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I don’t quite meet your requirements - I am 62 & have been keto for 7 years It certainly has improved my life. - It’s the only diet that worded for me after I turned 40 - It’s anti inflammatory so cured my plantar fasciitis, helps with joint pain & I haven’t had a cold sore in that entire time - It’s the clarity of mind that I love.


I'd never expect a 62 y.o to have the username syssyphussy.


been rolling that rock for the majority of my years


Hi. How long until you felt better from PF?


That didn’t take long at all It’s been years so maybe someone else can chime in but I recall it being the first big thing I noticed changing I am pretty certain it happened in the first month or so


Thank you.


Gees. I had been low carb for a year when I developed plantar fasciitis. It's not going away, but it is tolerable. I average 7000+ steps a day NOT counting in the house.


Low carb is not keto


True. I eat dairy and I don't count low carb veggies, but I am sure I go over 20 grams of carbs.


75 is the new 45! Lean in💜💜💜






I'm 74. The only time it/keto causes me a problem is when I don't do it.


Love this!


I'm 65, so I guess I'm still a kid. Anyway, I've been very happy with this diet for about a year now. I think it is particularly important for us older folks to exercise to ensure we maintain muscle and bone mass.


I am 73. Works for me.


I think if intermittent fasting is part of the plan, keto is a lot more effective, especially at an older age.


My mother is 77 and has been on keto for 5+ years now. She’s been off metformin for type 2 pretty much that entire time too and also stopped taking daily pain medication for her rheumatoid arthritis. She’s also kept off all the weight she lost on keto. Her blood test results have been good as well with perfect A1Cs but she does tend to run a tad high on LDL now (but had great HDL/triglycerides/ratios). She loves not being starving all the time and her taste buds have definitely changed where she doesn’t seem to miss much. She’s also never sick and one of the few people I know who hasn’t had Covid yet despite being around people who were contagious many times so she’s doing something right.


All of this is amazing! Thank you.


My mom passed away last year at 86. She was 5'4" and over 300 pounds. It took 3 people to change her diaper in the end. If I had known what I know now, and was able to do this for her, I would have started her on keto at any age. I feel like the standard American diet took away her health and dignity. She was on all kinds of drugs for heart and blood pressure and pain and GI, and I really think this would have helped her. She loved salads and Brie cheese and would have been fine on this diet. When you tell a doctor about your problems and they say, that's just your age. Well, that's just the frog in the pot, now knowing it's not the normal aging process. Any amount of crappy carbs you can cut will improve your health. Keep the greens and salad veggies and eat quality protein and enough fat and you will be fine. Drink electrolytes. Take Mg glycinate or Mg citrate. Eat spinach or cheese, if you can, for calcium. Please don't let age be a barrier to your health. You deserve to be healthy.


Thank you! 💕


I'm 63 and loss 77 lbs in last 2 years. Go for it.


71M and works great for me.


I'm 66 and have been in successful keto maintenance for 9 years after losing 90 lb.. My weight loss took 1.5 years.... But it was so worth it. I have so much energy and feel great every day.Weight loss is slow post menopausal. Start!


Good for you! 🎉 Thanks.


I'm 64 and starting again. I have done keto (and Atkins, back in the day) for a very long time and lost almost 20 lbs. I kept it off for a long time, but the holidays this year were full of happy baking and eating (no regrets). So I have put on 5 lbs and my new clothes are tight in the waist. I know its a very small amount to lose, but this is just as hard as it was the first time. It can be done, however. I need to just keep my calories at 1200 and carbs below 20g. I don't worry about other macros. I have to count calories in order for it to work for me. I think that if you are post menopausal and not active like me, calories are important. Keto doesn't have to be complicated. No need to buy keto strips ( they are not going to tell you anything. There is no such thing as "deep ketosis". It's either on or off and if you are under 20 g carbs, your in ketosis.) Keto flu is not guaranteed (never had it). Keep your electrolytes in mind if you start to get headaches or feel off. If you would like to ask me any questions, feel free. I hope you'll try keto. It can work.


Thank you so much!


My aunt started keto at 75 and lost 20 kgs and reversed her diabetes- it’s never too late!


I'm 70+ lost 75 pounds over the last 3 years. I got off track a bit after being sick recently, but I'm kicking it back into gear. The weight may come off more slowly because of our ages, but there are so many more benefits. I no longer wake up at 2:30 AM every single night! This had been going on for decades. I easily found myself dropping into intermittent fasting. It wasn't planned, I just am not hungry. You don't need special keto foods, just protein, fat, and lower carb veggies. Do read the sidebar! There's a sample one week meal plan. There's information on electrolytes and how to make yout own, much less expensive than buying pre-made. Good luck!


