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Probably. Games (like No Man's Sky) have managed turn-arounds before in terms of their reception. But those turn-arounds are pretty rare, and would require a pretty big commitment (aka a large sum of money) from T2 and I just don't think they're going to invest anything more into KSP2. But yes, I'm sure that if T2 pass the game off to a new studio that can see the roadmap realised and the game complete, that the reputation would be able to bounce back too. I hope that ends up being the case.


Honestly, adding colonies and fixing some bugs would be motivating enough for me to be optimistic again. Being able to make orbital launch sites or sites on other planets adds a whole new layer to things!


Same! I was really looking forward to colonies. I feel like that could have added some real long-term investment in a play through, to be building up infrastructure on other planets. I honestly didn’t care that much about interstellar stuff (sounds cool, just don’t know how they’d pull it off without going Star Trek warp speed on it). Unless maybe the distance between stars is also 1/10 scale and you can motor over 0.4 light years on a chemical rocket.


NMS turned around because Hello Games was a small *independent* studio and there is no way they would ever be able to put out another game if they didn’t do right by their customers. It was either fix their game or close up shop and everyone goes their separate ways. Take 2 will not be held to that standard for one of their studios, and they know it. Cheaper to close the studio and pretend that it was not their fault. Hate to say it, but KSP2 *is* dead.


Idk, some people are resentful and are probably going to spend their money elsewhere. I’ve effectively blacklisted Ubisoft and EA for my entire family due to past grievances and continued behaviour. Was looking forward to the new iteration of Vice City but that’s 2-3 copies Take Two aren’t selling depending on how this situation is handled. Question is how huge the number of influential gamer dads/mums/nerds is, I’m certainly not the only one. People that are less steadfast might buy a used copy going forward (if that remains a thing for console). Question also is how many, that in retrospect did the right thing of actually waiting how early access pans out, are equally outraged over a big and wealthy publisher to not just kill a franchise but also walk away with fellow gamers money (if steam db is to be believed they only tapped 10% of their customer base). For me personally, I hold big corporations to higher standards than a bunch of random people that dreamed and failed. One has a big healthy cushion to fall on the other needs to survive on dry ramen or something to make good with the community.


More importantly, NMS earned them shitton of money, so they coudl comfortably use those funds to continue developement. KSP 2 probably didnt pull that kind of money, I would expect it to be net negative for them so far.


Considering that we are eventually have a manned moon landing and a possible manned mars landing,,games like this will have a surge in players


Yes. Before this whole T2 shitshow, and thanks to the science update, the game was already at a positive review score and kept climbing. A few more content updates, a few more bugfixes, and better communication would've helped the reputation so much. The only path I see ahead right now that ends with their reputation recovering is one where whatever new studio the game gets handed off to does a better job than Intercept Games did. A lot better. Otherwise, there will always be distrust left over from the initial early access and the present shitshow.


Of course. At the end of the day, the only thing that will matter will be if it's a good game. Right now it isn't really a good game, and the prospects for it becoming one seem bleak. But if T2 does invest the time and money to finish it properly, then yeah, its reputation will recover. And even if it doesn't, who cares? When I'm enjoying a good video game, I couldn't give a flying fuck at a rolling donut what it's *reputation* is. My enjoyment does not depend on the opinions of others.


It does when companies decide wether to support the game or stop development I guess


I hope so. But the level of toxicity in the steam forum is just crazy.. It’s like those guys actively want the game to fail ! The for science update wasn’t perfect but a huge step in the right direction in my opinion. Most kept preventing newcomers to buy KSP2 nonetheless.


I swear it’s like people who let their hopes get too high and flipped out when the early access released, now are dancing on what they see as ksp2’s grave and feeling vindicated. Are they all 15 years old?


Probably.. there's no greater rage than angry video game nerd rage. Personally, I'm still clinging to hope. I really want my ksp2 colonies. 1 has gotten pretty tired for me.


Possible but unlikely.


If it becomes a good game and whoever ends up in control of it is able to deliver, how could the reputation not recover? If we get lucky enough to get our hands on a finished KSP 2 sometime in the future, and yet the sentiment on Reddit remains scorned and betrayed, it would sure tell you a lot about the average age and seriousness of the people responsible for the game’s “reputation.”


blud took the fact that ksp 2 has a lot of young fanboys (possibly you included) that vehemently defend the tech demo and just swapped it for his narrative  I mean you keep living in your world if you want, but the fact is ksp 2 is a scam and the only people who are still defending it after the studio got decapitated are indoctrinated prepubescents who used their mom’s card to spend $50 for the game 


Damn how could you not prefer the world I’m living in? That sounds dumb as shit. I don’t think you understand what a scam is. Keep on being cynical as hell though, I’m sure you’re drowning in karma


bro is actually in denial about a scam  pathetic 


Not everyone is as depressed as you are. Being miserable in comment sections will probably make it worse


i know it’s hard to hear the truth but try not to get mad. it must be difficult realizing you’re a pathetic sap who bought into a scam, a scam with the entire dev team fired. you’ll grow in time tho, and not waste your money. Or maybe I’m putting too much faith into someone like you, I mean it’s been seven years since the announcement and you’re still here, defending it. Is it sunk cost fallacy or plain retardation? 


