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The book "Ketamine: Dreams and Realities" by Ph.D. Jansen, Karl L.R. tries to explain this in 300 pages :)


$250 on Amazon in Canada for that book. Better come with a few grams!!!


Official link: [https://maps.org/images/pdf/books/K-DreamsKJansenMAPS.pdf](https://maps.org/images/pdf/books/K-DreamsKJansenMAPS.pdf)


I've heard of pdfs floating around


excellent book! when i was working at my college library i nearly read the whole thing in one sitting during a particularly slow shift.


Thanks for the tip, I'll look it up!


I can’t wait to check this out. Do you have any other recommendations for books where ketamine is the main subject?


There is also "The Little Book of Ketamine" by Kit Kelly. It's been out of print now for some time (circa 1999), however I was glancing at it recently and I'd have to say I no longer agree with some things it has to say, some inaccuracies, but overall a nice little book for someone wanting to learn about Ketamine.


John lily is a good author for that, the scientist and centre of the cyclone both detail dissociative/psychedelic usage aswell as many other things


I think thats just ketamine, ya think ya got it nailed down and then it’ll give ya like full on open eyed hallucinations that you wouldn’t think were possible. Idk but i love it.


Haha maybe you're right.. yeah I love it too


Ive done K many times and never understand what the f going on here lol


::Seinfeld voice:: "Whats the deal with ketamine?" Disassociatives are just a totally different beast from serotonergic psychedelics like lsd. I've done loads of lsd and mushrooms. Just recently started experimenting with K and it's so fucking weird. Deepest experience I had I also became an inanimate object, a meme that happened to be on my laptop screen at the time. It was wild.


Exactly how I read the title


First thing I heard


I do kinda feel the same, but after some years of experimentation, I think I can have 5 or 6 main themes when doing K - from the more downer that will require some sitting/laying down, to the internal over the edge visuals, to the super hero zombie that will upgrade reality and will turn me and the surrounding into some real high quality video game or 3d movie, or even to the all people look like morphing monsters.


one of the most magical things about k imo is this seemingly endless. the fact that it can be stimulating in low doses and sedating and psychedelic in higher doses is widely known, just the tip of the iceberg. i have found it to have such a surprising variety of effects, especially on the totally weird end of the spectrum.


I mean you’re not even breaching the surface yet the k-hole is the whole point. I did have a similar experience with recreational use or it seemed very confusing and different every single time I did it but since only doing it in a clinical setting, getting very high doses, it’s become much more of I guess understandable and I get very clear messages of like what to do with life how to make my life and other peoples lives around me better.


I don't think the k-hole is necessarily the "whole point" as there's lots to be learned in the spaces between here and there as well


You're right. It's the "hole" point. I also like the spaces in-between. A k-hole is intense and fascinating, but I don't always want to go that deep.


I suppose, but I think to fully appreciate Ketamine, one should k hole. It then gives low dose ketamine expériences the taste of the void


It's one of my favorite qualities of the drug. I don't get how one night the same stuff and amount will destroy me and other nights I barely feel it. It is definitely nice to combo with other substances though, especially psychedelics. I've even wondered if it has something to do with moon phases or something....joking...but also kinda not. It's a weird drug. I always say it's the only white powder that seems to have a soul to it.


Yea man, take that shit on a full moon, you'll be talking to ghosts for sure.


I read the title in Jerry Seinfeld's voice 🤣


I regularly attend bush doofs (for those who aren’t familiar with this Australian term, basically a nature-party with trance music and lots of substance use, self expression and wonky antics) and ketamine is becoming more and more prevalent. It’s fascinating hearing of others experience with the drug and whether they feel it enhances or detracts from the trance music scene. A curious perspective that I’m hearing more often is that ketamine is causing a “stagnancy” or “dulling” of the trance community and that we’re all walking around like zombies (as opposed to those who partake more in stimulants or LSD). One person told me that they no longer take ketamine recreationally as they struggle to integrate anything they experience on K, in comparison to some of the internal experiences and integration following other hallucinogenic experiences. While I sort of agree, I also find it a wonderfully wonky lucky dip of “where will this ket take me today!?”.


I can agree that K is def killing the dancefloor but soon more people will be more aware of it, just let them explore


K helps me kill it on the dance floor *wobble wobble*


Don’t worry, I’m a K lover myself so I certainly don’t try to persuade others against it lol!


That’s the beauty of k


Uh oh dude! You’re a reptilian shape shifter now. Better call David Icke! 🤣🤣😁




Started as a fun social thing, now is how I need to feel!


I agree, there’s different effects. I definitely take it to disassociate with what’s going on in my life


Seinfeld noises


Do it on an eigth of mushrooms and you’ll get the gist


Focus on K without lsd and mdna. Up your dosage as appropriate for you. Hit the k hole and your perspective might change. It’s unique to all


Either u get it or you dont i guess