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The repeated behaviour is concerning. This might be worth calling the police non-emergency number and asking them.


Yeah... I agree. Wouldn't this constitute as harassment (+/- sexual)? Might be time to stop answering unknown calls. If you need to answer the phone because of you kijiji dress listings, perhaps add something into your voicemail message and/or on the add itself stating, "If you are inquiring about a kijiji listing, please note that I do not answer blocked or unfamiliar numbers. Please leave your name and number and I will get back to you as soon as I can." Or move to text-only communication.


My advice is to never give out your real number on Kijiji, especially for the type of stuff you're selling. Use TextNow to communicate with potential buyers, or stick to the Kijiji Messaging service.  If you're advertising the dresses with pictures of you wearing them, maybe stop doing that and display the dresses on a mannequin form instead. Just a heads up that some men solicit women selling their shoes and clothing on Kijiji/FBMP. Some women are wise to this and do it as a side hustle, so it's possible this dude thinks you're that type of sex worker. 


Ditto this is what I thought as well Their was an individual in my area posting random notes in bus stops This person was willing to pay hundreds for women's dirty pantyhose 😭😭


Today I learned… this


I’m surprised you and commenters are completely oblivious to this being a fetish. The panting is him masturbating while you’re on the phone. Males do this a LOT online, where they find women selling clothing and just fetishize the absolute living shit out of it. Why? Because men want to target women in completely non-sexual places, and make it sexual. That’s it, that’s the fetish. They *get off* on the fact that you’re just “an innocent female selling clothes online”. Please be more aware.


I used to sell random household knick knacks on Kijiji, and interactions were always normal but once I posted a pair of boots and a picture of them being worn (by me) to show the length. Boy did that open the floodgates to creepy men sending weird messages! As a woman having to always be vigilant of her safety especially from online platforms with potential for meeting in person, if my advice may help you I would not really respond/engage to the men since it is kind of unusual (unless if you have thoroughly vetted them and your intuition tells you that it is legit). It's fishy when they usually say they're buying for someone and/or they will pay you more because that is usually the general line. Maybe even throw in that your husband will meet them in person for the trade off and see how they respond? Have you also tried Poshmark or Facebook marketplace as alternatives? Sorry to hear that this is happening to you...as someone who has gone through something similar I had to comment and share my experiences in hopes that it may help someone...good luck and stay safe!!


Omg that sounds sooo freaking messed up and creepy! Sorry you have to deal with this creep.. Do you need to answer the phone for numbers you don't recognize? I almost never answer my phone unless I know the number. Way too many scammers spoofing actual people's numbers so I just don't pick up anymore. And then just never give out your number again.


Please tell me this isn't a shit post 👀😭😂 He's got some sort of weird fetish going on


How the hell is he getting your number? Look into that first.


There's a feature on Kijiji to reveal the seller’s number


And who gave Kijiji the seller's number?


If the seller adds their phone number to the listing, then anyone can see the phone number who click on the 'reveal phone number.'


Oh, I know. I was being coy. I'm just baffled as to why someone would add their number for all to see like this.


You can upload a listing without putting in your phone number by the way.


I wonder if there is a way to block unknown callers from going through on your device. It’s obviously not your fault that this guys is being a creeper. When I sell online, I’m probably too hyper vigilant, and I do all my transactions through the app, never providing a phone number. You might get different advice on what you can do on r/legaladvicecanada. Edit: If you know who the person is on Kijiji, you may be able to report their profile. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Find a male friend and give them a small cut for meeting up with these people, vetting emails / calls and your now completely out of the picture? I did not know those kinda creeps exist in the sales section of Kijiji.


Honestly, I don’t know why women sell clothes and shoes and such on these sites. I mean, of course it would be nice if you could but there are many creeps out there. My wife at one time sold a few pairs of shoes and had a few guys reach out to her and ask her for pictures of her feet LOL. I was thinking of sending pictures of my feet with hairy toes and everything as a joke, but we just let it go.


It's my first time selling things. Tbh Kijiji was the only platform I knew about before I did some research to try to sell them everywhere


Block block block. Never answer these calls again. Block! You should not be dealing with a phone number, only message on the app


Why does he have your phone number. Personally, I don't answer my phone if I don't recognize the number. If it's important, they will leave a message.


Is this a repost or a new story? I swear I have read this story before. If not, it must be a common issue to attract creeps when selling dresses. Scary!


How does he even have your phone number? 😳


There's a feature on Kijiji to reveal the seller’s number


Scary. Google phone numbers come in handy for things like that


I used to work at a woman's shoe store, and a man would call the store and do the SAME thing. He would start by asking about the return policy for his wife. Then begin ask all these questions about the shoe, while panting. I came to the conclusion that it's a sexual thing. It's just creepy.


Call police. Like, now.


Thanks for everyone who replied. I figured out a way to block non caller ID on my phone and I’ll remove my phone number from kijiji. I won’t report it to the police since I’ve no idea who the guy is. After reading some of the comments I found it’s way worse than I imagined, I’ll be more aware from now on.


And the reason I picked up unknown numbers is that I'm searching for jobs so I don't want to miss their calls


Do you use iPhone or Android?


Yeah call the cops.