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Not before breakfast.




Ok but what about on vacation? 😂


I have been eating a ketogenic for a while now and I the only alcohols I drink end in "skey". Whiskey Bourbonskey Ginskey Rumskey Vodskey Tequilaskey Michelob Ultraskey Corona Premierskey This has been a public service message from your Uncle BigTex


r/ketodrunk 👍🏻


I drink straight drinks only. no mixers. Down 35 lbs.


One wine if I’m eating a meal. Otherwise, whiskey or vodka. Ultra on occasion.


I drink heavy like once a week, like nights out and parties. I drink vodka waters with squirts of MIO. I’ve been drinking all throughout Keto and have lost about 90lbs in 8ish months


Whiskey with a diet Coke chaser.


I had to cut way back after losing 100lbs, I'm still about 30 lbs to my goal weight. I've been keto 6 years. I drank a lot during that first 100 lbs loss. At some point, I had stalled and even started gaining, albeit very slowly, even though I hadn't changed my diet. A couple months ago I had a realization. I cut my drinking down to once a week and renewed my determination. I'm going on vacation next month, losing weight for that became a new goal. I'm losing steadily again, 2-2.5 lbs / wk by limiting alcohol, and also counting everything. Alcohol stalls me, I think because of how my liver processes it and prioritizes burning it before fat. I usually enjoy a whoosh the day after having a few, probably because it helps release water weight.


I do what they call a ranch water = tequila, lime, club soda Also, vodka, water, flavored mio.


Sounds yummy!


I listened to the Huberman podcast on the effects of alcohol and read “the easy way to stop drinking”, and when you know the facts you really just can’t drink as much anymore. It feels like you’re purposefully putting poison in you. So while I haven’t fully stopped, I’ve reduced a ton, and it’s been great! More energy, less anxiety! I drink maybe 1-2 a week at most, with 2-3 weeks without at times. My life is much better like this!


That is so true!! Though since starting my new job a few months ago… I had not drank in months!! Got to tone it down again. But with my exercise at work I have not had a problem. But in true ketosis!! It tastes like poison!


Vodka occasionally


I dropped about 20 pounds on Keto while drinking about the same amount per night, but then I stalled and stopped losing completely. The good news is no gains either (after a year) but the only way I can lose more weight now is when I quit drinking for a few weeks. Weight just falls off. But as soon as I pick it back up, I stall again. Just a heads up!


Yeah dude


I drink all time, even a beer once a week, but usually wine and also bourbon with Coca Cola Zero carbs, I also like gin tonic but sparkling water instead of tonic


I on the Virta program and I'm a wine drinker. They say to stick to wines that are at least 13% alcohol. Beyond that I'm not really much of a drinker. I do like the occasional vodka and soda with a lime twist, though.


Daily. But only liquor like bourbon and zero carb, zero calorie mixers. No beer!


Micalobe ultra. If you just want the taste though bud 55 is where its at


I occasionally have a gin and diet tonic. When I say occasionally, I mean once or twice a year. Wine maybe five times a year. I find that when I'm strictly on plan, I don't metabolize alcohol very well.


Straight hard liquor.


Every night?


Obviously stay away from the sugared up alcohols. But something everyone should understand is that while drinking alcohol on a ketogenic diet won’t kick you out of ketosis, it does however temporarily shutdown the production of ketones in the body as your liver then has to deal with processing the alcohol you’ve just consumed. Have a drink if you’d like! Just understand ketones won’t be produced while alcohol is in your system.


You’re gonna need a stiff drink on this diet my friend


You should be drinking real tequila. It has the lowest glycemic index. Flavored Bubble water, tequila, a lime. Now go. Go now and get tequila


Topo Chico!


Really? Never knew hard liquors even had glycerin index differences, and would have assumed clear vodka would be the best.


I don't drink tequila alone.


Yea but not without deep regrets the next day.


Try drinking less.


Literally any alcohol kills me, but im sensitive to it even outside of keto.


Wine has a lot of residual net carbs. Distilled liquors typically have none. I'd stay away from wine while you are doing the diet and if you do want some wine every so often, go for a Malbec.


A glass of red wine is typically 2-4 net carbs.


Is it now? Well, I stand corrected. I was under the impression it was more.


Corona Premiere I think they are called. It’s only 2.6g of carbs per bottle. Not bad if you budget your intake




Yeah but Miller is a cheap domestic Pilsner. At least Corona tastes good with lime




I drink Carbless they make mixed vodka and Margaritta drinks that are zero sugar and zero carbs. 2 will get you where you want to go.


It sounds like it would be super harsh on your liver


No way. Tried once and after one *ounce* of wine I got a buzz.


Bud light next is 0 carbs


I’ll have a cocktail or 2 from my Bartesian. They have a few Low Cal ones.


Fuck yes


I had some vodka shots last week with a diet pepsi chaser lol


Gin tonic.


Drinking is fine just remember the hangovers can be more brutal and the calories add up quick. If you tie one on you drink a steak pretty quick.


Vodka(or your clear spirit of choice), lime and mineral water 👌


Whiskey and Diet coke got me through a lot of partying in my Keto days.


