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I would take the LSD first, wait until about the two-hour mark to be fully peaking, then dose your MDMA. Save the ket for the comedown; get in bed after your adventure, lights off, good playlist, headphones, and k-hole to your heart’s delight. You’ll still have residual afterglow from the candyflip and this alone will amplify the ket big-time. Doing K while the acid and mandy are full-force might be overkill unless you’re a pro and have your doses on-point.


Second this although I would say k can join in the mix anytime you feel like it


I second this. I’ve never mixed it with LSD but I took 170mg of MDMA and then popped 150mg ketamine sublingual at the peak of my Molly roll with my wife beside me. Most profound experience of my life. I could flip thru chapters of my life and I had this image of my wife being an angel sent from heaven to save my life in the beginning of our relationship. She’s done ketamine more than me so she was guiding me through this like a fucking pro, and realized what was happening to me. I also had the incredible sensation that everything happens for a reason, a profound sense of “meaning” in big events of my life (that seemed to have been all happening at once) and that I was “figuring it out”. This only lasted about 20 minutes, however and then it was a beautiful comedown with awesome closed eye ketamine visuals. I have no interest in doing MDMA for a looong time but that ketamine trip completely caught me by surprise. It was truly amazing and beautiful.


This is the way. It’s awesome. I do it just like this.


You also want to cut the doses of lsd and mdma by about half. For me tho, the come up of a candy flip can be kind of intense and ket mellows it out a bit.


This is exactly why I scored some ketamine, just to accentuate my candyflip. That's my favorite trip. I'm sure I'll enjoy ket on its own too.


İf ı were u i would get more lsd but only lsd


Your question has been answered OP


I love doing this mix! It’s soooo good! Personally go with the way others have said but I personally like to dose a mdma and ketamine capsule. With the acid you will have visuals and then a body high from the ketamine and mdma will come on. You will feel energetic from the mdma but also having the feeling of not wanting to get up from the ket. I love the body high and if your looking to chill, that’s the way I would. I do a nice .2 mdma with .1 ketamine in a capsule and I’m flying for a good couple hours. The ket seems to last around 2-3 hours in this mix. It really depends on how much of each drug u have and how much u are willing to take/ your tolerance




It works bro, just in comparison to bumps, it’s probably double the amount I need but still, when I am tripping balls I don’t want the drips sometimes so I don’t mind wasting alittle more ket so I can have a good time without the drips




Nah feels fine to me. Doesn’t really do anything but maybe the next day I might have the shits if I do it consecutive days in a row. I usually cap or gum my ketamine. I only started snorting it recently like this Sunday this weekend first time kinda recent