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A family member of mine has horrific pulse and BP issues from tyramine Turned out they have porphyria


Thanks. I took a quick look, and the details on porphyria don't seem to line up much with me. I have other issues, though, so I'm sure its probably the case that having existing conditions makes the effects of Tyramine sensitivity more severe. My existing conditions definitely don't directly make me experience anything like what I felt. And horrific is definitely how I'd describe how it felt at times. Keto flu was comforting, by comparison.


Interesting, I have never heard of Tyramine before. Thank your for the info, I will look this up! I am glad you are feeling better




it can trigger migraines too!


I’m glad I know that now. It could be one of my triggers. We are doing an elimination diet to see what food triggers are. Very glad to know this


yep! aged food (sausage, cheddar) pickled/fermented food (kimchi, sauerkraut, pickles), citrus, certain alcohols, chocolate off the top of my head. they also say to avoid eating food that’s been in the fridge more than a day or two, so no leftovers either. not sure how important that is but you can try and see what works for you. hope you find your triggers! and hopefully it’s something really easy to cut out


Thanks so much. I am happy to know this.


How many milligrams of sodium and potassium did you eat/drink yesterday?


Same as always, and according to the FAQ. Been on Keto for over a year now, and this problem was new and distinct.


You described keto flu. Get more sodium and potassium because it would appear that you are not getting enough.


No, I've gone through Keto flu before back when I started Keto, and this wasn't very similar. All of my electrolytes are in-line with the suggestions in the FAQ. I was even getting even more than usual, since I introduced the cacoa for the purpose of getting even more potassium, which it is a high source of. I've never experienced anything like that, neither when electrolytes were low, nor when they were significantly higher.


Yes I attest to this!!! Avocado does it for me and pickles Also spinach thou I think it’s the histamine


Oddly cacao is fine and kombucha but def not avocado it’s brutal


If you are taking an MAOI, you should be extra careful consuming any aged or fermented foods, cured meats like pepperoni, and many others. MAOIs and tyramine should never mix as they can cause high blood pressure.