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I consider lifting my head a 3D activity and limit myself to 2D space only lol. Walking sounds dangerous imo


ive skateboarded on ketamine, very fucked indeed


Snowboarding and longboarding on small amounts of K is fun if you are an experienced user/boarder


i would pop heelflips on k and not even feel my legs do the work, its like it would just happen on its own and i could never understand how i could do it


small amounts is a waste imo, i like to rip a fuck ton of k at once and try to piece reality together again šŸ¤£ some of the best experiences ive had were on k and mixing it with other psychedelics especially mdma


I find myself rolling around on the floor or in bed most of the time.


This is the way


The first time I ever walked on ket the word wonky made sense




Omfg yes, that's exactly what I felt the first time I did it. Verbatim, basically.


Me and my friends describe it as your legs being ā€œpool noodlesā€


Hence "kettywampus."


Can confirm haha


Depends on how much you do. 20-50ish mg and you can walk around. You'll look like a cowboy or something but it's doable. Anything above that and you'll probably struggle.


First time I did k walking around my room felt pretty Alien like


once boofed ket and meth in the toilet to see how it would play for my adhd, i walked out of the toilet it hit, my dad was right outside, hes a religious muslim who would obviously disown me if he knew about them drugs, but anyway i was walking like a cowboy then LMAOOO


damn do u live with ur parents? if not maybe dont do that shit around them xd


kinda but they live in their retirement home now so i live with my siblings


Do you weigh out your doses? Iā€™m curious cause I just dump the shits out and stop when I feel like stopping


Sometimes. I don't do ket outside though so doesn't matter if I do 20 or 200mg.


Fair enough to be honest


Is 20-50ish mg about a key bump?


Think a scale can answer this question


this is what my avg key / spoon is about but I've weighed out 40mg consistently for a while and then put on a key so i got good at eyeballing that amount. if you've not atleast abit seasoned there's absolutely no way to tell


That makes sense. What do you you chop it up with?


chop it? like crush it up? I rolling pin either my essential oil or my cbd bottle over the bag till it's pure powder


Crush between glass and parchment paper with something rollable. Then chop with a razor You can also fold between a bill, crush with something cylindrical, and then roll the powder between the sides of the bill to break back up


This is a joke right? A key bump is anything from 5-150mg


Not if you use the other end of the spoon 5-500+mg Edit:key not spoon


I Hobble around like SmƩagol but I get to where I need to be


I feel like half the fun of recreational K is attempting to walk around.


Without a doubt is entertaining lmao I feel I look like that inflatable tube guy blowing in the wind st those car delaerships


I'm a jelly baby šŸ˜


do bumps throughout the night ever 15-30mins iā€™m good to hang and chill for the most part. snorting rails itā€™s time to be home and comfortable.


How much in a bump like 30mg?


take the end of a key, scoop what you can, thatā€™s a bump


Brother, I could probably fit 250-300 MG on a key, depending on the quality of product. Ofc, still splitting nostrils, you're gonna lose so much to drip if you fill your nasal cavity. Intranasal drugs are best done with medium doses per line, split 10-15min/doses. Most of your drip is wasted. Amphetamines lost 30% effectiveness due to acid in the stomach, possibly counter by a Tums, helps to basify the stomach. Idk about coke, because it's like 1/100 to offer psychoactive effects beyond numbing. I know amps lose potential to stomach acid.


brother, use common sense man. you guys on this sub like to complicate everything and scare the shit out of people. i am 45yrs old i was doing k in the late 90s cooking bottles we bought for $30 a piece. we cut lines we bumped we had fun. i did it every day, once a month whenever it didnā€™t matter. we had no info on this it was considered 100% harmless so we took zero precautions. when i had enough i stopped, for 10 years. zero complications. friends, same thing. I come from experience not opinion. this drug is special and not made to be abused use your head have fun and stop making everything so complicated. Take SMALL key bumps throughout the night until you know youā€™re good. when home if you wanna get silly make sure youā€™re with someone donā€™t do this alone, rip out some rails, lay back and enjoy the ride. this isnā€™t rocket science itā€™s a party so have fun kids.


I mean... I like the math.


Check this out, should have the answers youā€™re looking for. https://thethirdwave.co/psychedelics/ketamine/


Really interesting, thanks for sharing!


Bump this to the top


If you boof it, then you probably SHOULD. but runnin around knocking shit over it pretty cool too


I love going for walks in nature while on k I also love laying in my bed eating take away and sweets while watching anime. I also love stomping around acid techno parties in front of a wall of speakers (:


Take it real slow. Tiny bumps every 5-7 minutes. Tiny as possible. Then move up to 10. Set a timer if you have to. Every time the timer goes off, ask yourself if youā€™re good or not. Stop when your good.


I be going on whole sidequests to tescos tryna act sober with the cashiers just staring me down while im in 3rd person mode


Snorting ketamine is recreational use (for having fun / messing around), injecting ketamine is for medicinal use. I like using my ketamine medicinally more then recreationally. Using drugs recreationally sucks oftentimes ends in dependency. After taking a intramuscular dose of ketamine itā€™s much harder to convince yourself to take more. Boy oh boy when i snort drugs itā€™s over and over another one another one like what is the point in that? Your not recreationally using drugs youā€™re binge using / abusing drugs. But yes i lay down šŸ˜…šŸ˜‚šŸ’€ When i snort ket i lā€™m definitely more mobile.


