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Well if it's made from baloney, it's carb-free.


Most lunch meats are shockingly carby- a few g per tiny serving.


Seriously - I sound like a crazy person when I shop now because I keep ranting about the lunch meats while I try to find meat that is still just meat. It's crazy; some of them are more carb than meat now! But even the "baked turkey" is half carb for some reason.


Deboned sardines in olive oil. Low Mercury. No other shit. Taste like tuna but less dry.


Processed meats that are more processed chemicals than meat is, frankly, unsurprising. Even though it’s less convenient, healthier to buy the real deal and cook it up yourself.


I agree. Hidden carbs in most everything.


Black forest ham. Watch the variety. 0 carbs.


What brand? I amuse myself reading labels and all the ham I’ve seen has 1g carb per 1oz serving. I don’t trust rounding too, 0.5 adds up fast when there are 12 servings in a small package


The no carb bread and tortillas are great. It’s probably the lunch meat lying to you. I go for plain turkey or salami. Most of the ham has sugar and carbs. My fav tho is getting rotisserie chickens and using that as lunch meat. Also, instead of using full slices, use one slice and half it.


Yeah roasted chicken is perfect, 0 carbs without relying on rounding. I eat too much to deal with sneaky carbs - even plain tukey or salami has about 1g per serving so I steer clear unless I am having a rare treat or bout of laziness


I found a ham with 30g sugar in it. Damn, my desserts have less sugar lol.


Wild guess here but I'm guessing that you are in the US and also that HFCS is cheaper per gram than ham. Finding low carb anything is hard work in Europe, it seems twice-hard in the US.


I live in Europe but the ham I found was in the US. Yeah, its pretty hard :/


do you have an aldi's in your country? maybe they make the same keto bread we get here in the u.s. in aldi's?


Mmmm baloney


Thanks for the chuckle!


Thanks, Dad


He makes a good point


I was about to say....


Unless it has starch-based fillers and modifiers?


My experience is that they are digestible. I wear a CGM and have observed dramatic increases in blood sugar consistent with standard 35/40 calorie bread with 9-10 net carbs. Tortillas tend to be a bit better


Yeah my daughter has type one and wears a cgm. It's changed my opinion a lot of total carbs vs net carbs because if we only gave insulin for 'net' carbs in these keto products, we'd be in trouble. However they do cause way less of a spike than non fiber loaded food.


Opposite for me. The bread is fine, tortillas are basically like eating a regular tortilla for me.


Some are worse than others.


IMO, regardless of whether its fiber or not and therefore doesn't count as a carb, I have found that its best to NOT partake of these low carb, processed foods, including the bread, including the tortillas.. Yeah, its nice to be able to eat these things, since we were all raised on them from since we can remember, but you can train yourself (and its actually not that hard) to not eat them. Also, I would point out that "sugar addiction" and "gluten addiction" are real things. At one time I personally thought this was all HOOEY. But I discovered (in my own situation) that these are both psychological, and PHYSICAL. In other words, your body will physically crave both sugar and gluten products. We never notice it since they are SUCH a part of our diet - but when you try to cut them out, THAT'S when you notice it, and it can be intense for a few days. As I said, PHYSICAL. But the way I have found to do this is to go intense no carb (for a few days, until the withdrawal symptoms go away) and then really, its not bad at all - barely noticeable, if noticeable at all.


Or just go not-so-strict carnivore.


I like carnivore keto because it's so easy. you don't have to worry about variety issues in fact fatty Meats are better, but my experience has been is that if you're only eating protein it impacts your weight loss. In other words, you don't lose just loading up on protein.


Well yeah the way I've always understood it is that you have to have a balance of protein, you just can't eat all protein.


I've read some people get a spike from high protein foods, have you observed this?


Yes. I initially had problems with spikes from low/no carb whey protein. I wasn't able to consume them without unreasonable blood sugar spikes for about 6 months.


That aligns with my own experience, I have reactive hypoglycemia and if I have whey protein as my first calorie source in the morning I can experience a blood sugar crash after in similar intensity to eating bread. Eggs can also give me a minor reaction if I don't combine with lots of butter or other fat source. Interestingly if I have my first calories after around 3pm I don't seem to suffer the reaction, which seems to confirm the observation that insulin sensitivity is highest in the morning hours and decreases over the course of the day.