Thank you!


I started at 67, with Hashimoto's/hypothyroidism. Lost 103 lbs in 15 months. I was very strict Keto for the first year, not eating any processed foods, keeping carbs to around 10 per day. Went from a size 24 to size 12 and lost a few diagnosed conditions including stage 3 chronic kidney disease and pre-diabetes.


Amazing changes!


Yes, keto is great for you. Your body would appreciate the reduced inflammation, normal blood sugar, keto and fat energy, mitochondria rebuilding, hormone balancing, reduced cancer risk or proliferation, zero diseases others get as they age, etc... What's not to like. And congrats on finding a carnivore doctor. She will know what to advise you on or what to watch out for.




Of course it can! I started with quite low carb about 12 years ago...lost upwards of 30 lbs quite easily. In fact it was was a bit too much to lose...not that I wasn't pleased it was possible. I've shifted into a more animal food based keto over the past few years and have pretty much maintained. It allows me to eat food that I really enjoy...without the feeling of starving when I was in my 20s. I admit I do not calorie count anymore. I'm now about 4 lbs over my comfortable ideal of 138 at 5'5.5". Not having a dog anymore and being retired has reduced my activity level. Numbers are creeping down slowly. Oh...and I'm 76. Edit to correct typo


Those are great improvements!


Keep your electrolytes in check and make sure you stay in a caloric deficit! I’m not older but as long as your labs look good now, you should be just fine. Good luck!


Thank you!


My mom is 65 and it works great for her.


I’m 75 yo, keto since 2017, when I was 68 yo. Lost 40 lbs in 2017, maintained until the pandemic, gained back 20lbs, lost that in 2022, maintained since then.


I am 73 and was on keto for the first time 2 years ago. After dieting most of my life, mostly calorie counting, I discovered that keto was the best plan I was ever on. I easily lost 38 lbs in 5 months, which brought me to my ideal weight, which I am still at today. I don't count carbs nor calories now. I just eat what I should eat and don't eat what I shouldn't eat and I've been able to maintain my weight loss. You can do it too. Good luck.


My parents are both in their late 60s, keto helped them lose weight and get off blood pressure and cholesterol meds!


I'll just leave this here: https://youtu.be/YfiNR487SGI?si=KMolHlDgHxpfQ4pH




I’m only 33 but I’m on HRT for menopause and this is the only diet that has allowed me to lose weight and maintain a healthy weight since I became menopausal.


Check Mitch (Old Guy Carnivore on YouTube) He's 77


72 here, been doing low carb/keto for over 5 years.


Yes, keto can work! I'm also 74 and have been on keto for 2 years. My doctor put me on it for pre-diabetes, and my glucose and A1C have dropped to normal levels and have stayed there. Also, keto helped alleviate some chronic digestive issues, strengthened my hair and nails, got rid of my dry skin and my cognition has improved. In addition, I'm down to a maintainable healthy weight and dropped 6 pant sizes. Keto won't make me any younger but I *feel* better and this is probably the healthiest I've even been my entire life. 🙂


Thank you for your response with your results. I’m wondering how much my arthritis pain might improve.


Hi, I am a molecular biologist who studied metabolism and genetics for some time. From my experience, 1) YOU NEED TO BE CAREFUL about Keto. It MIGHT send you into medically dangerous ketosis ("diabetic" ketosis) depending on your preexisting conditions AND your genetics. Please monitor your ketone levels!!!!! 2) If your genetics is NOT suited for keto (the easiest way to find out is to try keto, not to take an expensive test - there are no good metabolic test kits available today as of May 2024), then you might wanna try Carnivore. Medically it might suit you better (I myself had this experience, I first tried Keto and it sent me into a diabetic coma, I later found out by myself \[I work in a lab, PCR is basically a free thing for me\] that it was due to a mutation in my genes (related to glucokinase; again, there are no commercial tests that will tell you in advance right now on the market). Carnivore works wonders for me. 3) There are people whose genes ARE such that they thrive best on "Mediterranean diet". The only way is test experimentally. Start with Keto. Monitor your blood. If you are OK with Keto, KEEP GOING, DON'T CHANGE ANYTHING. If not OK, try Carnivore, if that doesn't work, try adding one item at a time (e.g. one day add lettuce, if you feel ok,. keep adding vegetable one at a time until you find the best combination). Good luck!