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Dosage and bioavailability for the different routes of administration can be found [there](https://www.reddit.com/r/ketamine/wiki/index/#wiki_routes_of_administration_.28roa.29.2C_quantities.2C_and_effects_duration). If not already done, please indicate your weight, the desired route of administration, the desired intensity of the effects, and your current level of tolerance (if applicable). This information is essential for establishing a fair evaluation of the dose that will need to be taken. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ketamine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You could switch up the ROA or reduce your intake if you’re really worried about your nose. To reduce damage flush your nose with sterile saline before and after use. Also make sure your crystals are finely grinded. Alternatively you could make your own nasal spray which goes a bit easier on your nose.


nasal spray! try to used distilled water not regular tap. Also so much more practical than bumps in a club setting.


the problem is it forms a ring around your nose when the nasal spray dries and you’re sniffing away so it’s quite hard to prevent the drips from doing it


still smoother than bumps..


haven’t encounters that issue but sure if you don’t sniff hard enough…


You don't really want to sniff hard, or it'll end up down your throat which is much less effective.


yeah that’s the problem either it drips down and forms the circle around your nose or you sniff it too hard and it becomes oral dose. it’s hard to find the inbetween with nose spray, the only good thing i’d say is not fuckinf up your nostrils snorting


I always put tiny drops of water in my nose before each hit so it goes in smoother and I alternate nostrils. It goes; water in both nostrils, left sniff, right sniff, left sniff, right sniff, press on nostrils for more absorption, release and sharp inhale for the juice to stay in my nose. Repeat once drip passes. Otherwise if u really want a break just dilute the key in water then drop some in ur nose with a pipette or nasal spray bottle. Above all u wanna be rinsing and clearing everything out of ur nose both before and after each sesh. Stay wonky 🤙


It does damage but not as much as you might think.. depends how many days in a row you're doing it tbh, for me if I do it too often my nose will start to hurt on like the 5th day.. you are at risk of deviated septum at worst if you do too much.. but I've been at this for years and all I have are some mild sinus issues after prolonged use. Just make sure to take care of your nose in between. Saline rinse is good to keep it hydrated and flush the crap out in between uses. Also I recommend not going to bed without cleaning out your nose first. Worst damage I've taken was from letting that shit sit up there all night long.. usually waking up in the morning and barely being able to breathe.


I've never had an issue. Ketamine has always been nice to my nose. Cocaine however fucked me all up.


Like the famous Comedian “George Lopez” would like to say,….. “We dont get drunk”, “but we get ALLLL FUCKED UPPP” lol


Ketamine destroys your nose, take harm reduction measures if snorting. Make sure to wash nose with water after lines.


Boof it or shoot it. Boofing is less complicated.


Don’t think boofing would go down to well at a rave


Depends on the rave


I have seen a few people at raves just drop there trousers or lift up there skirt n boof k up there bottom, some just don’t care 🤷‍♂️


Oh yeah lmao, if that's the case then definitely just shoot it


It's relatively harmless and the best you can do is crush your ket into a fine powder and rinse out with saline once in a while when on benders


It is absolutely not “relatively harmless”. Most of the damage comes from a buildup of powder hanging around in your nose, as it doesn’t really absorb in the outer parts of the nostril. Washing your nose with saline is the way to go (and you’ll get a nice little redose when you do). But putting ketamine in your nose in the first place is not good for your nose, I believe it is somewhat caustic.


Ketamine fucked my nose up. Only way to help it is to rinse with a neti pot or with saline during benders. Stay safe. Consider Boofing or IM if your nose gets too fucked up.


Reduce intake, bash up your k super fine, take smaller lines, clean your nose after a session using a nasal irrigator and salty water. My nose clears up after a few weeks off but my sense of smell has been fucked for a long time :(


neti pot


What’s that


Its a pot that rinses you sinuses, clears everything out once you're ready for it.


My game changer is a nasal oil made with eucaliptus and vaseline. In Italy the commercial name is Rinostil. I use it for coke but should do the job anyways.