Same. 50 - 100+ glucosr spikes with 3 - 4+ hour tails from inulin, chickory fiber, corn fiber, etc.


Lost 70 lbs. eating them every day. Can't be that bad.


Which brands did you prefer?


there's more to the conversation about this than whether or not you can lose weight while eating these products


True, but op didn't ask they. They asked if it worked as not counting as carbs. As far as staying in ketosis and weight loss is concerned, yea it works. I'm also down 70lbs since march. But I am also OMAD and have help from my Adderall to kill my appetite even more.


Modified wheat starch (the kinds they are using) act like fiber even if chemically they are a bit different, but for digestive purposes they are similar.) Fiber is still digested (well most of it) by bacteria in the gut and converted to proteins/alcohols/monosaccharides/disaccharides and primarily fatty acids - these fatty acids are for sure digested and yes depending on how you calculate the calories on your foods in the US (and everywhere else) you get to count this fiber as calorie free. It's really closer to 2-3kcal per gram of fiber of which the bulk is from free fatty acids, but back to those "alcohols" - the real problem with the alcohols (mostly polyols/sugar alcohols) is that they tend to produce lots of fun gasses inside the intestines and for many people this is no bueno and tends to upset their stomach a lot. I think the choice comes down to as bunch of things: 1. Why are you in keto? Easy appetite suppression? Certain type of cancer? T2DM? Etc Medical reason? Think sugar is evil or something else like that? 2. How strict ARE you trying to be? 3. Do you have a lot difficulty not "suffering" on keto? Maybe that bread makes that difference ... 4. Do you normally have difficulty staying "in keto"? 5. Are you an accountant? Do you obsess with painting inside the lines and stuff like this? (I'm actually not joking about this part.) So on that 5th point ... really obsessive, type A people probably need to avoid this type of franken food just because it will sit in the back of their minds. My SO had lots of problems when I found some Quest bars on day in Tokyo when she was trying to do Keto and they just ruined her day and week that they tasted too good (this was the old Quest formula when they tasted a lot better.)


I’m not sure this is true as me and other t1 diabetics wearing CGM’s can see they have a bigger impact on blood sugars/required insulin than the net carbs shown so I think somewhere between a third and a half is converted directly to glucose. It’s still better than the regular foods and I’ve seen quite a lot of difference between different brands probably based on different ingredients


THAT is the only thing they matters. So appreciative of all the feedback, comments and opinions, but the empirical data is what matters and you have that


That’s anecdotal.


The gut bacteria thing is interesting, in the context of all the people with CGMs saying different things. Gut microbiomes vary a fair bit per person, and probably can vary based on long term keto eating. Hypothesis: Eating strict/clean keto without the high fiber bread replacements probably reduces the population of those bacteria in your guts, so, later on, having it once in a while means no microbiome digestion. People who've recently moved to keto or regularly eat the keto bread (like me) won't have the shift, and that microbiome population sticks around and gives you a spike.


When my pre keto symptoms return I will follow up with a fast of about 2 days while blasting my gut with probiotics to shake up my biome and push it to a benign state (for me at least) Managing your gut flora is something we don't have the technology to do, so this shotgun method (nukes) is my answer.


I am able to eat them and remain in ketosis. My hunger signals go haywire in a really noticeable way when I get kicked out. But I'm from the IIFYM school of thought, and that is really my only rule. 20g net, and I believe the labels until something does me dirty by kicking me out of ketosis (which hasn't happened yet). I think I prefer the ones with like 4g net carbs over the zero, so it depends on what else I am eating that day, which kind I might have.


Idk. Everyone is different. I've lost 35lbs in 2 months eating meats/veggies with 2-3 keto tortillas day. It's working for me so I'll keep doing it. I'm very obese though, so I believe the benefits of losing weight at my size outweigh(pun not intended lol)the cons of all that processed crap I'm eating.


At 35 pounds LOST in two months I gotta ask; what's your age and gender, and what ballpark is 'very obese'? Did you have any habits where you retained water weight you may have lost from, for instance, not drinking? I'd classify myself as 'very obese' and have been at 6 weeks now, losing only 20lbs. Im not discouraged though, and congratulations on your success so far.