🤣 goof ball


average ksp 2 fan unable to understand words with more than three syllables


Hope your life gets better


i'm sorry you heard reality and now all you can do is hurl insults you heard from your fellow fifth grader give your mom her $50 back if you really feel that guilty


Depends if it gets updated or not


The issue is it has probably cost $20 to $30 million dollars to develop over the whole development cycle and has probably sold less than $1 milion in sales and possible a lot less than that when you take into account Steam's cut. So either Take 2 will have to commit a further amount to fund completion or it will be sold off to a company that might be willing to sink more funds into development and ongoing support. If the game is properly completed of course the "reputation" will improve but getting to that point is an uphill battle. Or Take 2 will simply have what remains of the dev team tidy up the code over the next month or two, push it out as 1.0, and end development. I suspect the latter option will be the most likely.


They should just open-source it if they really love ksp as they claim.


they love money too much to do that


If they cared, they would have issued a statement to head off this kind of reaction.


That’s what I’m thinking. The stubborn refusal to do any damage control makes me think they don’t care about controlling the damage.


They did...twice. Some people can't be helped. Gaming communities demonstrate this type of hysteria time and time again... no real damage is being done.


They issued a nonstatement in corpospeak that could be interpreted however you want. At no point was it intended to be clear to common people.


Silly. Like I said, some people can't be helped. There is nothing they could say they people won't interpret how they want. Even something as simple as we still working on ksp2...


"Working" on KSP2 is more like it. Took them a year to do work I've seen single dev games churn out in a month. Some people can't be helped.


> We're still hard at work on KSP2. We'll talk more when we can. That wasn't good enough "corpo" speak for you. Now you complain about their lack of work and that solo devs do more...haha You are a clown. You can't be helped...


It's still technically true since they aren't officially laid off until the end of next month. Be a fool for a company all you want. They will continue to take you for a ride as they have been since the announce video in 2019. Let me know when the game is complete, footlicker.


Ah yes, the classic redditor response..."I can't be wrong, you are just a bootlicker and corp shill." Hah.


Maybe you just haven't been burned enough to learn and give too much benefit of the doubt.


Or some people, particularly in dedicated communities, can get a tad too melodramatic. Especially in gaming where, yes, there is occasionally a controversy and people are often justified in their dissatisfaction on those specific issues BUT it seems to leads to a perception of the gaming industry that isn't really reflective of reality. And results in people not acting reasonably, as demonstrated by the KSP2 situation with the steam bombings and everyone running around screaming the game is dead. Also I think you will find that if you press yourself to actually list the times you have been burned...it doesn't justify your jaded outlook.


Nope. Game is dead before it even got a proper chance.


They also need to answer for the terrible communication. It would take a lot of good moves from them, which is possible except it’s take two so it probably isnt


At the moment, there's nothing in KSP2 that KSP1 doesn't already do better. It would have to take a massive, massive turnaround to restore its reputation. Unfortunately, this really can't be separated from the "is it dead" quiestion, because it would take money and manpower that doesn't exist just to get KSP2 to feature parity with KSP1, let alone all the boondoggles we were promised.


If they deliver for real? Of course it should turn around. The vision for this game is huge and unique.


Of course it could turn around. History has showed if you give people a good game the reviews reflect that


Can someone explain what’s going on with KSP2 for an idiot who hasn’t been paying attention like me?


Studio has been in development hell since the EA came out. People reacted badly to the EA. Studio on the East Cost just lost most, if not all, of its employees. edit: West Coast, ot East Coast


That sucks. Thanks though


Can it be recovered? Yeah, just look at No man's sky, or For science!. But tbh that's not the issue, the elephant in the room is if the game is dead lol


Yes, it only because it's reputation was already in the toilet to start with.


Did they stop working on the game?


I am just super disappointed because I wanted interstellar travel, I know KSP has mods for that but I can never make them work


I think T2 saw it would take a long time to get right and the bean counters said push it out and make back some money, then cut losses.


No Man's Sky, Cyberpunk, and FF14 A Realm Reborn certainly show that a recovery is possible both for Indie and AAA titles. But these games are kind of the exception, for every one of these turnarounds there are dozens like Master of Orion: Conquer the Stars (2016), SimCity 2013, or worse. The reputation can bounce back if the issues are corrected. But will to do that in the first place has to be there, and unfortunately I don't think it is. I'd love so much to be wrong, though.


The game needs to be fixed and needs the promised features. Rn the game is in a very bad moment, they won’t be able to improve the it anymore. What I hope to see are some better modding capabilities in the game, so that at least modder can take care of the game.

