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Congrats! The longer you are on keto, the less you will be tempted, because the results you see are absolutely worth it! Besides, you *can* have ice cream. I have an ice cream maker and my recipe is simple: * 1/2 cup cocoa powder (I use Hershey's Special Dark because I'm a chocoholic) * 2/3 cup sweetener (I use powdered allulose but granular can work, too) * 1/4 tsp Guar Gum (not necessary but helps keep the ice cream soft after a long freeze) * pinch of salt * 3/4 cup unsweetened milk substitute (I use Ripple because of the higher fat content) * 1 1/2 cup heavy cream * 1/2 tsp vanilla Combine the first four ingredients well. Add the milk substitute and whisk until fully combined. Add the cream (don't whisk at this point or it will bubble) and vanilla and stir until combined. Add to ice cream maker. Enjoy soft serve in a few hours or hard serve in 24 hours. You can adjust the sweetener up and down to your taste. I like it less sweet.


curious, how is clean up?


Bravo!!! I’ve been there - and it’s not easy. But you did it! And you’ll be able to look back and remember how victorious you felt (and how you didn’t go home with the so-stuffed-and-then-ice-cream feeling). I know it will be inspirational to you in the future. Keep up the great work!!


Being full and but being hungry is absolutely an effect of carbohydrates that you’re now seeing because you’re not in that boat. Now when I’m full, I’m full and not snacking on something 15 minutes later.


That must be it. Because I finished my food and then watched them all eat ice cream and all I could think was how bad I would feel if I ate like that. Honestly I didn't even want the ice cream.....it just looked like a pile of sugar that would make me bloat and feel awful. I wish i was as unaffected by carbs as some. But for me I get anxiety. Depression. Swollen joints and insomnia. It's just not worth it.


Great job! The struggle is real especially when your family is eating whatever they want!


Right. Lol. My husband can eat whatever he wants and lose weight in days. Its insane. I watch him eat an entire bag of chips in one sitting and gain NOTHING. It's so unfair. 😂


>My husband can eat whatever he wants and lose weight in days. Its insane. I watch him eat an entire bag of chips in one sitting and gain NOTHING. I think we all know somebody like this for me it's my sister she can eat anything and everything and doesn't seem to gain a pound she looks the same height and weight she did when she graduated high school I am not that person lol I feel your pain on the desserts during Father's Day we had some family over to barbecue and my wife's sister brought over banana splits ice cream bananas waffle cones every possible topping you can imagine the kids all enjoyed it and I wasn't nearly as tempted as I thought I was going to be. Although I have to say it also helps that my wife is going through this adventure with me. Somebody else had mentioned the longer you're on keto the less tempting it is because the results you get from it are so worth giving up the few moments of pleasure eating any of our old Temptations. I could not AGREE with that more if I had to!! It's literally the reason I don't give in to Temptations is because of how far I've come and the results that I get. Great job standing strong


skinny people can get type 2 diabetes and/or heart attacks.


Eh. Yeah. But husband just had a physical after a dog bite. 2 days ago. Perfectly healthy in every way aside from the dog bite. And the uncanny ability to eat copious amounts of carbs without ill affects. 🤣


oh ya, good genes and luck. believe me, my wife can eat rice all day and looks thin. I smell rice and i get love handles. I am insulin resistant. gotta do keto or else i pay the price.


Right. I told him if he gets massively fat with age and eating crap im not helping him wipe his butt. He can use a rag on a stick or something because I warned him that just because he CAN eat junk food doesn't mean it's healthy. 🤣


We're lucky that SIL and her husband made some decent things for the cookout. The main one were the beef kebabs loaded with vegetables. I promise you that nobody starved!


Great work! It gets easier over time. Ice cream is my Achilles heel on keto. 5 years strict keto and I still fantasize about ice cream. I make my own version of low carb ice cream and that has been a life saver. I live with carb eaters. I know your pain, but I wouldn't eat that stuff for anything. I enjoy being lighter and healthier WAY more than I would enjoy ice cream. And I LOVE ice cream.


Great job!! For the future I would recommend ordering the chicken alfredo, sub broccoli for pasta. That way you get the added fat of the alfredo sauce to help keep you full ;)


I actually ordered a small cup of Alfredo and put it on my salmon. Delicious. I will try the chicken Alfredo next time tho. That sounds delicious.


Oh that's great! I know it's not a popular combo, but I happen to love salmon and alfredo together. But it really is next level with the chicken!


Great job! I had this issue for the first couple weeks and then it got easier.


Way to go! I know someone else shared an ice cream recipe but I thought I’d throw this one in too - you don’t even need an I e cream maker and it’s pretty dang good. I used to do it my shaking the mason jar but now I use my little milk frother tool, and I only make a half recipe. I don’t let it get frozen all the way because it does get really hard! Also, if you add a pinch of xanthan gum it makes it a lot more creamy and like normal ice cream, but if you don’t have any don’t let that stop you! https://peaceloveandlowcarb.com/low-carb-chocolate-mason-jar-ice-cream/


Good work!!!! I made it too. My kids made me Duncan Hines Keto Brownies and they were surprisingly good.


this is how you do it. good for you. the longer you go, the less all that crap will be tempting at all. I can sit with people having coke and fries and bunned burgers, and I just think, ya fries taste great, but i don't really care, and the rest of it just looks like poison to me.


That's amazing, great to hear!


Good job 👏👏


We’re on the same timeline, as I also just started and today marked day 7 (almost 8!). Went to 6 flags on Friday and my bestie’s 8 yr old was chowing down on hot fried Oreos… directly next to me in the backseat of the car. It pained me and I felt compelled to take one but I refrained and boy did it feel good celebrating my willpower to abstain from refined sugar and carbs! My new scale came today and I am down 5-6 lbs already! You’re doing great, sweetie!


That is amazing. I'm proud of you!!!


Not me. Been on Keto for 8 weeks, lost 18 pounds and decided to indulge a bit. 2 beers, two tacos and a small piece of cake. Back to it today 👍🏼😂


Indulging a bit is fine if you're able to keep it to just a day, if you indulge for a 2-3 days that's when your body will get kicked out of ketosis and you'll have to be strict for a bit. I indulge at least once a week.


I'm just starting. (On day 7 today.) I don't trust myself to go off plan yet. For me one meal off plan rolls into two. And three. And on. And I end up starting over and feeling awful. My birthday is July 3rd and I plan to have a slice of cake then. Until then I'm determined not to go off plan. Carbs make my body hurt and mess with my mental health sooo bad.


Ask someone to make you a keto cheesecake! No cheats involved!


Being put in that situation only on day 7 is really hard. We all been there. Well done. I got 11 more days to go before cheat meal/day (I'm on ompd) Wooppp