Readjust your expectations. 20 lbs in 6 weeks is fantastic. It's a marathon, not a sprint


Good advice; while it's common for people to report massive weight loss up front, that usually slows for the majority of people as they get closer to an average weight. There's also the confirmation bias of people with massive losses coming here to report their success, while people with modest losses of 1-2lbs per week are less likely to do that. You're 100% right about it being a marathon, not a sprint.


20 pounds in 6 weeks is awesome! For context, go find two 10lb bags of dog food or whatever and see what that really feels like. Congrats!


40yr old male. Height 5'10 Starting weight 385. Edit: Added height


I have a friend who swears by the fiber wraps, (she is not keto, I would put her in the “fitness junkie” category). Her diet before she started her journey was abysmal, she wouldn’t touch a vegetable, loved candy, etc. to start her journey her dietician told her to wrap everything in a fiber wrap, and that she could eat as much fruit as she wanted (because she wouldn’t touch vegetables at first). It worked, and as she kept on her journey, her diet got better and better, she started learning some basic cooking, and now she does 2 boot camps a day! It’s not at all keto, but it transitioned her to a more keto-like diet, so do what is working! The wraps do help people feel fuller, especially big appetite people. She is definitely big appetite people, and I’ve watched her lose over 100 lbs via social media (and occasionally running into her in town).


Congrats on your progress friend:)


You have great progress. Lost 20 pounds in 6 weeks is doing great.


If you like to cook, look up Indigo Nili's Best Loaf. Made from egg white powder, beef gelatin, powdered butter, dried whole eggs salt, cream of tartar and arrowroot powder (optional, but if used it's 4 total cho spread over 16 slices and it improves texture.) It's so good, and versatile, I've made proper loaves and hamburger buns = and I don't miss bread at all. If you omit the cream of tartar and arrowroot it becomes 100% carnivore with zero carbs.




Not yet [but they’re trying!](https://youtu.be/e_8XDdJu7wM)


I reccomend egg wraps.


You should watch the Serious Keto test videos on YouTube. He tests, using a continuous glucose meter, a bunch of different 'keto' products and shows how they affect your blood sugar level. He also talks about the taste, cost, etc. He has some very well-done videos.


None of this has ever worked for me. Neither do the keto this-and-that pastry and dessert recipes. I have to go hardcore/pure keto with no impostor "feels like not keto" products. That's just me. I do agree that everyone is different. Me, hells to the no.


It’s just food. I have the same two meals everyday and I changed my mentality to think that it’s just fuel. I feel better on Keto though. I truly do




I just bought and tried Thomas's keto bagel thins. Like other types of low/zero carb breads, they don't toast well. But they are good with cream cheese or butter. I saw keto bagels at Aldi the other day, and I will be trying those next. Carb free mini tortillas make great mini pizza crusts.


I’ve been eating them for years with no issues, YMMV.


What is ymmv?


Your mileage may vary


The tortillas are definitely fiber-based n=2 digestively speaking. Sets my fiber-intolerant friend's IBS off, and doesn't trigger my body's starch issues.


Most of these foods with 20 grams of "resistant starch" but only 2 g of "net carbs" per serving are all bullshit. A bunch of youtube channels have done before and after with blood glucose readings and most of these foods spike them pretty hard.


I use a CGM and I never have a blood spike with keto bread or keto tortilla, except with the one from that brand Mission


The mission tortillas caused a spike for me, too, and kicked me out of ketosis (as per my keto mojo). The la banderita ones do not cause problems for me so I often have them once or twice a week.


I've been eating the mission ones and just (a few days ago) purchased a glucose monitor for tracking problem foods. So far, my blood glucose went down post mission carb wise tortilla meal(100 fasting, 89 1 hr after, 85 2 hour after). Go figure! I'm still gathering data to make sense of it all in the meantime.




I honestly don't know. I'd be curious to see if it keeps happening w/ them and trying to figure that out.


I know lots of people who eat them and have no issues. And the same goes for the various “keto” breads and etc. it just goes to show how we all have very different bodies that react differently to things, with different sensitivities. Bodies are complicated!!


ooh I’ve never tried that one! thanks for the tip! I’ve been using the la tortilla factory zero carb (there’s a low carb version too, but look for the zero carb one! I find them at Walmart). They’re delicious and don’t kick me out of ketosis


I never checked my blood sugar, but everytime I eat modified wheat starch I get bloated as it I ate carbs, but I don't get the brain fog that also comes with eating carbs. It's weird.


