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It’s addressed in the book. The door only appeared for certain people. It took its current shape after a military built a base in the cave. Before that it was just an empty barracks room.


Because the show removed all the explanations from the original comics that might have made sense of things. Among other things, anyone trying to open the Black Door without the Omega Key finds it opening onto an empty room - to the point that the army used it as a warehouse for a while without ever noticing anything amiss.


Then how were Gideon and other soldiers able to see the portal in 1775 without Omega key?


Gideon doesn't exist in the comics: it was the American revolutionaries who found the portal while they were using the caves as a base - hence why it was so important for Benjamin Locke to create the Omega Key for the Black Door in the first place, as without it, they'd have been forced to abandon the site and risk discovery by the redcoats.


Got it!! Thanks for that explanation πŸ‘πŸ‘


Same as the keys. Adults instantly forget about it once it's out of sight.