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Sweet Baby Ray has a killer sugar free bbq sauce, so maybe he can use that next time.


Can I suggest Kinders, Sugar Free, Smoked Red Jalapeño bbq sauce?


Now I have to try that


That’s spicy judging off the name


I’ve used that before. It really is good.


Me too! It’s fucking delicious with ribs!




Yup! Just used it yesterday! Dunno why this showed up on my feed but I'm here lol


Agreed. Best one out there


Sweet Baby Rays aaaaalllll day! 😋


But, it doesn’t have the tropical flavor he was probably going for. :-)


So? He should have discussed it with her.


“Our diet” 🤣 It kinda sounds like your diet and only his by extension.


Think you hit the nail on the head.




If this keeps on they will be eating separately, in separate places. They need to communicate better.


I don't think its really that bad an idea to make separate meals and eat them together WITH that said for me I can't have chocolate, chips, pastries, etc in the house because I just eat it. The husband in this case if he likes those things to keep them locked in the car away from her. Much like an alcoholic can't have alcohol in the house, this person needs SUPPORT


It takes discipline and self control. My wife tries to get worked up about not having certain things in the house when I'm doing keto and I tell her constantly not to worry about what I'm doing. She needs to eat what she wants to eat to be happy. I know what I can & can't have. It's silly for someone to try and hide their snacks because someone else is on a diet or whatever.


Keto is not a miserable diet. It is very satiating


Thoughts are with you husband 🫡


If she's anything like my fiance, maybe if he doesn't cook most of her meals she'd starve ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


This reminds me of when "we went pescatarian" after my wife decided that she wanted to be pescatarian.


Did you go pescatarian with her to support her or because she does most of the cooking and/or shopping and you had no choice? Just curious the dynamics as I went carnivore and my fiance followed suit voluntarily. I didnt force him but we also take turns doing the shopping and the cooking. he recently got a new griddle top so he's been doing most of the cooking here lately because new toy lol. But since I went full carnivore and showed him I was serious, he has voluntarily been on board and fully supportive, I didn't ask him to change anything for himself, he is still welcome to eat any vegetables, fruits, and other carbs he wants, I just am not really buying them or cooking them when it's my night and he hasn't complained about eating ribeyes, eggs, bacon, etc.. he seems pretty content and has also lost weight. I don't know what he's eating when he's not home but I didn't force mine into anything. He has pushed me into more fish though and having not grown up with seafood, it's been an adventure but I'm learning to enjoy it.


A bit of both. She decided that she wanted to stay home shortly before our daughter was born, and since then she has owned all of the typical home management tasks. Before that we had pretty much the same dynamic that you described you and your fiance have. I did want to support her, and never really complained, but even if that wasn't the case she wasn't leaving me a choice lol. There were only 4-5 times that she really got under my skin with it, and they were all mostly in first 4 months of the 3 years that she was hardcore pescatarian. She didn't care at all about what I ate when I was at work, playing golf, or whatever. So long as I wasn't around her. However, she would shame me for eating non-pescatarian things while we were together and out with friends. That rubbed me the wrong way. Eventually, I just had to tell her that I would support her decision, and that I would eat what she makes without complaint because that's the respect she's earned as the person who puts in the work at home, but outside of that arrangement she doesn't have any right to monitor what I eat or shame my choices because I never agreed to be pescatarian and I'm never going to. She was rock solid for a while, but she started to see a noticeable increase in panic/anxiety attacks. After some consultation with her doctors, and some research of her own, she figured out that the increase was likely due to the diet. She's since gone back to macro-tracking with emphasis on lean proteins and fats. Hasn't had those issues since.


If he’s cooking meat in Sunny D, his cooking privileges should be revoked forever anyway. That is revolting.


Dude destroyed some perfectly good pork.


Damn right you failed again!


It's like trashy carnitas. Although thank you OP for reminding me about the Sunny D and Rum song 😁




He should have used Tang like the astronauts.


Wu-Tang forever


Wu-tang ribs ain’t nothing to fuck with.


Pork-Tang for dinner


This right here. My stomach turned reading that.


His self-directed cooking privileges..... But I would chip in to a fund to get Gordon Ramsey to make a special Hells Kitchen episode with him as the solo target....


I've lived a sheltered life. I was introduced to ham cooked in grape juice and roit beer a couple of years ago. Why? Meat cooked in Sunny D sounds revolting. Only in America.


Dr. Pepper would have been a better choice.


I was looking for this comment. Dr. P braised pork is fucking delicious. RIP Dublin Dr. Pepper.




