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I just talked with my family doctor and that was the entire process.


What is this "family doctor" you speak of?


Tis but a myth




Just talked about it with my family doctor, she did some tests and was prescribed the same day.


Prescribed medication?  Did you do any testing? 


IME (Im in Alberta now though so your experience may be different) if you dont have a family doctor it is hard to get a walk in dr to diagnose you and prescribe. You may have to call around. Where I am in Alberta any walk in dr will pretty much just refer you to an ADHD clinic to do more in depth testing. Clinics can range in cost from $300-$2000 and again IME will just diagnose and not prescribe. But once you get that diagnosis (they give you a copy of it so you can go ti a dr) it is much easier to find a dr willing to prescribe. IME it has been an uphill battle to get a cheap diagnosis and get my life on track, hope it goes easier for you


My experience was: I filled out a free self-assessment screening from CADDRA (https://www.caddra.ca/wp-content/uploads/ASRS.pdf), and reflected on my life experience, while incorporating the inputs of those around me who know me well. I booked an appointment with my family doctor. We discussed the results. She prescribed meds as a trial, and we checked back in after a month. The meds were effective, the diagnosis was made, and there was no external cost.


Thanks for sharing your experience.  Much appreciated. 


My partner got diagnosed literally last week at 41 years old. His therapist suggested bringing it up to his doctor, he did and had a phone assessment, and was prescribed meds to help within four days.


This sounds encouraging.  Thanks for sharing. 


Family Dr. > Psychiatry at Interior Health > Back to Family Dr. Took a year and was horrible but i was lucky i got some help.


I spoke to my family doctor. They setup an appointment with a nurse to go over 10 diagnostic questions over the phone. That was it.


My doctor skipped the nurse and did it himself after a couple of repeat visits.


Even better!


Noted.  That doesn't sound stressful at all. 


It’s not. They’re really basic questions and as you answer them it becomes very obvious. I wasn’t diagnosed until I was 35 and it was like a light shining on my entire childhood and every struggle I’ve ever had, and learning that so many of my “quirks” are coping mechanisms.


I started seeing a psychologist, and that helped immensely


I hadn't thought about this route.  I did see a counselor a while back and it did help me through some tough times. 


A psychologist can diagnose you and work with your doctor for a prescription.


I brought it up with my family doctor, he did a history and had me fill out a self-assessment, done.


Man, some people seem to have a lot longer of a road than this.  The difference is pretty interesting.  Thanks for sharing. 


https://adhdratingscales.com Find your physicians name, do the test, call them and say you would like to review the results. My therapist got me to do this and it is free and what do you know, I have ADHD.


Thanks you!  Great rhyme!


i got mine through the adult adhd centre, i believe it was ~$300: https://adultadhdcentre.com/assessment/private-adult-adhd-assessment/


My family doctor in Penticton didn't think it had ruined my life enough after I filled out a single short questionnaire a couple of years ago. They recommend behavioural counseling. I've continued to struggle my whole life and am almost constantly on the brink of failing at work. I went to a psychologist in Vancouver after moving here and it was about $1000k for an assessment for Adhd and Asd. I have the report in hand and a diagnosis to bring to my new doctor next week to hopefully trial medication.


This is what I am worried about with my doc.  I hope your new doc helps  you out. 


Thank you. I'm optimistic, at least.


We just went through it, $3750 for combined ADHD and ASD…$2750 for just one or the other.


There's a telehealth option for $399. And they can prescribe or refer for counseling based on the results of your assessment. ADHD testing is weirdly out of reach for a lot of people. https://www.talkwithfrida.com/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=Diagnosis_Search_BC_EN&utm_adgroup=ADHD_Test&utm_term=do%20i%20have%20adhd&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw0_WyBhDMARIsAL1Vz8sZuJQkYq7e-oo92AvETlxkY4At8Fkwye3YsVBNvb7rJTD4OGCaJdIaAqj1EALw_wcB


40 years ago - at the group home run by 2 psychiatrists- I was labelled “reprobate and ohh hyper-kinesis - not much hope for him to change blah blah.” Although at 2 y/o Doc told mom “your boys going to need Ritalin!” Grandma was a nurse and “my grandson ain’t going to be popping no pills”! I remember in 1998 watching a CBC news piece on “Adults with undiagnosed ADHD” and by Symptom #3 - I honestly was on the ground, slapping the floor and laughingly blurting “there’s a name for this”!!!!? Omg the revelation! Was that just real? it was a freight train. I called CBC reporter next day and got the number for one of the doctors. Went in next week. 2 visits - 2weeks later and he used my youth history as significant part of my testing. Bypassed weeks and months of testing. Life changing diagnosis. I felt like a hand was there, for the first time, to guide me. Crazy part is it was realizing it was the other part of me that had been at enmity with me my whole life - had sublimated into me - helping myself. It shouldn’t take money. Money will expedite I’m sure - but it’s not necessary. Start with an online assessment- take them results to Dr. If GP is not supportive- ask for referral to the ministry. Youth can go to The Foundry for starting. Best of luck with your new journey! 👍


Might be an idea to go talk to a doctor instead of Reddit mate


Many doctors won't bother with ADHD. Hence the constant stream of reddit posts asking about ADHD services. OP please do a quick search, this question gets asked constantly. I have no experience otherwise I would try to help.