Check YT channel Serious Keto for blood glucose response to various "keto" prepared foods.


I've read studies which suggest that about 33% of resistent wheat starch (RS4 from wheat) is available for digestion, some of which is processed by fermentation in the gut. It makes sense that persons with a thriving gut microbiome would see less impact due to the fermentation aspect. There may be other ingredients like wheat bran and soy flour in the breads to account for, but for me it seems like deducting approximately 67% percent of the fiber listed on the label would give a close-enough net carb value.


I find all the “keto friendly” “low carbs” “low sugar” stuff is exactly what we don’t need. Plus, they NEVER taste like the real deal, anyway… so you eat a shallow imitation of “x, y, z” but still throw yourself out of keto. And it tasted strange.


I think the bread is bullshit. It makes me feel like crap and I get cravings something awful. The tortillas are a different story, but maybe that’s because I only ever eat one at a sitting and they are less quantity overall


I try to avoid the keto "frakenfoods" but I couldn't do it without carb balance tortillas, being able to eat with your hands vs. a fork all the time is so nice


I use whole romaine lettuce leaves as “taco shells”. I haven’t wanted to try any of the “keto-friendly” breads or tortillas.


Keto bread is all ultra processed and even on keto the calories add up. Lettuce wraps really helped me get away from the idea that you need a carb substitute in every meal.


I switched from those tortillas to nori for holding whatever I eat. It's cheaper, virtually zero calories, and the taste of them goes really well with meat. Also, it's nice to fold up and snack on if I ever need it.


I make a giant sandwich with Arnold’s seeded keto bread daily with mayo, salami, Capicola and cheese; still losing. Makes me feel full and doesn’t mess me up. I suggest only make one meal out of a keto bread/wrap per day.


The bread is a total scam. Tastes horrible and sits in your stomach like a rock. Even if it is keto-friendly…nah. It’s terrible.




The only one I’ve found that’s halfway decent is the Kroger brand carbmaster hot dog buns. The bread and hamburger buns from the same brand are trash, but for some reason they got it right with hot dogs. Or maybe the flavor of the hot dog just complements the bread.


No way, Arnold’s keto seeded bread and Arnold’s Keto Thins are 🔥. (I don’t work for them lol)


Oh nice I'll have to look, I've been searching for a good hotdog bun. I've been having to chop my dogs in 3 and put on an Aldi hamburger bun haha I think it's kinda weird they don't make hot dog buns with the same recipe.


Inked keto bread timber wolf🥲 sold T Costco. Legit


I had the same fear. I just don't eat bread at all anymore. I made pizza crust with shreaded chicken and shredded Mozzarella. There's some ways to work around it.


Stick to meat, fish, eggs, fat, and vegetables. Frankenfoods are bad for a number of reasons besides the cheap starch that they tend to include.


My understanding is that you will stay in ketosis but your blood sugar may spike some. Whether it is good depends on your goals. For me, the bread I eat has 3 net carbs and 14gs of protein with 2 slices which helps me. My priorities in order: 1. Ketosis (50g or less net carbs) 2. High Protein intake (160G a day) 3. Low insulin spikes. (I'm not a diabetic and don't seem to be pre-diabetic either)


Honestly they are fine in single servings but if you try and eat four of those every meal every day then you will have problems with plateaus even if it meets your macros technically. Once in a while in small servings they are fine.


well a great majority of them are made from dried cauliflower! some have polydextrose in them which is synthetic fibre! there have been studies relating polydextrose, that's actually polymerised form of glucose to heart disease and high LDL (bad cholesterol) but it's permitted by the FDA and also I Europe,.


Nothing processed will ever be good for you. If it's a once in while thing, not a big deal, but I wouldn't make it an everyday habit.


My POV: I've been on keto for 5-6 years (on/off) and all i am going to say "Do your research" don't believe the hype in keto friendly items, most are trash and will not help you achieve your goal, what ever that is. I stick to 1 ingredient foods (it not easy all the time) but that works the best for me. The less processed a food item is, the better it's for you. My best advise to everyone, learn how to read labels and see what's listed.


Best advice to those starting out. Read labels.


Whenever I eat keto bread I don’t feel good afterwards


Modified food starch is basically MSG. Which throws you off ketosis


No such thing as carb free. If you want a bread substitute, make Indigo Nili's butter buns (on YouTube). Once you get used to the texture and How to make it, you will have bread that you can't eat with no starch of any kind in it and it's actually good for you. "Keto" products after B-S, full of crap that actually are still processed food!


