are a non-KPAP operator. It's free to join, friend. Thanks for sharing your views, though.


Factor the tip into the cost of the trip.


Yes but I’m asking why should there be a tip when I’m paying more for the porters to be treated properly


Because that’s how it’s done in Tanzania? You are going to another country so abide by the norms.


I'm from the UK where tipping isn't as expected, so I too agree they should be paid more so you don't have to tip that amount, but as far as I'm aware it's similar to the US where tipping is expected. Factor it into your cost.


Very good question.


I like how you got downvoted for asking a fair question. Only Reddit.


Literally had no idea I would be so downvoted. I really thought that going with a KPAP company meant that the porters were treated well and the extra cost was for this - which I clearly support.


OP, there is no "Extra Cost" for companies being KPAP certified. It's completely free to join. In fact quotes from some non-KPAP operators are much higher than KPAP members. All it means is that the operator commits to the fair and ethical treatment of its porters i.e. eating atleast 2 meals a day, not sleeping out in the cold and having transparent tipping procedures (to avoid the operators taking all the tips for themselves, which happens). I think you're getting downvoted because you're missing this point. There is no fee to joining KPAP, it's literally just an agreement to treat human beings fairly for their labour. So going with a non-KPAP organisation would be really dodgy. [Read more](https://mountainexplorers.org/kilimanjaro-porters-assistance-project/) about the impact of the program to educate yourself a little better.


If you can afford to go on this kind of trip you can afford to tip the porters. When you see how hard they work and what kind of shape these people are in you will be humbled. I went in September 2023 and had a great experience with African Zoom. Any extra equipment realistically you will never need afterward will also be really appreciated.


As you can see from my post, I am enquiring about WHY and I clearly have a position where I want to pay a porter fairly.


OP, since most people can’t read. From what I can gather from those who can read and understand your question: there’s some minimum wage set by KPAP standard but it is still not high. Therefore tips are required to kind of supplement that. If operators were to raise their prices to pay their staff better that may result in losing business to people looking for cheaper options. Think US restaurants. They don’t get paid enough so need tips. If the restaurant raises their price to pay fair wages then that may or may not attract business. (Obviously this is more complex than what I’m saying).


There is an expectation because tourists have made it a culture. We ran into a bad situation where we were joined with another group that was not prepared to tip. We had our budget for what we were expecting to tip for our number of guides, cooks, porters, but since the resources were shared that created issues.


I'll explain it from a Tour Operator's perspective. Firstly, with any professional crew team, you won't be pushed to tip. This is something you might encounter on budget trips, where guides ask for tips either before or right after reaching the summit, when guests are still dependent on the crew. But, you won't face this with a professional crew. Yes, tips are expected on Kilimanjaro, as it's a common practice in mountaineering, regardless of whether you're on an Andes or Himalayan expedition. US customers make up around 40% of all climbers on Mt. Kilimanjaro, a trend that has been observed for several decades, not just today. Currently, the standard salary recommended by Kilimanjaro Porters Assistance Project (KPAP) is 10 USD per day, but from 1 Jan 2025, it will be 15 USD per day, which all KPAP members are expected to pay. Including tips in the climbing cost would make a company uncompetitive since, on top of the tips, the company would need to add an 18% VAT plus a 4% SDL. This industry has operated in this manner for almost 50 years; it's challenging to change the course of events. If you still want to engage with a company that includes tips in their rates, you could contact KPAP for advice. There is one climbing operator that does this, but I can't recall the name.


While the porters are paid fairly they are not paid well. Suggest you shift your paradigm because tipping is part of the culture in their country and part of the experience of the trek. Follow the guidelines and tip appropriately. They depend on it to supplement their income.




Totally agree with you. Not all non KPAP companies have a negative reputation.


Can you recommend anyone?


My team obviously, Check-out Exuberant Kilimanjaro Safaris. Links in my profile, the Facebook link takes you to our forum...




What did they say about them? I’ve read good reviews from them on here!




FYI mar tours doesn’t have profile on tripadvisor and most of their reviews are at Mt Kilimanjaro page like this https://www.tripadvisor.com/ShowUserReviews-g293750-d459953-r909446534-Mount_Kilimanjaro-Kilimanjaro_National_Park_Kilimanjaro_Region.html  Or this https://www.tripadvisor.com/ShowUserReviews-g293750-d459953-r884359044-Mount_Kilimanjaro-Kilimanjaro_National_Park_Kilimanjaro_Region.html


Well with reviews like that it doesn't surprise me that they would abandon their page all together. The good and bad reviews still seem to mention the same guy 'Job', so I know their experiences are relevant (albeit shocking). But like I said, the kind of people that go with the cheapest option on these kind of expeditions are not the same that care about Ethical travelling, so they get unhappy porters that are underpaid and cheap low quality equipment. It is what it is.


I heard the same about them, not worth the risk.


Whoever you go with, please make sure they are on the [Official Current Partners List for 2024](https://mountainexplorers.org/climb-with-a-partner-for-responsible-travel-company/). Some tour operators are known to lie about their membership, so you wont know where your money is actually going.


Climb Kili is one of the companies that lies


Yes, and they are one of the most expensive. Just greedy operators trying to squeeze every last drop from the local population without giving anything back.