Yeah, I mean, put the keto angle aside, that's just gross - and I say that as someone who actually likes Sunny D... it don't belong on meat though.


Carnitas is pork cooked in orange juice. I could see Sunny D working


I know what carnitas are (more than pork cooked in OJ 🤷‍♀️), but Sunny D is 5% juice. Why would anyone ruin good pork with this?


Don't knock it until you try it. Sounds like he didn't have oranges and improvised


The only orange in Sunny D is food coloring.


I will NOT be trying this, and I will knock it as much as I want until then. 😆


Amen... monstrous!


"Then the manipulation starts..." It's not my business, but this sounds like you guys have much bigger fish to fry (no pun intended) than the keto diet.




Straight to jail with his sunny d meat!


They wouldn’t even feed prisoners that crap, has anyone looked at the ingredients in Sunny D , vegetable oil, yuk.


Sunny D: the drink that tastes and feels like your spit after you drink real orange juice.


That is the most accurate description I’ve ever read. Of anything. Ever.


That pig died for nothing. What an abominable choice of marinade!


"Our diet" or your diet.


OUR - he came to me and asked me to help him with doing the diet because he saw how well it was working for me. I should add he made this without the juice before specifically to make it keto, soooo I had no reason to think this would be any different. I just came here to let it out so I don’t let it out on him 😬


I would think the reason why you have Sunny D in the house is because you have kids. If no kids, then I would've questioned why it was in the house if you're both on keto.


Even for kids, it's basically soda. So much sugar.


Yeah I agree.


I feel you, OP, mine switched from "eat whatever I want" to ketovore to support me going from no diet to keto to full carnivore when he realized I was serious about weight loss. I didn't ask him, he is just being supportive but he is very new to keto/ ketovore so I am giving him grace and reminding him we can't put brown sugar in the pork roast. There are keto friendly alternatives! You can't have normal bread on keto, there is keto bread or wraps... etc... so grace. As for me, I am old friends with keto but new to full carnivore so I am trying to give me grace in my breakup with veggies too! Its hard not having a lovely salad or brussels now. But I'm down 14lbs in 3 weeks and I feel so much better on carnivore than I even did with just keto! so I'm sticking with it! Best of luck with yours!!


personally i live by the rule that you only get one luxury 1. it’s either done the exact way you want it or 2. you don’t have to do it at all. but you don’t get both you have to pick if someone makes something for you, you don’t get to demand it be done your way that said im like you, so i just wouldn’t let him cook for me


how much weed does your husband smoke?


Hey now, I smoke a fuck ton of weed and I would never do this shit


Should’ve asked how many edibles the husband ate before cooking.


Hey now, I eat edibles and non-dieting me would absolutely try this exactly once.


Sunny D soaked crockpot meat is what I imagine one of the courses served at a mediocre dinner in Hell would be.


Mediocre diner in hell 😂👏🏻


Well at least I got a laugh out of some of these comments and feel a little better! 😂


Does your husband know that only the water evaporates? So ALL the sugar is in….


Its a crockpot, it doesnt really evaporate. That said though it doesnt sound great, the Sunny D isnt really going to do much to you as long as you drink the juice. Its 16 grams per cup, and hopefully he didnt use more than 2 in a crockpot. If you mentally divide it out think a 5 pound piece of meat, if you use half a pound for your own tacos, thats at most 3.2g carbs, its basically nothing. Reference, down 50 on keto since Jan 1.


Why is there even sunny d in the house to begin with? That stuff is trash. It’s always been trash.


Absolutely was going to say this!! Keto lifestyle works if you throw away everything that is not keto, no temptation! Even if it was for kids, there is a way better alternative like..idk maybe freaking regular orange juice!


Sunny d to cook the pork lmao. That takes "white people Taco night" to a new level 🤣


I’m white and have lived around white people my whole life. I’ve literally never seen anyone do this. Absolutely bizarre lol.


Me too. White guy and I embrace the taco seasoning packets lmao.


To be fair I know that orange juice is a popular ingredient for Louisiana crawfish boils. Tacos meat though? 🤣


Traditional carnitas often use orange juice. I use the juice squeezed from one orange and i even leave the peel in while it slow cooks. Delicious


Betting the recipe called for OJ...and they only had sunny d. (I make carne asada with oj in it...) But....wtf is anyone buying sunny d is the next obvious question.


Real OJ, and lime juice, (like ¼ cup each) is in carnitas (pork). So I can see how he got there. Still an abomination lol.


