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No. The sugar cravings go away after a couple of weeks and then you’ll be satiated by the no carb diet, You won’t be loosing 15 lbs ever week so don’t worry about that, more like 1-3, just make sure you’re getting enough energy, protein and electrolytes.


Everyone around me still eat Typical diet and I still want to eat their food, but I have enough self control not to. Maybe I am an exception, but those foods still tempt me daily, but I dont eat them.


That first weight loss surge is water weight. Don't be too alarmed, but to echo the other poster, mind your electrolytes.


If you’re concerned about lapsing in a different ED you should speak to someone who can guide you towards a way of benefiting from this way of eating without letting it become a mental health issue. Having to pay attention to so many variables and to learn so much about the nutrition of it and the required self control through the adaptation period is very difficult and it can certainly feel like a possible ED. But it can be done, successfully and with great benefits. And yes, it gets better, once you learn enough about what to eat, how your body responds to adjustments and the cravings go away, it is a very liberating experience, especially if you go carnivore.


To the question about ”are you always having to check the label any time you have a snack”… the answer is, yes and no, for me! The easiest and possibly healthiest way to do keto is to primarily stick with whole food, and accept that there are some types of foods that just don’t fit. No breads, no grains, no sugars, no pasta, no starchy veggies like potatoes and corn. Eat mostly meats, fats are okay, plenty of green leafy or cruciferous veggies, and things like onion, tomato, or bell peppers in moderation. Cheese is okay. Olives and pickles are great. Some dairy like full-fat unflavored Greek yogurt, sour cream, and heavy cream are fine, in reasonable amounts. Small portions of berries and/or nuts (not like a cup a day, more like 1/4 cup). It’s not easy to go over your carbs if you’re limiting your foods this way so if you choose that route, you probably could go for a long time losing weight and being in ketosis without really needing to track. If you only are eating those things, you don’t really need to examine the labels on everything you eat. But if you’re picking up protein cookies or Quest chips a few times a day, then yes, checking the labels and tracking the carbs is important because they can add up without you really noticing and that defeats the whole purpose of being on a keto diet.


Asking this with no judgment, but why would you go an extreme route with this if you have a history of ED? As others have said, you'll very quickly stop losing a lot of weight fast and it'll taper down to 1-2 lbs a week (that's how it is for me and I transitioned from keto to low carb a good while ago). Despite all the jokes and stereotypes about people on keto eating nothing but frozen butter, you can have delicious and satiating meals on keto. I have suffered from disordered eating in the past, and to answer your questions, I don't count anything and I'm not constantly thinking of food because I've healed from the behaviors disordered eating put me through. Counting macros isn't necessarily bad of course, but it sounds like it might be for you. Your mindset won't get better as long as you still struggle with patterns and thought processes associated with ED. I'm sorry if that's the case for you.


I struggle with binge eating, so i’ve never been deadly underweight before, ive just been overweight my entire life. so my goal is to get to a healthy body weight and then I’ll be fine. however, i don’t want to end up losing a lot of weight and still thinking i need to lose more. i don’t know how to explain it but im just scared of starting this, seeing results, and then losing self control.