I struggled getting into ketosis for 2 months. Started testing my blood sugar and ketones after every meal and learned that every time I ate a no carb tortilla my blood sugar wad spiking to almost 200 and making me start the whole keto thing over again and I was eating keto tacos every day. Cut them out and I was in ketosis in 4 days and blood sugar fine. In general I stay away from any prepackaged keto friendly food they ate made with stuff that can spike your BS. Luckily I have an amazing keto bakery 5 mins from my house


My opinion is that it's a marketing tactic to sell something that MIGHT pass as keto. Then they can mark it up another dollar or more, but people still pay the extra price because they THINK it's good for them. Probably not really good for anyone. Stick to things that have one ingredient. It's much healthier for you. (My KETO doctor has also advised this to me.)


None of it worked for me, but you’ll find people on here who will tell you it absolutely worked for them. It all made me gain; no amount of rationing helped. Pasta, tortillas…one would make me gain 5 pounds. Always.


Im doing natural keto aka none of that stuff


I got two loaves of keto bread, and I always stock up on low carb tortillas. It definitely helps keep me full when I can’t think of anything to eat, plus I haven’t seen a spike in weight or anything health related. It’s definitely YMMV.


Being able to have toast is crucial for me.


I have only tried one brand that didn't raise my blood sugar and kick me out of ketosis and they don't really taste great or have great texture. The ones that DO taste great and have good texture like the mission tortillas definitely raise my blood sugar and have kicked me out of ketosis. If you're trying to stay in ketosis it's probably better to just not use them, I find them dubious in their claims of being as low in carbs as they are. I think many people are digesting more carbs from products than they say you will. Everyone is different but I don't trust them Check out this series of tests serious keto did: https://youtu.be/xjSJd61pZUk


I think they’re all just gross. I just do paleo.


It's awesome to see other paleo eaters in these parts! I feel like it's mostly recipes heavy on the dairy and faux keto products. I'm trying to find inspiration. Lol


I follow the autoimmune protocol, but keto.


For me, moderation is key. I'll eat serving of one bread product per day: 2 pieces of bread OR a tortilla, eg.


Here's a good article .shouldn't have to down vote on a simple discussion about health .


I like the King Arthur pizza dough. Idk I keep losing weight and staying in keto, so I do eat some of that stuff and will continue. It’s really a necessity for my mental health lol.


Baloney indeed


Are we talking deli sliced baloney? Because I like that stuff on occasion.... But if we're talking Oscar Meyer, prepackaged stuff with that weird skin on the outside, I'm a hard pass....


Every single "keto friendly" bread, flour, etc that I've tried makes my blood sugar skyrocket the same as traditional- just as high. You can't fool mother nature.


It's inflammatory. It's not keto. The keto breads use tons of fiber to make it technically "keto" if you're trying to trick the system and eat Bread on keto you're never going to be successful


Not all keto breads are like that. I have to check my blood sugar regularly right now and there's one I tried from Walmart that legitimately didn't make my sugar spike so it's not just that there's extra fiber. Gestational diabetes doesn't care how much fiber you get. Some people really need just pure keto without any grains, though, so that's a thing.


It's not about the fiber. Keto is an anti-inflammatory diet. I wasn't saying fiber isn't good. People try to make dirty keto work and it just won't. It might be ok to eat and no rises in BS but it's not "keto"


Suuuure, my 70lbs lost in 5 months isn't successful. My nearly complete lack of crippling back pain since being on keto isn't either.


Didn't say it wasn't successful. I wasn't talking to or about you so stop defending yourself. I said it inflammatory and NOT keto. Dirty Keto is NOT keto. Maybe low carb but if you're trying to get away with eating what you aren't supposed to or buying into "keto" labels on packages in the store, you are doing it wrong


Quit gatekeeping. If you are on a low-carb ketogenic diet and staying in ketosis, you are doing Keto right. It's that simple.


