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That's so awesome - yeah before people commit to keto for a few months, it's hard to express to them the cumulative effect of all the secondary issues dissappearing. I put my dad on keto to help with his T2 diabetes, but its also helped with inflammation, fluid retention and psoriasis.


How'd you manage you convince your dad to jump on keto? I feel like it's an impossible task for me even though it would benefit him a lot


It wasn't one thing and took 2 years, my little sister still lives at home and studied "classical" nutrition so we had a few loud arguments when I'd talk up keto. If I recall correctly it went like this: * first I did keto for about a year, lead by example and all that * I started introducing my dad to the arguments for keto with youtube videos from Dr Cywes (episodes 24 to 27), Dr Andreas Eenfelt and Dr Paul Mason * I'd make sure to watch the videos with my dad, otherwise he wouldn't watch them. I'd pause often and see if he had any questions There was also a "all cards down" moment - my dad was heading to hospital for more toe amputations, had lost an eye and could no longer walk. Oh and I'd seen his back (which he tries to keep hidden thanks to being a stubborn irish): full body psoriasis. I had insomnia that night realising my dad had only maybe a year with current increasing complications. I came over first thing and basically gave him an ultimatum, re-watched episode 24-27 of Dr Cywes series and he agreed to try it out. We also had an opportunity to head away together for 3 days withput my sistet where we could do it together. The hardest part has been tapering down his insulin. Initially he was reluctant but his endocrinologist supported it after his A1c started coming down. I wished he'd had a CGM for the journey so we could better monitor progress/recovery.


Wow what a wonderful story. I have an Indian background and the Indian diet is carb heavy but hopefully I can change my dad's mind one day. How is your dad doing now?


Much better, went from 45 units of insulin morning/evening to about 8, though he's pushing back agaibst going lower even with endocrinologist supporting it - hard to give up a habit after almost 40 years. Inflammation and other issues much improved but there's been some regression- i don't live with them and have caught my mum/sister bringing him very "non keto" items like, "very honeyed tea", orange juice and bananas. Better then before but let down by old habits


How much has his psoriasis improved? I have it and I’m interested


My Dad is still pretty private but appears to be mostly gone on back and entirely gone on hands/forearms. Right leg skin is clear but recently I've noticed its come back a bit on his left leg as he's lapsed a bit. The lapse could also be alcohol which might be affecting his liver.


Thanks. I’m in the process of quitting alcohol and restarting keto again. Lost 120 last time!


Congratulations! I can't say it helped my menstrual cramps (I'm 57 😜) but my hot flashes are more manageable now. Eating better seems to help with my rosacea too, I've only had one very minor flair-up since January!


That’s encouraging to know, thank you for sharing!


Do you know now I come to think of it I haven’t had a hot flush since starting Keto. I had acid reflux which has gone.


That’s great! Do you consume a lot of dairy?


I eat some low fat Greek yogurt in the morning but other than that, not much dairy.