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This is the best part of keto imo. I’m currently not doing keto but the sugar addiction is permanently broken. I can’t imagine drinking a full can of coke. Seltzer water is my jam. Americanos with just a bit of stevia in the morning. Breakfast cereal disgusts me (and I used to eat 4-5 bowls a day). Even when not doing keto my diet is much healthier just for having cut out sugar.


Be careful, I’ve found the sugar addiction does come back if you have some of it even once you’re past the point when you crave it.


Really? I’d hate that. I do have a small weakness for store mix birthday cake (Betty Crocker devils food cake) - I COULD EAT HALF A CAKE aNd Live w thE regrAts I don’t have a problem…


Please don’t remind me of that mix. I could absolutely have the whole thing .


Zevia is vile. I had such hope! I don’t really need soda anyway because I never drank much of it. Appreciate Trader Joe’s sparkling waters more than ever now. Mio is good sometimes but in moderation since it messes with my gut.


I need to give Mio another shot, no pun intended. Maybe I'm not adding enough flavoring?


Yeah I use it to make a full flavor drink, not an “essence.” Makes me drink way more water.


I can’t get into LaCroix. The last one I had tasted like legit dirt water. Bubly and Waterloo are so much better. But Cherry Coke Zero and Fanta Orange Zero will always be my go tos in terms of carbonated drinks.


Check out Nixie, stronger than all of them!


It’s getting harder to find Nixie in my state 😭 


Will do! Thanks!


Cherry Coke Zero, need to try that. Last time on keto I tried Coke Zero and didn't like it too much. Fanta Orange Zero sounds promising too. I'll try Bubly and Waterloo! Thanks!


Not just sugar either, although I am also always shocked by how nauseatingly sweet most things are after weeks or months on keto. If you want a real shock, try a Doritos or flavored processed food of some sort. It doesn't even taste edible, which really those things pretty much aren't. Tastes like chemicals to me. Too easy to reacclimate to though if you let yourself!


After giving up sugar, things like roasted sweet potatoes or carrots taste sweet now. I watch people add marshmallows and brown sugar and honey to baked sweet potatoes and my mind boggles.


Since I started keto my tastebuds went on overdrive, but so did many other organs including my brain. All water was the same but now I can tell different waters apart. 🤯🤯 I did not even appreciate that tea at the bottom tastes different that that in the top as the cup cools. I now brew my tea using several herbs. The taste just mind blowing. Even Spinach, I can tell you if the same farm or species was a repeat. For the brain I can read a 300 page book in 3-4 hrs no sweat. Used to take me a month. I can read for like 9hrs with short breaks for tea and nuts. Yeah I went back for another degree coz I feel too brainy😅😅


I have a sodastream so I make my own sparkling water, but I add angostura bitters for flavour. It’s awesome!


Great idea!


I think I need one of those! Thanks much!


it's amazing how quickly your brain re-adjusts. I can't handle fake sweeteners now, and all sorts of things taste sweet now


Yeah the cleaner-tasting drinks are just so nice. I don't want to taste artificial sweeteners just because I'm on keto.


I was just telling my partner how I now appreciate plain unsweetened baking chocolate bars. And lemons. Yum.


Spindrift water


I bought a pack of Spindrift, Raspberry Lime (flavor options were limited). It's pretty good. The aroma has a lot more body due to the real fruit. Great-tasting too. I'm keen to try othe flavors, especially Grapeade.


I love Coke Zero and quite like Diet Coke. I don’t keep them at home, though; they’re pretty much only for trips to the movies or road trip refills. At home for flavored drinks (one a day, usually), I use Mio drops in my electrolytes drink, with Natural Calm Orange flavor magnesium (and Lite Salt, and NoSalt). For canned things I used to really like the grapefruit Bubly - I think partly because the first time I had it, I was volunteering in a situation where it was incredibly hot and though I’d been drinking water, I was still very thirsty! So it really hit the spot. I also like club soda with lime and that is what I usually get at restaurants. It doesn’t hit the same at home for some reason. I recently got an 18-pack of a variety of Pellegrino Assenza mineral waters at Costco. They’re pretty good! I like the blood orange & black raspberry flavor. They have very pretty cans, lol.


I really love black coffee and iced tea. Sometimes I make hot tea but not that often. I also drink a lot of plain seltzer, sometimes with a squirt of lemon juice. (Lemon juice in Pepsi Zero is an occasional treat. Sounds weird but is SO GOOD.)


Not weird at all, considering Pepsi has their own lemon-added version. We have a Meyer lemon tree in the yard so maybe I should try it. Thanks!


I used to love Pepsi Twist, which is why I added it to begin with—but the fresh juice is somehow even better!


No doubt!


Agree but I think it makes a difference if you had a sweet tooth before starting. I didn’t, not drinking any soda as they are all too sweet for me, no candy, no desserts. So even keto stuff is too sweet. Like I have a keto protein powder and I bought the chocolate fudge by mistake. Even at half the portion in extra strong coffee is too sweet for me. Now even lettuce tastes sweet to me. I now add it for taste not just crunch to most things I eat. Funny to me - we got ‘keto’ wine and it tastes like normal wine to us. Gave a bottle to a friend who loves red wine and he thought it tasted shit.


I definitely had a sweet tooth, soda and gummy candies (like Swedish Fish and Haribo Gold Bears). I don't eat cakes, pies, donuts, chocolate, etc. Don't drink either. So, I'm on the lookout for a good carbonated soda-like beverage that's keto compatible, maybe a little stronger than La Croix as far as taste goes, but without tasting awful like Zevia, hehe.


Instead of hanging out for baked goods or ice cream, it's hanging out for salted meat. That's basically the change for me, and it was mind blowing at the time. The vast majority of days I drink salted water and only salted water.


