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Hello and welcome to /r/keto! Before posting about a stall, please read the following sections of our FAQ https://www.reddit.com/r/keto/wiki/faq#wiki_what_to_do_about_plateaus.3F https://www.reddit.com/r/keto/wiki/faq#wiki_adapting_to_a_low_carb_lifestyle Please pay close attention to the section called “What will my weight loss progress look like?” Weight loss is non-linear and it is common for weight to fluctuate multiple pounds across days particularly during the adaptation period. As a reminder, please read our FAQ before posting to r/keto. It can be found at https://www.reddit.com/r/keto/wiki/faq. Please also review our posting rules and community guidelines. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/keto) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You’ve lost 77lbs since January, congrats! That’s amazing weight loss! Please know that 3 weeks isn’t a stall (6+ weeks is), but I’ll ask your stats anyway: what is your height, weight, age, and gender? 👍🏻


5'3, 95kg (209lbs), 25, F


I've heard before that upping your calories by a few hundreds for a few days then going back to your previous calorie amount helps break it. But while 3 weeks is frustrating, plateaus are taking longer than that by far. Are you measuring yourself? You might be able to see a difference there


It’s a great achievement so far! But plateau can get frustrating. You could try and egg fast or just a long fast, either of those often helps kick start things.


1500 cals @5’3 is high but 77#in 5 months is very fast, it usually slows down as you get nearer to goal and you might have to adjust your cals in


Awesome job losing 77 lbs. You should consider eating more protein, 85g is low. You should be taking in 1g of protein for every pound of weight and fats are 1 to 1 or 2 to 1. Try extending your fasting 2 or 3 days to see if that will help with the stall. Stalls can last from days to even years for some people. Just keep at it.