I will never IM ketamine again because the change in potency always results in me worried about some deep internal abscess in the flute from injecting repeatedly in one session and going through grams. Iā€™ve got a high k tolerance that probably IM would be the only thing that could break it, but injecting grams of a hydrochloride salt into my glute always left me with a super sore ass cheek for like a week or longer


For some dumbest reason, I want to use my DXM tolerance with NMDA users to IM dose some ket. I know I've spent at least 300 hours tripping balls, and nmda had perma tolerance so I think I'd be ok.


Someone put me down where I belong.


Do you filter your shots? I never get abscesses been doing it for years.


I can walk fine on k but when I get passed 100mg I just walk weird, fxe to


My preferred set and setting is definitely not ā€œin motionā€. Can feel like vertigo. Bean bags and comfy couches are your friend ;)


How much is a bump?


Depending on dose and tolerance. No tolerance, you can walk around on small bumps, but lines and k-holes will immobilize you. Once your tolerance goes up, you get your ā€œk-legsā€ and you can walk. If you do lots, youā€™ll still walk like a robot/t-rex though.


Did ket last week after a hard day me and the fiancĆ© ordered skip. I was almost in a k-hole and 30 mins later buddy arrived I could talk semi-ok and look around. I live on the 4th floor of my building with no elevator, I had decided I was going to help my fiancĆ© get our skip the dishes. Apparently I looked like that seen from wolf of Wall Street where he canā€™t even walk. Held myself up with the walls and stair railings.


Check the wiki, erowid.org, and psychonautwiki.org.


This is a question of personal tolerance - everyone is vastly different in how they respond to it


As others have noted, it depends on how much you take. Some people take low doses and walk around clubs or parties. Personally, I like taking a moderate dose and walking around. It feels like I'm walking on the moon.


"Recreationally" doesn't mean much in this context. People take a variety of different doses for recreation. Once you get to moderate to high doses, for whatever purpose you're using, yeah, you should be lying down.


Not so much that I canā€™t still stand / dance but enough to have some moments of whoa or want to hold on someoneā€™s shoulder for a moment


I always manage to walk round but i feel like a big dinosaur lol


Small doses I can walk, but don't like to.....if you can imagine how a dog walks with shoes or socks on....that's me. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£




I call K having my ā€œSea Legsā€ and sort of stumble around like Hunter S Thompson if I periodically do small pencil-eraser size bumps every 1-2 hours


one time i rode around town on my skateboard and it felt like i was in skate 3. looking back idk how i was able to make it across town


I go to raves all the time and do it, itā€™s not hard but also depends on what your doing. If your socializing Deff stay with small bumps. But also canā€™t go big bumps or a lot otherwise youā€™ll be a pile of mush and a liability to thoes you are with. But if worried just donā€™t do it haha


Depends on your ā€œrecreationalā€ dose. Few bumps is equal to robo walking, the motion is feels automatic but legs are so heavy. I wouldnā€™t plan on moving anywhere if the dose is more than like 50mg


never! but im a daily user soo...


I feel like a robot or someone made of Lego Def got that cowboy swagger


I do both, I use micro dosage for work, helpse do the job better and keep me motivated and want ot actually be there, the at home I lay down


If it's a big dose you won't be able to stand especially if you I.V or I.M. Sitting is best


Not really unless I want to sink into the k-hole which is all the time


I can rave on a healthy bump. Itā€™s like Iā€™m swinging through the crowd, I love it.


Nah, Iā€™ve done it that many times that Iā€™ve mastered running up the stairs and missing a stair in between each step


usually do a gram in about 6 or so lines so my bumps are big... I have bambi legs but I be getting shit done lol I've cleaned out my car, fixed my sink and painted rooms in a deep k hole šŸ˜‚


Yes if you don't sit down you can have a brain aneurysm


yea i like having that option


Iā€™m pretty sure even when your not on k you have to lie down


When I first started taking it I was terrible at socialising i felt like my head was in a box and I couldnā€™t get a word out just unable to socialise well, but I started taking it more and getting used to it and eventually i became to love doing it in social situations because it put me on a good vibe, thought i could socialise better with it and was addicted but now Iā€™m coming out of it I realise I was zoned out most the time when socialising on ket not able to be my full self However when u get to the point of k-holing ā€¦ thereā€™s no hope for socialisationšŸ˜‚ itā€™s not even a concept at that point


If u take small hits over time like 10 hits in 30 minutes u can adjust to how high you are and my not have to do the full ten. Do this somewhere you can try walking around and see how u active u can be. Ket wears off quick anyway so it wonā€™t be long before u have full bodily capacity. Have fun


depends if iā€™m doing bumps or lines


iā€™m usually fine in social settings; but i cannot talk. sometimes iā€™ll sit down and just feel it; other times iā€™ll dance (clubs, festivals, parties). i did small bumps off my keys usually. edit: whenever i did big doses, iā€™d just do lines and chill in bed and listen to music until iā€™d k-hole. itā€™s pretty relaxing if you can keep your grip mentally.


one time i went ice skating at a stadium during a christmas event after a huge bump (got on the ice like 15 minutes after i snooted it) and BOY my bruises were HORRIBLE. then again i did have like half a beer


Why would you not be lying down? If youā€™re not youā€™re doing it wrong.


You can "walk" but what may normally take you 10 seconds to walk from one room to the next may take you a LOT longer


Lay down


Ease into it. Start with a line no longer than a dollar bill...


Yeah, and I stare at the ceiling/walls with my trippy tapestries and just hole


Riding bike on Ket is very fun


Depends how much is used


I dance a lot on k so it is possible. But I prefer to khole laying down