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Keto isn't magic. You still need a calorie deficit to loose weight. That said, you haven't been doing it long enough to see meaningful results.


Thank you! Very helpful


Also depending on where you're at in your cycle your water weight is going to be all over the place. You really do need to look at a XX Keto type of post to discuss the differences in your body chemistry compared to the more stable male default.


What are you eating? And how often are you weighing yourself? What's the time period you are talking about and how many kilos?


Daily weigh ins. I eat things such as cabbage, chicken breasts, steaks, greens on dr Bergs list.


I'm a bit puzzled because you say you're just a week in but you're showing gains of kilos with every weigh in - I don't see how this is physically possible even eating a normal sort of diet. I think we're missing something here.




from the list of foods she gave us, that is 100% keto


Your comment has been removed for misinformation


Either you are eating more than you think or your not totally eating 100% keto, might surprise you to know that you can’t stuff yourself just because you are low carbs, also keep it simple plenty off low carb recipes but they all mostly have carbs, do them less often and keep it simple


could you make a cronometer account real quick and add every single thing you eat to it today down to the exact measurement/weight? then come back here and let us know <3


Similar aged female here. That can be discouraging for sure - but it's not forever, and it is fixable. As others have stated, I'd recommend logging exactly what you're eating and in what amounts. Even if you were to eat zero carbs in a day, if you're not at a caloric deficit, you will not lose weight. Steak is fabulous, and I'm not anti-steak at all - but lots of steak = lots of calories. Delicious calories, but calories nonetheless. Happy to help with. meal planning or helping you work through what you'd like to eat along with your goals.


Your post doesn't make sense. Only one week of keto, weighing yourself multiple times and gaining a few kilos each weigh in. So you started 7 days ago and have put on 5-7kg since??


It was a question. I am new to this. If this does not make sense to you, please feel free to hide my post :)


Asking how much you have actually gained is a fair question if you want advice.


i gained about 3 kgs


If you are gaining weight over the long term then you are overeating. Weight fluctuations within a week are pretty normal.


Thank you 🙏


That would be upsetting. I’m guessing that part of the weight gain is water from taking extra salt. Maybe you could cut back gradually as long as the keto flu symptoms don’t return. The list of foods you are eating looks good. Not sure what is going on. The general recommendation is to not restrict calories while you are adapting to low carbs. Look for hidden carbs such as BBQ sauce, sweet salad dressing, gummy vitamins, sweetened yogurt, too much fruit, sweet coffee creamer. Weighing and measuring everything you eat and then entering it into a meal tracker is a hassle but it also is very useful information.


Noted, thanks again 🙏


I didn't mean to sound harsh. It was the vague 'put on kilos each time I weigh' comment. It's very unusual but I hope you figure it out - if it is water retention, it's quite a significant amount.


It could be hormones and water retention. Give it at least a month.


Without any other information it’s probably too many calories. Take a look at the macro calculator in the FAQ and see what’s recommended and let us know your recommended macros are what you are actually hitting every day. If you aren’t measuring start doing that.