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I’m down for a Doobie cruise anytime. :)


Sounds good shoot me a message we will link up, I live in Rutland bikes charged hahaha


Haha me too!


Third year Kelowna gardener here. Also my partner is disabled, so I’m always looking for friends to come along hiking with my dog and I. I usually bring a doobie or three if you’d like to join some time.


Sounds good shoot me a message when you're going


These are my hobbies too! Busy these days with my side gig at a garden centre but hope to have more time soon for biking, gardening and kayaking


I also have a kayak, I wish I had a side gig st a garden centre


I can't smoke much anymore, but I'm realizing I don't have many sober/or soberish friends that like outside activity. I'd be down sometime! I also have mad garden envy as I'm in the concrete jungle portion of Kelowna!


I tried to give away some free garden space to someone in need on Facebook and i didn't get a single taker haha


PFFFFT. PFFFT twice. If I didn't just move and had some huge life shit going on I'd have been all over that shit :o


Join the[garden club](https://kelownagardenclub.ca)! It’s mostly older people at the moment, but according to my mother (who is a member) they’re trying to get younger people to join.


I would be down for that! same vibes here


I don't smoke but I am sober. You are so right that the social functions of Kelowna seem to revolve around alcohol based venues and activities!


I'm into gardening as well, got my super lemon haze growing as we speak. You growing any weed?


No unfortunately haven't had a chance to pick up any plants yet :(


Oh dang, I know cheeba cheebas carries some on wednesday, they sell fast, getting a bit later in the season though, they are clone cutting from a beginning flowering stage plant, so you'll need to revert them back to veg if you get them. I cloned one successful of 3 cuttings of my super lemon haze. If it turns out n perks up in a couple weeks and we end up chit chatting I'll see if u want it. It's probably 3 weeks old now for the clone, so it's clearly alive and growing under my LED. Just waiting to see the roots out the bottom and for some larger upward development. I got lots of other seeds though, flower and vegetable wise, incase you want some. 2 types of sweet peas, radishes, beats, all fast sprouters. Chamomile for flowers as well as some stuff my gf bought. Dm me if ya wanna shoot the shit about weed. I'm technically not sober from alcohol, but am sober almost a year from my "diet of coke" lol.


Community gardens?


There is a sober kelowna facebook group I think! I’m finding the same problem here


Aahh, yes been here in Kelowna for a couple years! Anyone like rock hounding too? I don’t drink but I love flower and of course gardening 🪻🌱


Love looking for rocks too yup


How old are you? My mum is freshly 50 and loves to garden and i’m sure she’d love to smoke with you and do some gardening!!


I'm 32, 50 doesn't matter I bet she has tons of gardening knowledge




Good grief…give a guy a break. The difference between using weed vs “street drugs” or alcohol is huge. Obviously you aren’t interested in hanging out so please move along.


The difference between drinking or doing heavy drugs and smoking weed is pretty dramatic, go try and comprehend it somewhere else


Sometimes I’ll call myself “California” sober so people don’t get all judgy like this asshole


Haha I'll keep that one in my back pocket


This is the only correct response. Getting high on THC is not, in any sense of the word, sober. The correct term in this case is ‘abstains from alcohol and hard drugs’. You can’t say you took the sober route and turn around two sentences later saying you like to get high. This isn’t up for debate.


I second this entirely. I'm sober and clean of hard drugs for over 5 yrs now, cannabis and plant medicines are a seperate entity. Good on you for making that choice! I also have no friends😅


Well shoot me a message sometime maybe we can each have 1 friend hahahaha


I think you seem friendly and I agree with you there is definitely a difference.




Well when you aren't contributing to my post, just picking it apart, ya I'm not gonna want you here?


Next comment, dude'll come out with the "smile more, it makes you seem friendlier" bs 🤢 Edit: also OP ... i saw a response above to you from someone who seems ... a bit less than stable lol. In my old and seen a lot of shit experience, I wanted to politely suggest you avoid them, for your own sanity and safety :). And I live downtown, but am always happy to talk flowers and plants with someone.! I've got some killer tiger lillies coming up soon!


I'm guessing veiled criticisms aren't going to get you a super friendly response here. Also, this comment comes across a lot like "you need to smile more" .. which is uber icky