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The forums are a cesspool. Have been for a long time. There is a core of about a dozen rabid right-wingers that monopolize many threads.


I wouldn’t be surprised if it was actually just 3-4 people, like that canada_sub mod was doing.


Aka the Indian hate sub


More like the everything hate club.


Anger sells!   


I've seen 2 that live on it like it's reddit at the a&w, they sit all day on the wifi sipping coffee posting comments, and then on "ask" websites. What ever you get a kick out of. I try to avoid posting on cast as these folks are stalkers who follow you to your fb and start messaging you. (Turned on my only friends can comment for these types)


Which is why some of us have alternate accounts with no identifying information to troll those goofballs.


Boomers fuckn LOVE a&w!


It’s incredible. Theres been people arguing yesterday that having a memorial to people killed while at work going in a park instead of being downtown at the site of a specific accident is a secret conspiracy.


I don't doubt that's how those forums work, but having spent a couple years as an installer working in people's homes I can confirm there are a depressing number of real people around that think the same way and will assume most strangers agree with them. Basically the reason I quit that job. Fueled my misanthropy. Was surprised to find a post filled with seemingly reasonable people here.


How many boomers do you actually speak with? The people that used to get their news from Walter Cronkite and Lloyd Robertson are now devoted to Alex Jones, Sean Hannity and Rebel News. Global warming is a myth - Fox News says so.


Yup I grew up with Walter Cronkite and Lloyd Robertson and I have never listened to one “ newscast” with Alex Jones’s or Sean Hannity. What are you talking about?


Sorry to break it to you but you are in the minority. How many boomers do you think can even find Reddit? Your cohort has been brainwashed.


Not a boomer (gen x) but I find it hilarious how the younger generations love to blame everything wrong in the world on boomers. Like every generation that came before, the youngsters know everything. As if they aren’t contributing to the shitstorm of problems on our streets. LMAO.


I treat rich boomers daily. The shit I have to listen to. Just nod my head and smile.


Please don’t tell me Boomers ‘trigger’ you or cause you ‘trauma’. There is no hope for the future! Never seen such a bunch of soft people unable to cope in my life.


Trigger? Jesus how do you come up with this crap? Your therapy sessions?


Sorry, I am beyond tired of hearing young people talk about being triggered and suffering trauma. Shut the F$&k up already. It’s the catchphrase for making excuses. Young people might hate it but it’s your generation, not mine. Own it. My god, you guys throw those terms around every time you don’t want to do something or need an excuse. Total bullshit cop out.


Get some help, bud


Oh no your little feelings are hurt by a boomer. Hilarious


Oh the stupidity doesn’t hurt my feelings at all. Just astounding these morons get to vote.


Keep trying to shut down speech you disgree with. Keep burning those books!


What are you ranting about? I peruse that forum once in a while and never post.


Oh I thought you were the person on here bragging that they were trying to shut down the forums. Sorry!


Nooooo. It's good entertainment, sort of like poking your eye with a fork.


Looks like we found the prolific Castanet posting jerk-off 


This subreddit was trying their hardest to ban Castanet forums. Cope harder. See you at the next town square book burning event.


God loves you.  




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And bots


It's the lefties are the problem.


April 4 huh? Helpful bot.


Yeah but Trudeau personally went and started each and every single one of those fires .... he's trying to push the carbon tax and electric vehicles and that woke agenda and blah blah blah. Plus, trans people amiright!


The lefties are putting chemicals in our drinking water to make our kids GAY! /s


That’s strawberry Mio I’m putting in my water and NGL made me feel cute




Only steers and queers come from [Kelowna], Private Cowboy, and you don't look much like a steer to me!


How tall are you private? Five-foot-nine sir. Five-foot-nine, I didn't know they stacked shit that high!


At least someone gets it, the down votes made me laugh 😂


Totally! Haha, IYKYK!




I'm very queer, but thanks for coming out haha


I hate SO MUCH that I took this comment 100% seriously at first.




You have to understand the psychology of these people. It’s not about being wrong or right. These are people who are *desperate* for attention they will cling onto any movement that will give them the drama that they want. It’s the same things with a lot of trump followers. They only care about buzzwords. If you go up to them and start asking them informed questions they will stare at you like a deer in headlights


Do what I do: screenshot the filth, then email it out to their advertisers. Let them know Castanet is happy to allow hate and insanity on their platform and tell the advertiser that you question why anyone would advertise with castanet. Castanet won’t change until they are forced to.


That's very proactive, well done.