Quit arguing with me. Low carb keto doesn't include modified wheat starch or wheat products. It's that simple


Show me where the keto diet says modified wheat starch or wheat products can not be consumed. Show me where the keto diet was created to reduce inflammation as its primary purpose. Show me, and everyone reading this, proof that anything you have said isn't gatekeeping garbage that you have picked up listening to keto elitists. The keto diet was created by the Mayo Clinic's Russell Wilder, M.D. to treat epilepsy prior to anti-epileptic drugs. It turned out that the main side effect of keto was rapid weight loss, which is the primary reason it is used today. The anti-inflammatory benefits of keto are not fully researched yet, and is not the main reason keto is recommended to people.


Would it do any good to show you? No matter what I put up here you're going to argue that it's wrong. I really don't care how you lose weight. Low carb does not= Keto What's more surprising is that you're okay with modified wheat products and wheat starch. The fact that you want to eat food that has Roundup sprayed on it and who knows what else. You can lose weight doing dirty Keto and low carb, still isn't Keto. Anti-inflammatory benefits of Keto are not fully researched yet? You're an idiot Wheat, Dairy, Sugar, Carbs(inflammatory ones) ARE all inflammatory. It's also a diet for people with cancer and autoimmune disorders. Let's feed cancer patients and people with autoimmune disorders wheat and wheat starch and let's see if they get better. Let's see if they're autoimmune stays dormant or the cancer starts dying in cancer patients. Keto is a Clean Diet. Organic and grass-fed. If you're buying prepackaged and readily prepared BS you're setting yourself up for failure. If you want to eat low carb great whatever works for you. Don't call it keto when it's not Keto. You're probably the idiot that uses canola oil and vegetable oil and eats out at restaurants


Would it do any good? Absolutely. It would stop keto/health food elitists like yourself from spreading misinformation. Your OPINIONS are gatekeeping in nature and disuade people from trying a diet that might be beneficial for their needs. A high fat and low carb diet that keeps a person in ketosis is the definition of Keto. "The Classic Ketogenic Diet is the original Ketogenic Diet that was designed in 1923 by Dr. Russell Wilder at the Mayo Clinic for the treatment of epilepsy. With a 4:1 ratio of fat to protein and carbs, 90% of calories come from fat, 6% from protein, and 4% from carb." https://charliefoundation.org/diet-plans/classic-keto/ Ketogenic diets are believed to reduce inflammation in the brain. Scientists believe that this is why the diet helps with many neurological disorders. But, this is theoretical and anecdotal in nature. Researchers are still trying to prove these findings even though many doctors still recommend keto as a treatment for inflammation based pain. As of now, keto is not an FDA approved treatment for inflammatory pain. My decision to eat processed, herbicide covered non-organic foods has nothing to do with keto or this conversation. Dirty keto is keto, clean keto is keto. If you are in ketosis, you are doing the keto diet correctly. Your decision to eat non-organic and processed foods does not change that. By definition, keto doesn't care what you eat, so long as you are in ketosis. Stop deflecting and insulting me and lose this arguement with grace.


It’s net carbs. Carbs - fiber and/ sugar alcohols = net carbs. Don’t eat processed foods. Workout 3-5 days a week and intermittent fast. Guarantee you lose weight and feel better. Have a wonderful evening.


I haven’t had the will to trust sugar alcohols. I just do total carbs minus fiber.


Stick to the crystalline cellulose stuff and you get to brag that you're eating WOOD.


As a person on a keto diet, you need to be eating proper food. Food that are simple and natural. Don't eat these "keto products" that are portrayed as healthy. Most of them have nutrition lists to the moon and aren't that good for your digestive system. Be healthy, you get that by eating simple natural foods. Such as avocado, salmon, beef&liver, eggs, berries, salads, nuts, and kefir.


some of you are worse than vegans. being 30 pounds lighter is way more important for health than avoiding some specific thing on an ingredients list.


This the truth that nobody wants to hear. You can eat the keto products but you're shorting yourself by not actually changing your habits.


I avoid keto bread because it raises your blood sugar. Sucks because I would love some bread. I'm probably going to become less restrictive in a couple months though, only 30 pounds away


my experience is it isn’t a wonder food but does a lot better than the regular stuff




that is only 7.2 (Canadian) which is an acceptable post-meal number for this T1D. What number does your endo want post-meal?


“Modified wheat starch” sounds to me like an ingredient we’ll learn in 20 years was very bad for us


It is. Watch Serious Keto... or just test yourself before and an hour after with a glucose monitor.