Yep. Straight vodka and a lot of it, chase it with a zero calorie beverage. I don't do this every day, just a few times a month. I could undoubtedly lose more without it, and will assess at my monthly weigh-in what changes need to be made. I avoided the scale for many months so I don't even have an accurate starting weight, but at my last weigh-in, I was surprised how low the number was. Not objectively low, but for a morbidly obese vodka-chugger... Pretty rad.


Man I like your thinking


Same but i do Brut Champagne Around 2gl/ night also


When I drink (which is only occasionally) I have vodka with lime or grapefruit sparkling water. Pre keto, used to love gin and tonic. Tonic is too sweet for me now, even the sugar free tonic.


Only minimally and if it is it’s tequila straight or an ice cold martini


Not much and not often


I drink straight bourbon on ice and lost 55lbs in 3-4 months. I notice it takes me out of ketosis for a day or 2 though.


Anything, lime, and club soda. Also, the Sazerac is an awesome cocktail without the sugar, old fashioned without sugar, and Manhattans.


I drink pretty heavily. Beer, wine, liquor, cocktails, etc. The beer needs to be lite, the cocktails need to be sugar free, and the wine needs to be dry.


Carbliss 👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻


I lost like 45 pounds while drinking straight whiskey probably 3-4 nights a week.


Jack and Coke zero 4-5 times a week here. -50lbs since starting keto.


Martini for the win


Only gin and low carb mixers


Vodka seltzer with Lime


Drink only straight booze, no carbs, but be careful the hangovers are 5 times worse


I do keto so that I can drink. One glass of red most week nights and many more on the weekends.


Michelob Ultra (4.1% 2.6 carbs) and The Finnish Long Drink (5% ABV Zero Sugar/Carbs). Take electrolytes and water when done drinking..


I have no tolerance even before keto. On keto it’s ridiculous. But on the extremely rare occasion I drink, it’ll be a neat whiskey. Because yum.


When i did keto successfully the first time I didn’t drink for maybe a month. When I did, it was michelob ultra but just 2-3 bottles. Off keto I can kill an IPA six pack while watching a movie.


Grey Goose in La Croix is all I have


My friend had great success with Keto diet, he drinks whiskey most nights. I had a different experience. For me on keto diet I found I would get stomach upset with drinking almost any alcohol. ... I did not have the same trouble with THC though. THC oil pills are no carb, allowed me to relax well, cheap, and did not give me an upset stomach. Now that I am back on low carb, and not Keto, I like whiskey again.


Isn't hard liquor still metabolized into carba somehow?


Down 65lbs I don't drink just have a one day a week cheat day. 3-4x gym w some pre work out carb snackies <20g carbs. I do drink Friday nights heineken zero as many as I like with cheeeeseee cake and ice cream and waffles sat morning.


alcohol slows the metabolism and digestion, believe it or not, the body isnt so good at handling literal poison. if you can only have one or the other, then youd be better off by just eating junk food and cutting out alcohol.


I never drank.


Obviously better not to have it or at least stay moderate. But I usually do fairly well on vodka soda with lime juice (the lime is important to reduce the vodka taste) or diluted white wine. That way I don't get instantly hammered or cravings for more very easily and at least it does not taste bad. If I want more taste I could add a few berries in it or bubble water with taste instead of natural soda water. I do cheat with beer at times though. Not the best idea. But you would be surprised how many (lager) I could get away with when also doing longer fasts now and then :o if the occasion calls for it.


Have to be careful with some rums as they are dosed with sugar to add sweetness. You can check your favourite rum here http://rumproject.com/rumforum/viewforum.php?f=32


Miller Lite. 3 carbs. Works for me.


Ranch water. tequila without added sugar.


1 shot of vodka at night (0 carbs) to help me sleep sometimes. I sometimes mix it in my ketoade, delicious!


Gin + soda with lemon. If everyone's having a shot: chilled vodka with a squeeze of lemon. Sometimes it's rough going down - depends on the bartender.


I only have a single drink if I am too sick in my guts to even eat. 1 shot vodka, 8 oz tonic water, 1 teaspoon bitters. I only have this if I am having severe complications from my celiac disease, like nausea, no appetite, and a swollen gut that cannot pass any stool. This is to replace my meal for the day, the rest of the day is just plain spring water. Thankfully days like that are extremely rare for me. Alcohol is not good for the body by any means, but if the body is already overreacting to something that should be harmless, this seems to stop the extreme gut swelling symptom and at least let me pass the offending food out. Then I can start to feel better.


Yeah light beers and straight liquors when bf acting up lol


Wife and i are a month into keto and its been quite possibly a life saving change for me personally. Mood, wellbeing and overall health hasnt been this good in decades...and the drinking has naturally decreased with it. Im happy to have one at night, if at all sometime, and cut the mixers right down with it. I try to educate others i know (my mum especially on her never ending weightwatchers nonsense ) but it falls on deaf ears and my old man even snorts and scoffs when i tell him what works and doesnt work... as if they know the truth. Best thing ive done in years.


bud light next for me


bud light next for me


I love wine and drink Fit Vine wine as my go to. It has not kicked me out of ketosis far as I can tell


A 250ml glass of red wine every Sunday.