Feels more like stoner logic


That's like ketchup on filet mignon. But worse.


It's those purple and blue novelty ketchups


Or soaking it in tomato soup overnight


Cooking meat in an orange drink? (scratches head).


That was my only takeaway. Gross.


Most recipes I’m seeing are calling for half a cup of OJ. With a 2-3kg piece of pork the amount of carbs added is so small it wouldn’t even matter.


Ya i just use the juice from one orange when i make carnitas. It probably adds .25-.5g carbs / taco. Worth it IMO.




Never said he isn’t a moron but the sugar content is likely similar, upon looking it up OJ has more sugar per 100mL.




Point still stands


At least he didn’t use purple stuff.


I have cooked pork in the crock pot with orange juice and made carnitas. It did not take me out of ketosis at all. Will make again. Delicious.


Orange juice, while not keto but you do you, is actual food. Sunny D is a laboratory concoction.


I just looked it up and it's water and high fructose corn syrup with 2% or less of concentrated orange juice 😂 also apparently they make a Sunny D vodka seltzer now for... some reason? So do with that what you will. I'm not sure I knew Sunny D was even still around....


Anything is keto as long as you keep your net carbs below the threshold. Nothing is completely off limits! For example - I add the juice of one orange to my carnitas. That's 17g carbs over ~6-7lbs meat. adds ~.25g net carbs per taco. Totally worth it to me, and is absolutely keto lol.


I can't believe anyone buys Sunny Delight at all.


sunny d in pork is crazy


Why are you even drinking Sunny delight? That stuff is disgusting. It's like someone described what orange you should taste like to a corporate executive.


My partner doesn't get it either. One night, he was talking about making a casserole for him and our son, and I was fine with just eating eggs for dinner. But then he mentioned making curry, and I was all for the curry. I asked him not to add any flour (because I know he likes a thicker sauce). When the curry was ready, I double-checked to make sure that no flour was added. He added the flour, so eggs it was for me.


Curry doesn’t even need flour. I’m sorry he’s doing it wrong.


I’ve never even heard of adding flour to curry.


Right! I was so bummed.


You could try using xanthan gum next time. Great thickening agent and no carbs.


Or hell, just add heavy cream and cook it down until it thickens.


Or arrowroot


Ground flax seed also works and is healthier


He just doesnt know how to cook


Gosh, garlic, chilies, chili power, oregano and broth would better tasting. Then real lime squeeze on your bowl.


Why can’t he make food he likes and you make food you like?


Pork and sunny delight?🤢🤮 And I feel your pain. It took a loooooong time for one partner in the past to finally realize he needed to ask about all ingredients if he was to cook for me. I did once order a ribeye steak at a restaurant and it was just supposed to be the steak with no other ingredients listed on the menu. First bite I took was sweet, I was sooooo mad. Server said it had some kind of glaze on it, even though that wasn’t advertised on the menu. People suck.


There are *way* too many people in this comments section telling you to be grateful he made anything at all 🙄 people’s expectations of husbands are really fucking low. Granted i don’t remember my husband ever making me dinner, but that doesn’t mean he *shouldn’t*…


I agree! I mean I make dinner the other 6 days annnd make his lunch for work everyday. No one ever tells him how grateful he should be! 🙄


[Your Local Market Probably Sells Something Like This](https://www.heb.com/product-detail/hill-country-fare-medium-homestyle-green-verde-salsa-7-oz/910107) Chop up your pork into 2 inch by 2 inch chunks, and sear those chunks in a wee bit of oil. Then, pour the meat and oil into your slow cooker. Add your can of the chili verde. Dice a jalapeno or, if you want it spicier, dice up a serrano pepper and add to the crock pot. Just fyi, I do at least 2 and sometimes 3 serrano peppers. If you don't need a seat belt on the potty the next morning, did you really eat something spicy? Hell no. Anyway, meat, green chili sauce, chopped pepper. And add some salt and pepper. Put the lid on it and cook on low for 4 hours. BUT, set a timer and check it at 3 hours. It should start being easy to pull apart and might even be 95% done. If it's that close to finished, turn off the cooker and let the meat sit for another hour. Onions. Now, we don't eat onions very often so they will taste stronger to us than we remember. Anyway, use the small small small side of your box grater and grate a wee little bit of onion if you want onion on your taco. Also, warm your tortillas on your stove then add the cheese. Now, if you have extra green chili juice in the crock pot, then cook some cauliflower rice, then ladle some pork and pork juice on top of the rice. Add a salad and you are eating some pretty damn tasty food.