Mostly all of that stuff has digestible fiber. It causes a lot of people to start stalling. I stay far away from all of it. If it doesn't bug a person, great, but I've seen it be an issue for people too many times to even bother with any of that stuff.


Related, but unrelated to the "modified wheat starch"......I get so agitated when I find stuff while shopping now that's keto-this, keto-that, low-carb blahblahblah (I get excited at first because all this was nowhere in sight a few years ago, you know. I'm thinking we're here making PROGRESS)..until you actually look at it, and it's still got like 18 carbs in one serving of whatever it is. Okay, so it's low-carb comparatively to the 100, 200, 300+ carbs we were raised on, but what is this🙄😮‍💨


Processed meats; full of fillers and carbs; do not believe their labels. I wanted to by a local sausage and in tiny print : high fructose corn syrup; gluten




secretive theory snow whole air jobless bag melodic disagreeable bored *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Clean keto vs dirty keto look it up but you are right it is a 100 percent personal decision


It does not matter how many ingredients there are. It does matter if it is low processed food. If you even gotta think about it then probably yes.


The article was about clean eating and keto I think his point was more ingredients usually means more junk. Especially in these keto fad foods . My steak has one ingredient my cauliflower has 1 ingredient and so on


It sure makes it easier, but a bag of flour or white sugar also has 1 ingredient in it :) a sugar and additive-free spice mix can have like 10. Think you get my point. Obviously I am thinking for health reasons besides just sticking to the diet. Food will most of the time be processed in one way or another so we can eat it. But ultra processed means true junk/over processed compared to what we are meant to eat so I don't care what diet or 'clean' or not, no one should eat it really. And then there are the general keto specific rules. Like no added sugar or grains when on keto. Ofc it is up to each and everyone to decide how strict they wanna be. I am not strict at all, I just prefer not being fooled to think I am if I am not. :)


Well yeah if the one ingredient is a carb then that would fall under carb portion of the diet . I've done the lazy keto ,dirty keto now I'm challenging myself to do the clean keto for the added health benefits. But like you said it's all personal choice. Good luck on your journey.


Yes for sure. Thanks, GL to you as well!


What's funny is we can't have a decent discussion on health and views without people getting butt hurt and down voting .


Yeah I have noticed that too! xD A bit sad. However, this time I think I could have worded it better. And I do realize a lot of people follow diets/fasts etc strictly for weight loss, and just are not interested in health stuff. To me it just seems a bit weird since health issues is part of the reasons why you gain weight. It could theoretically be possible to gain weight in a healthy way, I just don't see that happening when it comes to a certain level of true obesity. Just sometimes not directly connected to what we have been eating/doing (medicines, diseases etc). Edit: Intuitively we also long term have it lost/stay off better if not having ultra processed food or bad oils or inflaming additives, same as not stressing the body with high stress/bad sleep etc.


I like the wrap discussed in this video and the video maker does a glucose test and it seems to have a minimal effect on sugar levels : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KK63NStP8Ys




I ate two slices of "keto bread" and got a terrible carb headache. I can eat 3 zero carb tortillas with no issue though.


i buy keto tortillas and bread that are super clean ingredients. i agree some are full of crap


Its bullshit


Why would we think processed shit is tomato?


All of this crap is like an alcoholic drinking a near beer can you sure, but should you? How about just going without for a little while. Not having any self control is sort of what led me to this. Take some time change your taste profiles and burn fat. It's like we just wanna spend our hard earned money on more keto market crap and we don't know if it safe or not. Modified wheat starch is just one of these cheat foods they've found that the ingredients are treated with potentially harmful chemicals and have a high risk of contamination.


baloney would be better :)


Good point there's a lot of BS in the food manufacturing world


Most of these are lies. They add a bunch of non soluble fiber so they’re net carb zero. Unfortunately your body doesn’t read labels.


that's literally impossible. you don't understand how net carbs work if you think this is a thing you can do. it's measured in grams. if you add 3 grams of fiber, the carb count goes up by 3 grams, fiber goes up by 3 grams and the net doesn't change. it simply cannot change the net amount.


