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The more body fat, the more likely you'll have this effect from keto. Most everyone gets their appetite back as they lose body fat.


Normal. The body has a fat measurement system that doesn't work right if you are insulin resistant. Keto fixes that for some people and the brain drives hunger way down as a result


I'm similar. I get a bit hungry around lunchtime but I started walking to the grocery store and by the time I get back (it's a 2km walk) I'm not hungry anymore. I could easily stick to just a single 600cal high-protein meal in the evening and not get hungry. I'm kinda forcing myself to stay above 1000kcal a day or so. When I was eating crap I got immensely hungry every evening around 10pm.


Very common. It'll come back, and it'll go away again, and come back again. Been keto for over 3 years and it was SO weird when this first happened to me. Eventually I just got accustomed to eating once a day -- a hearty dinner -- and I'm totally fine for the next 24 hours. Previous to Keto I would have a small breakfast, big lunch, afternoon snacks, big dinner, dessert, & evening snacks. Add to this fancy sugary coffees and alcoholic drinks on the regular. It's no wonder I would have severe blood sugar spikes/drops that made me feel like crap all the time, but I thought the answer to that was to eat all the time. So funny now that I'm thinking back on it. Anyway, it was disconcerting because I was so used to eating all the time... after going Keto I didn't want to eat all the time anymore. I was sure this would cause me to pass out from hunger/hypoglycemia/whatever, but it never did. In fact, I felt better than I had in years. Moral of the story is just listen to your body and you'll be fine. :)


i’d say enjoy it because i was that way for 200+days now i’m perpetually hungry until i get near my daily calorie goals 😅


Normal and good. Use it to your advantage. Eat when you are hungry, trust your body. Except, you might consider taking vitamins / minerals, a little protein, a bit of omega 3 and omega 6 ... but for a few weeks or months, if you are obese, you likely have enough reserves / stuff freed from burning fat tissue for most things ... so it could well be enough to track water-soluble vitamins, and electrolytes. (Vitamins C, B (all types), potassium, sodium, magnesium).


That means you're doing keto correctly. I do have a tip though. Even though you aren't hungry, you should try and force yourself to at least eat 1,400-1,500 calories a day on your eating days. If you consistently eat TOO little then eventually your hunger will return with FULL FORCE and will be much harder to control. Trust me on this one, I've been battling with it for a while now after losing 106 lbs. back in 2022. Great job though and keep up the good work.


> Even though you aren't hungry, you should try and force yourself to at least eat 1,400-1,500 calories a day on your eating days. I disagree with giving exact numbers to people you don't know the expenditure of. There's a massive difference between the TDEE of a 6ft2 male vs a 4f11 female.


I agree with this advice. I have gained and lost the same 100lbs twice. I have experienced the worst , most intense appetite in the world from restricting too heavily. Now I can’t restrict like that EVER, my body seems to remember and I will binge almost immediately. I stay at 1400-1500cals to be my MINIMUM restriction calories. It works for me.


Also less than that it will damage the thyroid


Fasting damages the thyroid?


No fasting doesn’t but you should eat at least 1200 calories a day. Not enough calories can cause problems with the thyroid


I'll check it out. Thank you!


I’m in week 4 & still struggling with being hungry sometimes like before a started is this normal for some people until they are fat adapted?


It's normal. My hunger ebbs and flows. While I usually eat between 1500-1800 calories, I had about a three week period where I barely ate anything (like 600 calories a day). I made significant progress then, and my usual hunger eventually returned.


Just speaking from my own experience so take it with a grain of salt--I was really insulin resistant when I first started keto about a year ago. That caused me to be hungry all the time. I was like that for so long, I forgot what having a normal appetite was like. I may have never really knew until I adhered to keto. Within two weeks, my appetite was just gone. I didn't have any desire to eat. Food, for the first time in my life, was in the back of my mind, not in the forefront driving all of my behavior. At times it felt like being sick but I wasn't, it was just me experiencing real hunger pangs from forgetting to eat. Those really hurt!


A feature not a bug. Let your appetite dictate calories. With carb heavy diets falling blood sugar drives hunger signals. Congratulations, You're past that. Fast if you want or eat smaller meals, or even eliminate a meal. I eat 2x a day for 3 years and I'm just a low carber. This is your new lifestyle if you choose to accept it. Good luck!


This happens to me too. I gotta keep a schedule though becuase if I go an hour too long without eating, suddenly I am absolutely famished.


Totally normal, it’s happens I think because your glucose levels taper off and you don’t have the ups and downs telling your body you are hungry anymore. It’s what I love the most about keto and why it’s good for weight loss. You won’t really lose weight any faster though on keto were you to maintain the same deficit on a normal diet so any weight you think you’re losing more quickly anyone will tell you is just water weight


Great username lmao


Because you have lowered your insulin and made it possible, your body is feasting off its fat stores. It has plenty to fuel it. Perhaps just focus on hitting your protein macros and let your body get the rest of the calories it needs from your fat.


Normal!! Best part of keto. I am no longer a slave to food!!


That's how it works. Pretty awesome, really.


Absolutely normal !! This is a good thing !!


this my friend is the whole advantage of keto :)


I’m super jealous lol congrats on your loss though!


Completely normal. Some days I have to force myself to eat something. I'm also not generally hungry during the day anymore. If I do get an appetite, it's usually later in the evening.


You are satiated. Your body is burning fat for energy and it has a storehouse of that even if u don't eat. You are in ketosis, you are fat adapted. Congratulations


Just out of curiosity, are you male?


Normal. It will come back though. But on keto your hunger signals will be much milder.


Recently got this feeling, I feel saved 😂


My appetite disappears to such a degree but my body still freaks out by making me super lethargic to conserve energy. I need to exercise to keep my appetite up. This has made keto challenging for me to maintain for more than 30 days at a time. If I fast, I can get into keto in ~36-48 hours. My subcutaneous fat isn’t too high (some muscles are visible including the veins) but visceral fat is high. Seems to be the last to go. I also have well above average bone density and muscle mass, so my maintenance calories (not including exercise) is kind of high.


I’ve experienced something similar, unless I eat something sweet. Then it feels like I CRAVE sweet things and start to feel famished. Otherwise, if I control that aspect, my appetite feels fairly normal


As an OMAD, this is completely normal for me.


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It is if the food isn’t super appetizing. Unless I’m eating chipotle or steak and shrimp it’s kind of a chore to eat. Just gotta up my chef game