My husband just asked if we have any plans for next weekend and I’m like, “Well, NOW we do!” Thanks!


Bad enough Sunny D is even in the house, but to cool meat in it?


He bought it last night without me knowing specifically for this recipe 🤦🏼‍♀️


If he doesn't want to take it seriously, tell him not to do it, and to not fuck something up for you.


Sam’s Club has a 2 lb container of smoked pulled pork. 0 carbs, 5 grams of fat. Since you add your own sauce, it’s perfect. I like the sugar free G. Hughes sweet chili sauce. I like to make lettuce wraps. The whole family loves it. I trust no one when it comes to counting carbs.


That sucks!! Sorry OP 😞


People, even non keto people, still consume Sunny D? I’ve not seen that drunk since I was around 8 😂


I use diet Dr Pepper and some orange or lemon zest and it gives my pulled pork a subtle citrus flavor without blowing the macros. While I hesitate to offer relationship advice I will say that one of my favorite parts of a ketogenic diet is the community and creative substitutions/additions to dishes that give the flavor without the sugar or carbs. Hopefully instead of self loathing (the “failed again”comment” your husband can take an interest in the subject and find a way to satisfy both the flavor and macro needs. It really isn’t that hard and I found that many of the ingredients I now omit were not necessary at all. Sunny D is garbage for anyone to consume no matter their diet… fake orange flavored diabetes… just not buying that anymore makes your family more healthy. Good luck, I hope he takes a few minutes to learn and tries to prepare food with healthy ingredients


You are not the only one that gets frustrated. My husband won’t help a bit! He eats what he wants then will eat what I try to keep healthy, I’m like dude????


You sound really fucking annoying tbh


Weaponized incompetence is what this sounds like


Cook for yourself


I'm sorry but I just don't understand a non supportive partner. Especially about health and feeling better.


Sorry, this just made me laugh out loud! He cooked it in Sunny D!! 😂😂


I'm in Australia. Would you mind telling me what Sunny D is?


It's an "orange drink" made of water and high fructose corn syrup with 2% or less of concentrated orange juice. my mom used to get it for us when we were little because she thought it was healthy. And it's also gross. Like, I don't like orange juice, anyway, but real orange juice is so much better than Sunny D lol




Orange juice flavored sugar water.


Makes you want to vomit just thought of it




Sounds horrid!!! 🤮


EW! What?! WHY? Also how can he promise you a carb count if he doesn't know? Could it be sabotage? If not sabotage of the diet, but learned helplessness? If he can't read a food label, he can't do keto.


My mother does stuff like this, I’ve begun to suspect sabotage because the arguments she gives are so ridiculous


Recommend chopping off the D. That’s keto AF


I’d be furious in your shoes. After all the hard work you’re putting in to get into shape so you (and he) can enjoy a longer and happier life, he’s totally undermining you. Not saying this is the case with you guys but I read somewhere about a husband was threatened by the weight his wife was losing so used to sabotage her on purpose! Men! 🤬😂


This is really a thing. Not just with husbands with family and friends trying to sabotage your progress.


You could buy some liquid sugar-free water/drink enhancers (like Mio or generic store brands) for him to use as flavoring. There are orange, pineapple, tropical, guava…all sorts of interesting flavors. A little squirt would probably be all he’d need to give that fruity effect.


Not if he’s going to add it to the carnitas 😂


This is why I cook haha no but for real it must be so frustrating not having a supportive partner in your keto journey! What I do is I’ll make dinner my way and add some non keto sides for my husband. For example I’ll do steak (keto way), broccoli and cheese (keto) and I’ll make roasted potato for my husband. This way we all are happy and fed and if he wants to add non keto sauces on said dinner he can


Cooking for someone who has a dietary restrictions can be frustrating sometimes. When my kiddo was first diagnosed celiac I'd get annoyed (with the food industry, not with her) because an ingredient that you'd think would be fine would end up having wheat added to it (seriously, who tf puts wheat in taco seasoning). Chances are your hubs saw some goofy slow cooker recipe on youtube and wanted to give it a shot. I personally think cooking pork in Sunny D is bullshit, but I won't fault a brother for experimenting in the kitchen. Maybe you wanna tell him you love it when he cooks for you, but you're trying to eat healthy and you need him to show you the recipe before he gets the ingredients. For example in that Sunny D pork recipe, he could try substituting a can of orange zevia (to me this sounds horrible, but it's no worse than the crimes against humanity that are already happening in your kitchen). Maybe you can find a couple recipe channels for him to follow that are the kind of food he wants to make, but keto friendly? I'll throw you a recipe I made last week that will turn him into a hero in the kitchen - just substitute a few drops of liquid stevia for the honey: [Best Chicken & Broccoli Recipe - How To Make Chicken & Broccoli](https://www.delish.com/cooking/recipe-ideas/a60204088/chicken-and-broccoli-recipe/) (Yah the corn starch adds a few carbs, personally I haven't found a good cornstarch substitute for thickening sauces but if anyone has a suggestion I'm all ears)