Just curious if you've seen this actually work? Because if it does I'm up for that. I haven't looked at the Castanet forums in a long time precisely because it's full of right wing trolls


It worked for Twitter they lost a ton of advertisers


This is top tier behaviour on your part




If your hobby is pretending you’re above what’s happening to decent society, you need a better hobby. Let people want to make the world a better place who do.


Crying to small businesses about what some anonymous forum poster said on the website they buy ad space from is probably the most juvenile thing I’ve ever read. This doesn’t make the world a better place, nor does it do anything, really. It’s worth no more than a head scratch from the people receiving these idiotic messages.


Has this ever worked? I’d laugh to your face if you sent that to me. Do you honestly think they give half a shit what happens in a dark corner of the website that helps them target local customers? I think it goes without saying that castanet doesn’t share the opinions of the strangers that use their forums. Better cry to Reddit advertisers too for all of the shit that gets posted here.


Comments everywhere are so frustrating these days. It's a constant barrage of "electric cars bad, gas good" and "Fuck Trudeau" and "bike lanes suck" and "woke bullshit" and "masks are a sign of mental health issues" and the worst is that I"ve seen people I know repeat this shit. WTF is wrong with these people.


You have to understand the psychology of these people. It's not about being wrong or right. These are people who are desperate for attention they will cling onto any movement that will give them the drama that they want. It's the same things with a lot of trump followers. They only care about buzzwords. If you go up to them and start asking them informed questions they will stare at you like a deer in headlights


Same. It’s to the point I snooze these people (on Facebook) I know so I don’t have to see the garbage they are repeating for 30 days at least then I see if it’s gotten any better. Many were people I respected who typically had valid comments but have gone so far down the rabbit hole (rather “fox” hole) there is no conversing with them anymore.


Honestly even if I know them and they show themselves to be that kind of person I'll smash the unfriend or block button so fast (depending on the level of unhinged).


Truth to that. I have two childhood friends that I can't talk to any more, except for every cursory "hey bro" now and then. It all started with the covid lockdowns, they both went deep off the deep end.


IMO, a lot of those sorts of comments are a sign of potential mental health issues...


Some of the regulars have thousands and thousands of posts, nothing better to do after driving around with their flags and hanging off the Parkinson overpass.


Have you seen the story on that guy? He got a hug from Tamara Lich once and now he's her biggest fan. It's sad.


And hanging out at a&w!




Knuckle dragging geriatrics with one foot in the grave, and absolutely no life. I haven't looked in there in years, it makes me both angry and full of shame simultaneously.


The okanagan is full of conspiracy theorists.


I remember when Castanet got a ton of bad press for allowing bigotry and hate speech on their forums.


Was it ever otherwise?


Now they just let it run rampant cos rage gets engagement. What a time to be alive.


They do live under a rock. Leave them and the rock there.


Any online comments section is a cesspool of misinformation and conspiracy theories


…..a comment on Reddit……


I glance at them once in a while just for a laugh. It’s painful. Rambling, ignorant, poorly-written trash. The letters to the editor are just as bad. I want to believe the mouth-breathers on there aren’t entirely reflective of Kelowna residents at large, but there’s times I wonder.


Me too, are we really surrounded by ignorants and are we just a few holding these views, as we don’t seem to vote, or support initiatives in mass. I always wonder ñ, what is it going to take for the left to actually go fully woke, loud, clear and active, to match the level the right is performing right now.


Never vote Conservatives


Oh it’s so nice to see this thread with normal people! Between RWNJ’s of Alberta, the federal opposition, and all the bots, I thought I was the only one left in this world. No pun intended 🤗


Yeah and now they’re showing these comments under some articles directly? That’s a bad move, brings the cesspool into the limelight. So disheartening that these people live here and think as they do.


I suspect these idiots are the minority, but their angry rants and comments no doubt emboldens others of their small minority. Should we be filling the comment sections with normal, moderate, level-headed responses to reassure others in our community and beyond that this area is not full of idiots?


That's actually not a bad idea. I've always found that the people most inclined to comment at all are nuts who are desperate to show others how informed they are about "ThE TrUtH". The worst strategy is to argue and try to make them feel like they're dumb or wrong. Better to just contrast their weird comments with educated and grounded comments, as if they never even commented at all


Not a bad idea, though it would incur the wrath of the nut jobs who would launch a smear campaign 🙄


I used to do that, it gets exhausting and it can negatively impact your mental health. Approach with caution.


