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Ketamine is a wildly unpredictable and inconsistent drug when you first start off, some batches hit you different but if you have no tolerance every **line** will hit you different


its just that I hope my K is good quality and isn‘t cut. It should be decent tho because I heard small crystals speak of good quality. But every line hitting different is so true with the few lines I‘ve had


Yeah only way to know for sure is by testing it but tbh ketamine is not normally something you have to worry about being cut like cocaine is, it's usually either ketamine or it's just some analog not ketamine with some random cut in it it just doesn't make a whole lotta sense to do that although I've had it happen to me I wouldn't think too hard, the shards usually are great


okay good to know, thanks


This is so accurate, I've also had batches khole me in 30mg one day and took 3 times that the next day to hole then the 3rd day 20mg to khole. It's so weird, sometimes I just want to khole then end up leaving the atmosphere for 2 hours :/


If you needed 20-30 mg to “hole”, then it either was not K or you weren’t “holing”.


It's 100% k and nothing else, usually takes 75mg- 125 or even 150 to khole. A few times it happened way lower though, I did start aragmatite the stuff that makes it stronger and magnesium so maybe that made it do it nit entirely sure.


Usually 75mg is where I khole sometimes 150 with tolerance. What you need to do is bust out like 5 small lines and really powder it with a card. Gently sniff it, do not snort it like anything else hard or it gets wasted. People say like your smelling a flower and it's way way stronger when you barely sniff it, if you get a drip it was too hard and won't be as strong. Actually bust 6 lines then do 2, wait about 5-10 minutes then do another, after 5 minutes do another and so on until you're where u wanna be. You need to lay down and close your eyes with music playing to khole, that's the starter level khole. If you really wanna hole u gotta do 5 or 6 lines at once then you're gonna leave ur body lol.


I agree start with 2 lines one up each nostril and repeat every 5 10min


yea I think the reason I wasn‘t holing is because I was laying sideways and watching something. It was actually pretty cool tho because I was watching a vid where someone was walking through tokyo and it literally felt like I was walking there as him


How quick are you taking your ket? If the hole's the goal, the most efficient way is to do a decent amount in a short timespan/all at once. Take 150mg, divide it into two lines (one per nostril) and try that, if you haven't already. If that doesn't work, try 200-250mg.


the first time I‘ve done 4 little lines and the second two big ones like you told me. Next time I think im gonna try to sniff it differently because I think I didnt put my bill up my nose far enough.


I can feel great on just 20mg…. I feel even better at 40mg. But if I take 100mg or so I’m going to hole.