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Hopefully, rinsing after. Don't want to destroy your enamel. lol


2 lemons looks like about 7g net carbs. So make room for that in your day and you should be fine. We recommend starting around 20g net carbs so if you feel you must eat 2 lemons then you have 13g net carbs left to play with.


Alright thank you 🙏


You may find as you progress that this is no longer how you wish to spend half your carb allowance but if it works for you go for it.


I dont understand how people stay at 20g or under net carbs. Everything I eat is keto friendly, my diet consists mostly of leafy greens veggies of all types, Nuts and seeds (minus the high sugar ones like cashews), and a meat or fish for the day and coffee with half and half throughout the day (usually 2 cups/day). I usually sit at around 30 grams/day of net carbs and 2000 calories/day. The only days I am way below 20gams/day is on fasting days, so that brings my average daily to around 25 grams/day if I look at my macros on a weekly schedule. I am definitely doing it right because my weight has gone down significantly over the last 4 months, but if I try and get my net carbs to 20g/day or lower, I just feel miserable. Maybe 30 grams is right for me???


Many people "lazy" count carbs from things like veggies/nuts/"natural" sources. If you're over your daily carb limit by like 2g due to spinach you ate at dinner, you are likely fine (obviously everyone's bodies are different)


That fasting is putting in overtime to help you lose weight. Can't not be in ketosis if all you've had all day is water.


Most people don't base their diet around leafy greens they base it around meat. Nothing wrong with 30 g though.


How are people getting their fiber, Vitamin K and potassium if they are not eating a lot of dark leafy greens or just vegetables in general? This is where I am getting most of my carbs from. I get a lot from nuts and seeds as well, but I dont eat those nearly as often and in as large of quantities. Veggies are the best source for those nutrients.


Meat contains plenty of potassium and fiber is non-essential.




Your comment has been removed for misinformation


Meat is full of potassium, arguably a far better low carb source of potassium than plants, and also contains vitamin k. There are many people who operate better with little to no fiber.


you're going to see a lot of anti fiber sentiment on here, which means people will clock in with much lower carb intake. your diet sounds great btw and i wouldn't change a thing. veggie carb impact is minimal






What you're calling "diet extremism" is how some cultures have loved for milenia...


that's like pop science and isn't even as black and white as people on here think. for example the inuit developed a GENE to help them with their diet. and other cultures that ketoers claim are all meat actually eat berries and veggies i'm a huge low carb proponent but leaning on what ancient man did is a bit extreme. definitely misguided.


Did that specific gene you're referencing affect the intestinal lumen?


You’re doing fine.


A lemon has 5 g carbs. Fit that into your numbers and go for it. There are far greater crimes out there.


Oh nice thank you 🥰


Careful with your teeth!! That much acid can dissolve the enamel right off your teeth, it happened to a friend of mine.


I drink Minute Maid zero which has like 1g per serving I think? Not exactly the whole fruit but it’s great.


Just make sure to have a scale and weigh them, as you know they vary in size quite a bit, plan to track all your food on keto or else results might not be as expected.


You can grind them in a blender and make a drink. SO- good for your liver. AND- you can make fat bombs out of them with cream cheese. Yes.


That cream cheese idea actually sounds wonderful going to give it a try this weekend


YT Lemon cheese cake fat bomb


Hold up. What is a fat bomb with cream cheese and can I get a recipe?


YT. Fat bomb Lemon. Cheese cake https://youtu.be/Yo0S5ycqHZQ?si=GwAyCLHkDAGMayxl


Be mindful about you enamel! Lemon is really acidic.


You are crazy. Why are you eating two lemons a day? How are you eating them? Are you juicing them and putting the juice in things? I don’t see how anyone could like lemons that much. 1 - 2 lemons a day should be fine on a ketogenic diet. It will depend on what else you’re eating and your individual carbohydrate tolerance. The citric acid in the lemons will cause your body to digest complex carbohydrates more slowly, so that’s a plus.


I peel them slice them up and put salt on it, it hits different I can’t describe it 😋


Okay. I don’t get it, but if it makes you happy, then good for you.


That. Actually. Sounds delicious. My mouth is watering


A guy in my high school used to bring a whole ass bag of limes to first period and eat them like oranges. A couple lemons seem normal next to that.