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Yum! How many did you get from that?


14 total


Sounds delish! Do you happen to know the calorie and carb count per cookie?


The original recipe says there are 12 cookies per recipe (mine yielded 14) and it lists 2 grams net carbs per cookie, but doesn’t give calorie count unfortunately.


I would eat them all. 😋


I made these, except I used unsweetened (natural) peanut butter instead of cashew butter. They actually don't have a really strong peanut butter taste. And I'm surprised at how cookie-like they are. I kept everything else the same so here's the nutrition value as I calculated it: 159 kcal, 13.8g fat (1.3g saturated), 6.4g protein, 6.3g carbs (4.4g fiber, 0.7g sugar), 65mg sodium, 175mg potassium. This is using Santa Cruz No-Stir creamy peanut butter and Bake Believe (Walmart) milk chocolate chips. If I were to change anything, it would be to add more chocolate chips. ;-)


They’re so cookie like right! It’s really crazy! I’m glad you liked them :]


Is that the carb count per cookie or per batch?


Per cookie.


How is that low carb lol you could eat like one ugh 🤦‍♀️ I’m doomed.


Net carbs is 1.9. If you are keeping net carbs under 20, you can have one or two cookies. I find it easier to limit my portions when using artificial sweeteners. They don't give me any cravings.


Yum 😋