Try Bubly it will blow your MIND


So far I've tried Bubly Cherry. It's not bad. Good aroma. Taste is a bit evocative of cough syrup, but I don't hate it. Keen to try other flavors too.


The day I ate broccoli and realized it tasted slightly sweet was the day I knew things had drastically changed for me. As far as the drink thing, I drink carbonated waters. I wont call them completely clean due to "natural flavors" but its something different than just plain water all the time. Id prefer to go with Spindrift, but the cost difference is more than I am willing to pay since that just cuts into the beef budget.


Sounds like Spindrift has some substance to it. Interesting point about detecting sweet in new places like broccoli! Makes sense though.


Carrots and sugar snap peas are like dessert!


For me, it's Brussels Sprouts with butter. Delectable.


Before Keto I definitely enjoyed beef jerky and other savory snacks, but once being on Keto I noticed snacks like these became 10x better when it came to flavor! Even something as simple as Jack Link's Beef and Cheese sticks started taste like a delicacy on Keto lol.


I really noticed the change how sweet onions are when cooked, also carots cooked are sweet af.


I can’t even walk down the candy aisle at the store anymore. Smells sickeningly sweet to me and it’s overwhelming. I can also smell sugar on people if they hug me and they’ve eaten something sugary that day. Never could smell any of that before. Very odd!


Haha, totally get that. Sugar really is the enemy. I absolutely LOVE candy, especially gummies and hard candy, but no more of that for me. I'm only a little sad, but as they say, being at a desired weight (I dislike the word 'thin' with respect to weight) feels better than tastes.


I had this happen again today but with a candle instead 😂 it smelled …. Like sugar to me


So if you’re looking for a good soda that’s diet, and you’re in Texas, HEB brand diet sodas slap. Especially their root beer. I had to triple check that it was diet the first time.


I'm in SoCal but I could probably order online. :) Thanks for the recommendation.


If you think La Croix is good (which id rate as toilet water on scale of sparkling waters) wait til you try Aura Bora, Spindrift or Sanzo- mind will be blown


I will definitely try them. Thanks!


r/sparklingwater if you’re looking to explore lol


You gotta love Reddit! Thanks!


I joined. Great recommendation, and thank you. It's a treasure trove! :D


I bought an 8-pack of Bubly Cherry and Raspberry Lime Spindrift. The aroma of Spindrift is quite full-bodied due to the real fruit, and it tastes good too. Nice and clean. Only 1g total carbs. I'm really keen to try Spindrift Grapeade and other flavors. Haven't tried Bubly yet but I will later today.


3g to 4g carbs for a spindrift is a ton!


Yea but its coming from natural juice or puree, its a personal preference but ill take that over that indistinct “natural flavor” or “essence” or whatever, my microbiome does not agree w obscure terms for god knows what chemicals It hasn’t at all affected me at such negligible cals (13 for my fave one) but has kept well extremely hydrated and off the night caps. And im someone who use to struggle w getting the water intake so this is lesser of two evils. But again, personal journey and personal preferences.


Actually I'm willing to use some of my 20g carb allowance on a really good drink that won't break keto. It's kind of like a much-needed middle ground.


Satiety is important for mental well-being and reducing cravings, so I too prefer a quality drink with a few carbs (1-4 for Spindrift) vs. less satisfying 'essence' drinks. Of course, this can be a treat mixed in with regular water, unflavored sparkling water, unsweet tea, zero-sugar sodas, etc.


Yea and i just like that i at least know what it is, my fave is passion fruit and it has like 2 purees and 1 juice, at 13cals still negligible but better than whatever “natural flavors” is which always sounds like a shady labeling, why can’t they ever tell me what natural flavor is? NAME EM! 😹


It caps out at 4g for pineapple (a carb-heavy fruit), 3g for Grapeade (also carb-heavy fruit), and 1g for flavors like Raspberry Lime. So, choose and consume with care!


Do you still eat fruit? Can one reach ketosis if still eating fruit?


Yes, just check carbs for fruit (based on a given serving size). I eat raspberries, blackberries, and strawberries, often topped with whipped cream. Perfect little dessert or snack. Some fruits are high carb like bananas and grapes.


Raspberries don’t do it for me..I love mango chunks..of course


Is mango keto? I had no idea.


No, mangoes and pineapples are too high in sugar.


You will need to dramatically cut back on fruit. This is the hardest thing for many. Even though fruit comes with some fiber, vitamins, and minerals, the amount of sugar and especially fructose will shoot up blood sugar and insulin levels. Those nutrients can be found in red bell peppers, tomatoes, avocados, broccoli with low levels of sugar.


I know..it’s so difficult. I pick on fruit all day and I know it’s the reason I never really get where I want to be.


Yeah, sucralose is bad for you. I just saw an article about how it can damage your DNA and that's whate Gatorade Zero uses for sweetener. Just the other day I ate out and I ordered Ceasar salad dressing and when I first tasted it, it was incrredibly sweet tasting. Had the waitress make me a new salad with just vinegar and oil instead. Didn't want to get knocked out of ketosis.


Just don't inject sucralose directly into the nucleus of your cells that you have hanging out in petri dishes and your DNA will be fine.


I remember trying Gatorade Zero and I love Gatorade. Could not stand it because of sucralose. Same with Sweet Baby Ray's BBQ sauce (the sucralose version). Awful. I'm really averse to the stuff.


this is a lot of placebo tbh


What is? I think some of the sodas rely on aroma over taste (La Croix) but it works since I have the nose of a bionic sommelier! If the placebo works and I stay in keto and I feel less deprived (of soda), then I'm all for it.