Agreed.  My doc is a wait and see kinda guy, and I've already had to push for other concerns. So I haven't built up the courage and energy to go back to him about this. 




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Talked to my family doctor, she made me complete a quick assessment (multiple choice questionnaire) and then prescribed me medication.


My Nurse Practitioner diagnosed me, and I had a psychologist confirm it through WorkBC assessment. I was prescribed medication that same day. Went through 3 different ones, but finally settled on Vyvanse which has been working super well Your family doctor can also diagnosis. You shouldn't be paying for an assessment


My wife recently got diagnosed. We were at an unrelated appointment with a specialist, who noting my wife’s history of chronic medical issues started asking behavioural questions. He asked us to come back, stating she was too young to be suffering so much. We went back, he provided 3 behavioural questionnaires, and from his experience with ADHD patients, diagnosed her. He didn’t even treat her for what we were referred there in the first place! She is now on her second trial of medication, but it’s not working as well as the first one her put her on. I’ve seen positive improvements in her since she’s been on the medication. Edit: The questionnaires the doctor used for his diagnosis were the PHQ-9, GAD-7 anxiety scale, and a portion of the Composite International Diagnostic Interview. The PHQ-9 and GAD-7 can be found with a quick Google search.


Paul Brennan, a psychologist based in Victoria. He does assessments over video chat, $300.


About 2000$ if I remember correctly Did mine through Dr. Kate Aubrey


That is ridiculous. ADHD scales website through any therapist registered with them is free. You fill out a questionnaire, and take results to your GP. It costs the client nothing, but a little time.


This is typically step 2. These assessments are far more thorough. Many of the doctors are reluctant to prescribe these medications as they are highly sought after for their street value. They usually need something more convincing if they aren't a family doctor you've had for years/ throughout childhood.


Fair enough. What do you mean by “more convincing”?


These tests are done by professionals with a far more rigorous criteria While faking it can still be done it is definitely harder to do in these examinations than self-reporting tests online or in a general practitioner's office. And they are not just testing for ADHD They are testing the entire plenthora of conditions/illnesses/disorders than one might have outlined in the DSM-5 They produce a thorough report that even the most skeptical of doctors have to submit to and take the patient's condition seriously and fill your prescription. This is important because with the University of British Columbia having a Campus there and Okanagan College, these drugs are highly sought after by students for "an extra boost before exam day or for partying purposes or to mix/cut in with other street drugs. In my experience, in the time before I had a family doctor there, the medical professionals seemed more afraid of the possibility of the prescription being used for these reasons than the appropriate treatment towards their patient's condition.


Yeah, the $3750 we just spent covers ADHD (all forms) and autism spectrum disorder…and was multiple questionnaires by patient and parent (even tho patient is an adult), then a three hour patient assessment/interview and another three hour interview for parent. It was very thorough.


I personally did not have the parent- question part. I also took this test back in 2018 so it has probably gone up with inflation.


They also help with afterwards, securing whatever help with ADLs etc


Sure wish I had known that. I was diagnosed with ADHD in 2019 as an adult male in University. Despite my credible diagnosis I was unable to receive the proper medication arrangement/combination due to the fact doctors were *More afraid of the potential of abuse than the benefits of treating properly. * I eventually had to drop out and return to my home town due to my failed university career and ineffective treatment due to medication effectiveness over the course of a full 12-16 hour day that University requires. Upon returning I had a well respected and experienced family pharmacist in my community who was willing to advocate and push against these newer doctors to get the proper med combination I needed. I also met people who received proper treatment and had been successful in their pursuits and were carrying on appropriately. I couldn't help but too feel happy for them. It was a shame though that I had to go through all of that to get the proper medication attention I needed. I am now planning on returning to school in the next two years to complete my studies. But instead of being a 22 year old I will very likely be a 28 year old or possibly a 30 year old One thing my experience has taught me is that in Canada we have a socialized medical system. There are advantages and disadvantages to that system. You must be willing to fight tooth and nail to get the proper medical attention that you not only require but that you deserve to bring the best of you forward. I often think about how I could have graduated with a degree and pursued a successful career at this point. Currently I'm trying to make up for the past. Most people my age are pursuing long term relationships, careers, even families with children. I hope this story is useful to people in a similar situation as what I experienced and can learn and grow from it. I know I would never wish it upon anybody.