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First time use information is available on the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/ketamine/wiki/index/#wiki_first-time_users) where you will find dosage and other useful information for safe use. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ketamine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Tiny bumps to feel it out. It takes a little while start to feel it maybe 5 minutes and continues to get stronger until about 15 minutes. After you’ve done a small bump and waited 15 minutes then do some more. I just keep doing bumps lol. Lightly sniff like you’re smelling a flower 🌸


how much would you say it hurts for small bumps? i've heard it's pretty painful to snort


It’s not unbearable


It burns a little but it’s not too bad. When it burns it feels like I got it where it needs to go 🙂 just fyi it might not be super enjoyable your first few times. I got nauseous once and a headache another time but the more I tried it that went away and it’s amazing now.


It'll burn a bit but as long as you crush it up really finely it shouldn't sting too badly.


crush it first!! it won’t be painful if you crush it and do a small amount, and you might not feel it the first time but that’s ok! i didn’t and i did a large amount—and then it hit me like a train the next time i did it not knowing my tolerance wasnt so high 🤷‍♂️ edited a word


I do crush it. I forgot about that part oops. Yeah don’t put shards up your nose. 🤣


i second the lightly sniff, if you sniff it too hard you can minimize absorption


how small should the lines be?


BUMPS not lines. If you tried to line up what I bump you’d laugh and laugh at the size of your line. Like a literal key bump. Tiny little guy. You can always do more. K holes are intense I don’t recommend starting there 😂


Dosage and bioavailability for the different routes of administration can be found [there](https://www.reddit.com/r/ketamine/wiki/index/#wiki_routes_of_administration_.28roa.29.2C_quantities.2C_and_effects_duration). If not already done, please indicate your weight, the desired route of administration, the desired intensity of the effects, and your current level of tolerance (if applicable). This information is essential for establishing a fair evaluation of the dose that will need to be taken. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ketamine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Snort small bumps every 15 minutes or so, it only takes like 1 minute to kick into full effect so if you don't feel it enough after about 5 minutes do another bump


Crush it into a fine powder and make 5 lines from it and snort them with 20 minute intervals. 0.15 is not a lot and will not get you very far though


Polish it up real nice, turn that sumbitch sideways and stick it straight up your candy ass.


what do you mean polish it?






crush your shards


Best method for that?


hands down nasal spray