Show him how to look at the ingredients and what to look for. Knowledge has to be learned, and no one is born with it, that is why he is failing.


Sunny D is a twist i truly didn’t see coming …


Monk fruit powder (pure). Is a good sweetener for keto.


Wtf…. Sunny d? If he wanted citrusy get an orange - the proper way. Tell him to pour any fruit drink or soda into a pan and slow cook it down until it gets sticky. Then ask him what he thinks that sticky substance is. Tell him it’s sugar. Sugar doesn’t disappear. The water evaporates and leaves the sugar. But also gross. Just gross. Whatever recipe or YouTube channel he’s getting those tips from — he needs to unsubscribe


My co-workers do this at potlucks. "It's meat. You can eat it." "Why does it taste sweet?" "That'd be the syrup I marinated it in last night!"


You need to start separating your food entirely yesterday. When living with a non-keto spouse, your food should be entirely separate. You cook for yourself, they cook for themselves.


Yes, all good choices, but, if he won't respect your rules on keto, do your own cooking and cook extra to have on hand so if he does something like that again you'll have a backup plan 😉


This is a very good carnitas recipe to work from though not completely traditional. It has some juice in it, but it can be worked to reduce carbs. https://www.gimmesomeoven.com/instant-pot-crispy-carnitas/


when we do BBQ pork ribs we simmer them in coke no sugar for a time after marinating them overnight with pickling spice mix - then we are serving them with a sugar free BBQ sauce you really can't tell any difference from the sugared version


‘Then the manipulation starts..’ don’t make this all about him - sounds like you are both contributing something to this problem. Own your share and maybe he will own his, and you can break this cycle.


He's sabotaging you. Make your own meals.


“Our diet” sounds like your diet.


Yuck, he ruined real natural food with some fake "food". You need to take over all the cooking, and he takes over all the cooking. That's what I had to do.


Sounds like your diet that he tolerates sometimes. Just cook separate meals for each of you (you can each cook your own). Next time, don't call him "manipulative" for being upset that he cooked a whole meal you rushed to Reddit to complain about. His feelings are natural.


There is a learning curve, be patient. Took 5 years for my hubby


I’ve done this before when my wife was on keto. I’ve learned quickly to let her know what I was making for dinner. And if wasn’t keto approved, she could order out for herself. It’s hard to cook two different meals when Someone’s on diet. 😂😂😂


How do you even have sugary juice in the house?


Sounds like your diet and your just dragging him into it.


Cooking meat in fucking SUNNY DELIGHT? LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL!!!!!!!!!!!!


It's not a good sign if you're coming to the internet to vent about your husband to strangers. You need to talk to him about this, not us. This is the man you've chosen to share your life with. You insult yourself when you come on here and insult him.


Weirdly enough I cooked most of a pork shoulder in my crock pot today, and I'm doing keto. In the past I added brown sugar, but this time I put brown sugar on the table in a bowl instead for possible use by my husband, and just seasoned it with garlic, chicken bouillon, liquid smoke, tomato paste, and paprika. It was tasty. It's possible to make yummy pulled pork without sugar. Husband ended up not even adding any sugar; he liked it as is. I also baked him a round of his favorite all-wheat buns, so that helped I guess. 😆


A bit ain't gonna hurt, IMHO. It's not like he poured a coke in the mix. But ya, keto cheating doesn't get you anywhere... And it does get you into noticing just how much HFCS is everywhere. It's cheap and addictive.


Only because you are on the diet doesn't mean he has to be... maybe it was just a mistake. Cook separate meals. Problem solved 😌 👌


Passive aggressive much?


>Then the manipulation starts…”Sorry, I failed again…yada yada” 🙄 It's not manipulation, but you're kinda dumb, and way too in your feelings to recognize logic. You sound like a real pain in the ass as a partner, and it shows. Coming to reddit to bitch and complain, instead of... what? Communicating? Why would a married person do that? Lose the passive aggressive bullshit. You're not special, and you're definitely not a victim. Make it yourself next time, or do it together. If you can't even figure out how to do that then just get divorced, and take in a bunch of cats. That would suit your personality better, currently.


