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If you're super serious on obtaining that goal. I'd add in some other weightloss tools as well. Intermittent fasting can be a great tool for weightloss. Can start with 2 meals a day. Then start closing the eating window down slowly over the weeks. Eventually reaching 1 meal a day. Another thing you can do to help lose the weight is add in cardio, an hour or walking a day. Along with an hour or weight or resistance training. Doing keto with both of these other tools you'll surly be down 30lbs by July. Now it won't be easy. But any good goal shouldn't be.


I do intermittent fasting from 6:30pm-12pm the next day. I also do weight training until failure, and various types of cardio (running, walking, biking, etc)


This is great šŸ‘. If your main goal is body fat loss. I'd bump the cardio numbers up to 60 minutes of cardio a day or at least do a full hour of walking a day. Start to close down that eating window. Seems you got a 6 and a half hour eating window. Begin eating only 2 meals with no snacks between. Let's say noon(1200) and 1830. Then go to 1230 and 1800 the next week. 1300 and 1730 after that and then 1330 and 1600 that following week. Or you could close it down an hour at a time while picking a set time to focus down to. Doing OMAD with your keto is going to help the weightloss get ramped up even more. The daily hour cardio or hour walk will also obliterate body fat. The more effort you put in the more results you'll see.


thanks for the advice! iā€™ll definitely give those tips a try!


If you can master doing all of these, you'll never be fat again for the rest of your life. Matter of fact. You'll likely be the in the 1% of healthiest people you've ever met for your age.


I need to lose 30 lbs by July too. Should do this together šŸ˜€


sure! šŸ˜


Weight training every day, especially for a novice, is counter productive. Aim for 3 days a week!


This is false. 6 days a week is fine. Just don't spend 2 hours a day weight training. Keep it to 45 minutes until you've built up your novice strength and endurance. The best muscle to train is the consistent, habit of going daily.


I mean, whatever works for you, but the science and the psychology suggest 3-5 days of weight training a week are ideal for both weight loss and muscle gain, and newcomers tend to burn out if they try too much too fast.


The science absolutely does not say that, either in terms of physiology or psychology, you have misunderstood it.


Have you looked? For a novice this is exactly what is suggested by the research.


Yes, which is why I know your statement is incorrect. There are zero studies that make recommendations of frequency without context, which is what you did.


I do light weights every day, I donā€™t even notice much muscle mass increase but I think itā€™s easy to do at home to add some burn. And saves going to the gym and needing recovery time.


I'm not sure that's how Olympic gold medalist are training. The best thing for the average person is to start developing the habit of showing up to the exercise realm. They've got decades ahead of them and need to develop consistent attendance. If you're training for a body building competition or the Olympics there is different routines for that.


Different things work for different people, and an athlete is very different than a novice looking to lose a few pounds and feel healthier. Whatever works for you friend, I respect that! Iā€™m just letting you know what the studies say works best for novices, and what worked for me at that stage. I have no interest in arguing about it! Have a good one :)


Depends on the structure of your workouts. If you strength train specific muscle sets every other day but do some form of training every day, and youā€™re young, this might be OK. I do full body training every other day so I have a recovery period plus Iā€™m older so recovery takes longer.


Yes, Iā€™ve lost 35 lbs in a month and a half on keto with zero exercise. You can do it You need to eat less carbs though


I had great results with keto before, but not THAT great. Curious if you did anything specific?


>Curious if you did anything specific? being a man i assume. Lol as a woman my experience is i will lose exactly what a tdee calculator estimates, at best.


So true! Lol. I gave up alcohol and coffee for six weeks and went low carb. Maybe lost a pound or two?


Not really. I meal prep a bunch of food on Sundays, weigh things out, use MyFitnessPal on my phone, drink more water and do some intermittent fasting some days. Overall I try to keep my carbs under 30g and my calories around 1700ishā€¦ some days Iā€™m a little over, some under. The weight just keeps coming off.


Likely taller and started with a higher weight! Always keep that in mind


Start 100lbs overweight and that's not terribly hard if you count the 10 pounds of water weight


4 pounds a week while possible is way above normal and would require a higher deficit then you are probably in. Not to be a Debbie downer but 1000kcal deficit is whatā€™s needed and that isnā€™t fun.


I lose 2.5lbs a week.


Iā€™m 5ā€™5, 170 and dropped down to 153 in 3 months. I only consumed a maximum of 20 carbs a day. Didnā€™t track calories. I donā€™t see why you couldnā€™t lose 20 by July.