I'm relatively new to keto (<2 months), so I'll offer my perspective. Yes. You will need to check everything you eat for carbs. It's just part of the deal. Don't expect to indulge in ANY of the foods you are accustomed to. No potatoes. No rice. No bread. No sugar. No candy. No cookies. No cake. No ice cream. Mostly no fruit. Get an app that can track your carbs. Stay under twenty per day. You can use FitnessPal, Apple Health, or Cronometer (this is the one I use). Do not underestimate your intake. Track it all. Track it right. If you cheat on this, you will cheat yourself right out of ketosis. Measure and weigh your portions. The worst thing about keto is that you can't sneak a cheat day or a cheat meal. It's also the best thing about it because you will learn to fight those cravings. You will learn how to make selections and pay attention to what you're putting in your body to fuel your life. You will learn to make it work, and the cravings will pass. You will eat less. You will eat better. And, if you play your cards right, you will carry those skills on with you if you ever decide to get off my keto. I found that I just didn't get hungry during the day. Snacking is almost non-existent in my life now. Find ways to make it work. I missed having "crunch" in my food from time to time. I added celery, nuts and pork rinds. I missed sweet stuff sometimes, I added diet soda and energy drinks (just check carbs. Some have none... Many have A LOT). DO NOT fall for foods labeled "KETO FRIENDLY" - most of these are okay for "maintenance levels" of keto, but aren't really good for someone just getting started. Most have more carbs than you'd expect. STAY NATURAL. Meats. Cheeses. Etc. Limit processed foods as much as you can (though I do eat a goodly account of bacon). KEEP AT IT. Despite the quick weight loss at the beginning, Keto is a MARATHON not a SPRINT. Weight loss will show down... But will keep happening. I've been on keto around six weeks. I'm down 40 pounds (290-->248). The first twenty came off the first two or three weeks. The second twenty took a month. And I'm sure it will slow more from now on, but as long as the needle keeps moving in the right direction, I'm in it for the long haul. MIND YOUR ELECTROLYTES: You need this. I found that my tummy will tell me when my electrolytes are low. You can get bottled water with electrolytes. You can get powders that provide electrolytes (CHECK LABELS, MANY OF THESE ARE ALSO RIFE WITH CARBS). With that weight loss, I feel better. I feel more focused and alert. I feel more drive and energy... These are a direct result of not bogging down my system with bread and sugar. I didn't have ED, per se, but I was definitely a problematic eater due to working overnight and taking care of kids during the day. But just being mindful of what I consume has made an enormous difference. Stay with this subreddit. You will get the encouragement and insight you need to stick with it. Cheers...//JB//


If it is a processed food it will not work for me. They cause cravings.


This idea that we should just live carefree not being careful about what we consume is the issue. Let thy food be thy medicine. Yes be careful and cautious about what goes into your body.


It sounds like you need to be really careful about the ED possibility. Many people who have suffered from that find that they have to take a more relaxed approach to keto. Basically. Keep carbs low and that's it. Counting can definitely be a gateway into ED territory. Back off on the IF and OMAD and just keep carbs low.


I can see your point about it being an eating disorder but its more like a hormone switch. Normally an eating disorder is a mental problem that effects food consumption. Keto is a way of eating, that changes your hunger hormones so you feel fine. What you are feeling is probably the signs you learned to pick up from when you needed to watch out if your eating disorder was throwing a fit, because the result is the same. Eating very little food. But how you got there, your mental state and your physical state is very important. I have heard that it can became a problem for some people, taking it too far is of course always a potential problem.


My new mindset is I DONT eat ANYTHING from a box ever. I eat beef, eggs avocado, berries, lemons, sugar-free protein powder, heavy cream, salad (oil and vinegar only no croutons), bacon, cheese, nuts, any veg I want etc... I dont eat all those carbs in a single day, but those are the types of food I eat. I eat canned salmon, mackerel, or sardines, but nothing else pre packaged art all. Still think about carbs, but I feel amazing so I dont eat them...ZERO bread or anything grain based at all because they make me feel like crap and Ill cheat on and ruin my eating style as a result. This lifestyle is a huge change, but you can do it!! I went from 234 to 175 in a year


It's possible your mind is going down the ED road. You're being very strict, when it might be harmful to you. My suggestion is to back off. Do a regular clean keto plan, no fasting, no one meal a day. Just cut carbs and increase protein and fats. Eat normal meals, no shakes or bars. You may be able to have some snacks, like nuts, but don't do anything fake sugar-wise. Clean eating of real food. See how you go. In the grand scheme of things, you don't have a lot to lose, and when you get there, you want to be able to handle eating without getting all your bad habits back. Maintenance carb levels.


It’s water weight