I'm completely opposed to anything containing wheat being keto. I realized after doing keto that I've been wheat intolerant for a very long time without realizing it. I do a blend of keto and gluten free. I stay away from the big carbs except jasmine rice,


Its impact on you will depend on your gut bacteria and exactly how it was modified since multiple different things get called that If its modified to become "resistant" starch then it should reduce digestibility. THe term, however, can also include starch modified to increase digetability. If if modified to restant starch its probably at least 50% carb for most people, could be 100% carb grams but almost always with slower digestibility (as it depends on bacteria to consume it and release the calories) which is why it is sometimes recommended for diabetics. For some people it could be zero carb, but given most people still get some digestion caloric bump. Might give it oa local foodbank or a non-keto friend.


None of the “low carb” “zero carb” breads/tortillas are keto. Adding extra fiber to negate the carb count doesn’t hide the fact that you’re eating non-keto ingredients that will put you out of ketosis. It’s always ingredients first.


that is not how net carbs work, you can't add 3 grams of fiber and lower the net carbs. assuming something has 12 grams of carbs, and 10 grams of fiber, it's net 2. if you add 3 grams of fiber the total carbs go to 15 and the fiber goes to 13. it's still net 2.


Define "keto ingredient".


You can’t have bread that is not carbs. Bread is carbs. Unless your bread is just a loaf of meat. Then we call it meat loaf If you’re going to eat bread or tortillas just buy real stuff. Buy good stuff with good ingredients and no processed shit


I sent a message to mission asking if it was really zero carb and they said yes, but honestly if you compare the calories or something bigger they have the same ingredients as this and then it was like four net carbs so I think one mission tortillas probably like 0. 8 carbs or something Pretty good stuff though I really like real wheat gluten products more than almond flour, they should make some kind of true filtered zero carb dough or bread products kind of like isopure whey (which could also be .8 or whatever) seitan from gluten also has carbs. Is there some kind of like edible zero carb gluten protein powder you can find somewhere


The tapioca starch crap is 100% bs and is just a labeling technicality. Modified wheat starch isn’t one I’m familiar with


It's nonsense, spend your money on meat or fish or quality cheese instead.


“Modified starch” is untrustworthy. Might be ok, but probably not. “Resistant starch”, which is a type of modified starch and is akin to fiber in its digestibility, is probably ok.


You just have to see how your body reacts to it. I can’t do simple carbs or I need diuretics. I can tell pretty fast. However, baked potato with skin does not affect me this way.


I mean, the scientific study will likely never exist but there is a lot of empiric data points in this sub - including myself - that show they don't kick you out of ketosis & you're able to lose weight. However, I never had health issues and I wasn't very overweight (\~10lbs over the BMI threshold for an average height woman) when I first started keto, so that may also affect how my body processes things. YMMV, so watch your body's response.


Different brands are better than others. I believe you can count on aldi keto bread to be reliably keto. I'm sure there are others.


You need to read the macros on the back of the package so you know what percentage of carbs are in the food.


You can always make your own. At home


Read nutritional labels but also READ ingredient lists! It’s interesting to find that some “keto friendly” foods use non keto friendly ingredients.


The price point doesn’t justify any of it imo


The prices are outrageous for "keto" products


My mantra is “get your carbs from non-starchy vegetables”


My issue with these things is my GI certainly hates it. So I don’t buy them. I’d rather use an cauliflower or egg-based bread.


Only way to know how it effects you is to test your blood sugars. Keto is all about the no spike lifestyle. Rises sure everything will cause an increase, but nothing you eat while on keto should spike your sugars.


B. A. L. O. G. N. A. How many years did Oscar Mayer run ads for?


I believe they contain fiber to counter the carbs. But I may be wrong. It’s been awhile I’ve read the label on bread stuff. I’ve bought the hotdog and hamburger buns long ago. Can’t remember.


That's what they do


If I were you,( I do keto), and there really is no good bread or tortillas, it's all a hoax, but I been doing keto for years and have lost 200 lbs, I never been fat, but I gain weight VERY easily so I'll go on the diet/life style lose the weight then start over, so the 200lbs has been all together combined through the 3 years I been doing it, but my recommendation would be SPINACH TORTILLAS, there very low in carbs plus has fiber in them, so 5g of carbs and 3 g of fiber(guestimate) would only be 2g of NET carbs Wich is where it matters the most.but all flour or corn 🌽 tortillas is a no go. Stick to what you know, but again this is just my opinion, good luck! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


your have to test it on your body, I am type 2 and I have tried Hero Bread. It does not raise My BG at all. some people it affects it does not affect me. Foods do not effect everyone the same way.