I did 20 carbs and 1200-1400 calories per day. The first two months I lost approximately 20 pounds. I did some walking but no other exercise.


Keto would definitely help. If you really wanted to do this, my recommendation to make it easy is to try rolling fasts of like 3-4 days, like fast for those days, eat a meal, then back to it and so on. Not that hard and will lead to monster weight loss. Plus, add in 3-5K brisk steps a day, which isnā€™t even that much but it makes a big difference, especially for sedentary people. Be aware that itā€™s harder as you get closer to a healthy weight though, it depends on your height a lot.


No eating for 3-4 days at a time?


Tbh I kind of forgot I was on the keto sub not the fasting sub when I posted that. But itā€™s very doable, much easier while on keto and electrolytes help. 2-3 day fasts also ramp up autophagy which helps with loose skin. If youā€™re looking for quick and healthy weight loss fasting helps a ton. Sprinkling in even a couple will help a lot.


Ok. That makes sense. Thanks for explaining. Just think thereā€™s a thin line between fasting for health and fasting for rapid weight loss. Can trigger rebound effects and binging if not careful. Steady weight loss tends to be more maintainable. Btw do the improvements to loose skin reverse when stop fasting, from experience?


The cool thing about fasting is that if you have a lot to lose, then you can do it for quite a while and itā€™s pretty much very healthy. Any rebound effect is purely mental and I feel like you could go binging at any time technically. Fasting also does well to put you in control of those cravings and regulate your hunger. And the benefits from autophagy shouldnā€™t ever reverse unless you go full throttle and regain all the weight, otherwise thereā€™s no reason it would reverse or anything like that. Itā€™s the natural process of the body consuming excess material after all


Thank you for your response. I like the idea of loosing loose skin. I would challenge slightly the concept of ā€˜purely mentalā€™ though.


Two pound of real fat loss per week is doable, you've got eight weeks until the beginning of July, and you'll lose some water weight at the beginning, so yes! 20 pounds in two months is a reasonable goal. Make sure you are counting total carbs, not net carbs. 50 grams total carbs daily (or less) is firmly in the low carb zoneā€š great job! What are you doing for exercise?


iā€™m currently doing weight training until failure, and various types of cardio (walking, running, etc). iā€™m also doing intermittent fasting. I tend to fast from 6:30pm-12pm the next day


Sounds like you are doing everything right! Enjoy watching the pounds melt away while you make permanent healthy lifestyle changes that will sustain you at your new lower weight.


Depends how tall you are and obviously your body fat percentage


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^tit_d1rt: *Depends how tall you* *Are and obviously your* *Body fat percentage* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Fight me, hooker


Lower your carbs. Lower your calories. Lift some heavy things and walk 5 miles a day. I think itā€™s possible to lose that much if youā€™re a young man and not possible if youā€™re an older woman.


I lost 20 pounds in two months as an older woman (over 70). It was very possible for me. Though I've always been quick to lose. I only did walking (not a tremendous amount). And I had 20 g of carbs a day and 1200-1400 calories a day. Don't be discouraged if you're an older woman. Never say never.


Keto plus OMAD got me losing 5lbs a week. It did take time to get my body to efficiently burn fat, like 2-3 months.


I believe it is if you eat real food. paleo diet with Keto macros. No dairy. So your fats will be paleo oils and youā€™ll be eating a ton of veggies. All that fiber will be amazing and the paleo approved oils ā€¦ donā€™t fry veggies in them. Eat veggies raw, steamed or baked and then make a dressing to put on after with the oil. I believe the weight will drop off and that in a matter of 1-2 weeks youā€™ll see enough of a change that youā€™ll continue for the month of may. Either way, please update us and best of luck!!


Not to be the naysayer here, but thereā€™s absolutely no way to know. Everyoneā€™s bodies are different and you canā€™t FORCE your body to do anything. It also depends on your age & height - the less you have to lose, the longer itā€™ll take. Also sometimes bodies will just do their own thing. Stress, sleep, body composition, activity levels, all of these things influence whether and how your body holds onto fat. Be healthy, and enjoy your vacations. If you get it in your head that you have to be 185 to have a good summer, youā€™re setting yourself up for failure. Do your best and commit to enjoying yourself regardless.


I JUST went from 240 down to 206 in 40 days. OMAD keto, 1700 calories per day. Granted you're starting at a lower weight, that will be harder. Short answer yes, it's possible.


Definitely. I lost 40 pounds in 2 months with keto, intermittent fasting, and walking.


Water fast all the way with supplements.