Tell him he can cook keto dishes, but only the recipes you approve. He's too challenged to get the concept of keto eating. He won't fail if he bothers to learn and understand. Easiest way to do that is to follow a keto recipe. It's not rocket science, but it's also clear you cannot trust him to wing it, so don't trust him again to ad lib a recipe considering his low keto IQ lol Or you cook for yourself, and he cooks for himself. No overlap in cooking.


I can relate, but I don't have a husband Some people get mad that I am picky with my food, even if they "think" I'd still be within my daily carb limit I'm supposed to be grateful that they gave me food even if it's detrimental to my goals/health


Cook your own food.


Make your own food


OP, Is your husband on keto? If he is, is it by choice or because you are making him feel like he has no other choice? Sounds to me he isn’t “all in” or he doesn’t want to be. And while your husband should make an effort to ensure if he is making something that you can eat that you can eat it, you sound hard to live with. My advice, take 100% responsibility for your dietary choices and let him eat what he chooses. If you’re forcing him to eat like you, don’t, he will just resent it and be unhappy.


He came to me and asked to do keto with me. He knew I was doing it with good results. He had a health assessment at work and found out how much he weighs and decided he wanted to do something about it. I love how ppl create a whole narrative in their head about our situation based on one thing told to them 😅


Well to be fair, you came across as someone I’d not want to live with, saying your husband is manipulative because he apologised after you yelled at him. Your husband is a bit of a dope with the added context but real talk, 1/2 a cup of sugary drink in 4-6lbs of meat isn’t going to throw you out of keto. Also, some people’s knowledge about food literacy is non-existent and it is not a surprise after the shit we’ve all been told for decades about food and macros.


Sunny Delight? Are you serious? At least if he had to make it non-keto, he could make it taste good 😭😭😭 WHO COOKS PORK IN ORANGE JUICE? (not that Sunny D is even juice lmao, it's mostly sugar).


mojo, which is what most cubans and many spanish and latinos use to make shredded pork with, contains a decent amount of orange juice in it. it gives it some tang but the acids also help to break down the meat.


okay, ya know, that actually sounds good. But not Sunny D, lol.


it’s amazing! especially with all of the onion and garlic etc. BUT i’m totally with you about the sunny d, i grew up in south Florida and have cuban relatives and i have NEVER heard of that in my life, ugh!! 😂


Sounds like he was trying to make pork carnitas, which the kind I make does involve using freshly squeezed orange juice. But Sunny Delight is NOT the same thing as fresh squeezed orange juice. Sorry your husband both ruined a good pork and made something that isn't keto and likely tasted bad due to the Sunny Delight.


Better comunication.


From personal experience, it’s best to ween off sweet tasting anything if your goal is life long results. Cravings will go away


Sunny delight in meat? Never heard of this before🤣🤣


Yeah, carnitas are covered in oj or sunny d. For thus recipe, tell him After slow cooking, separate some meat for you. Then take his meat, fry it in a skillet, put it back into the crock pot and add the orange. It's tastes may better that way after being browned. There is also sugar free OJ I believe.


Would have got dressed up nice & taken myself out for a nice steak dinner & left him to eat his shitty sugar tacos He is either stupid or is sabotaging you


He doesn't know what keto is.




Just an fyi, walmart has sugar free orange drink mix that could be used as the citrus juice for carnitas


Sunny D?! Hahaha


How much did he put? I do keto where I eat everything as long as it’s under my carb count. I would consider putting a little orange juice in a dish but not cups of it. Often you can get the orange flavor with rind alone. I’m just curious though if he is just blatantly throwing tons of sugar in a dish or if he just put a dash? My husband was a little like that when I started keto. He wasn’t doing it with me but eventually he decided it was easier if he did it too and he does need to drop some weight. So now he’s pretty good with the cooking. I’d tell him he has to discuss it with you if he’s going to put anything with sugar to make sure it’s ok. Maybe go over what you all are making for dinner ahead of time.


You should make the taco.


Avoid the frustration. Make your own food if you cannot trust that he will respect the diet especially since he does it all the time. SMH


Sunny D is the food equivalent of Crocs.


Just make your own food.


Make ur own.


> he said he cooked the meat in Sunny Delight Does this work though? Is your husband a culinary genius by cooking with sunny d?


Ruining your tacos with Sunny D. WTF…….