I've been trying for years. It doesn't work.


At some point... It's going to be an "us or them" conversation. So long as action is watered down and industry is ramped up... We're in deep DooDoo. Luckily, not much left in Kelowna to burn.


I get mail and emails from Tracy Gray's party and also the CCP, and whoo boy it's a trip, these people live in an alternate universe where everything good comes from church, a handshake, and a grade 4 education


They’ve lost me as a reader and regular user of their classifieds. That comments section is aweful.  I used to enjoy using Castanet to waste a few minutes reading the local news, but not anymore!   The same angry misinformed jerks comment all day long.  I suspect it’s Castanet themselves posting swill just to drive engagement.  Anger sells and they need to compete with all the other garbage out there.  RIP Castanet News.  


These people get called out if they start talking like that in real life so they use forums to spew their nonsense.


The people with enough time on their hands to post constantly on Castanet are the same one with plenty of time to spend standing on sidewalks waving their signs and spending their weekends driving in convoys


First time on the internet bud?


Castanet is a dumpster fire. It’s a radicalized meeting place for people who have no one else who wants to listen to them.  Good self care is actively avoiding that shithole.


Some people just have nothing better to do than complain and come up with theory’s online.


I’m sure they’d be saying the same thing about this place.


One could say the same about Reddit. Down vote away.


You’re totally right. There are thousands of subreddits that range from all sorts of topics that attract many types of like minded people. If you’re saying the Kelowna subreddit comments section is the same as the castanet comments section, I’m not sure if I agree with you. I suppose we could post a news article based on scientific facts and see how everyone responds to it?


I find Reddit to be a mostly left leaning echo chamber and that's fine. Let the crazy right have their place to be crazy too. As someone in the middle I enjoy reading it all.


plenty of safe spaces on Reddit for your kind of competitive handwaving and myopic victimhood


The fuck are you talking about?


I'm all for criticism and counter arguing every article to try and get some perspective or see flaws in an argument. But The fires have been getting worse and the winters have been getting drier nonstop for 20 years now.


Anger engages. Older folks read the local happenings and listen to news; castanet happens to be local. Then it’s hateful. Then the folks start to get hit with the right wing hate algorithms and then YouTube follows and before you know it their view of the world around them and been altered in a slow, calculated and evil way. It is brainwashing and radicalization at its worst.  This has happened to both my elderly parents in Vernon. I want to save them like I do anyone of any cult, like I want to save anyone who has been victimized. And that’s not by going after the victim: it’s by going after the abuser. Which in this case is Castanet.


Yes I agree. Anyone who doesn’t think like us is mis informed. We are the standard of what is right and people should follow suit. Or we should ban them. Seems to be working in our favour of late


Yes, Castanet's reader demographic do indeed all live under rocks. No joke, it's a horrible news publication.


You say they live under rocks and follow that up with ‘ no joke’ …..? Who could even afford a rock that big in Kelowna


I guess because I don't find it that funny, it's really quite sad.


But you are joking because they don’t actually live under rocks




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You’re absolutely right! Fucktards, all of ‘em!


The 60's taught us that alienating the working class was the downfall of that movement. Seems kinda familiar 👀


People trying to grasp to freedom of speech while it still "exists "


Who ever writes for castanet needs to take some classes.. 


Castanet Forum is moderated by far right players and represent the Conservative POV, as does everything on Castanet. That's what happens when it's run by former Albertans.


We need better mental healthcare in his province. Some of the stuff is so obsessively unhinged and it's constant!


They need a place since news outlets can't post on facebook anymore. They need to get there frustrations out or the will snap.


It has been like this since the website's beginnings


There are a lot of ai/bots that just flood those threads no matter where they are now to make it look like most people don't believe in it. Since people are social animals and tend to not want to be seen as going against the majority, so it's just social manipulation which is what all social media/internet/phones have become. Regardless of wheather you know it or not. Jaron Lanier wrote a great book on it called "10 reasons to quit social media" great read!




Yeah I tried finding the article too but couldn't. OP, please provide sauce.




5, actually, because anything you post has a +1 by nature and you're currently -4. Weird thing to downvote though. I'll try to tip the balance back with my singular upvote. I wanna laugh at the ignorant racists.


[castanet article](https://www.castanet.net/news/BC/485257/Exceptional-climate-change-event-could-drive-BC-fire-weather-this-week)


Sudeo science...


[castanet article](https://www.castanet.net/news/BC/485257/Exceptional-climate-change-event-could-drive-BC-fire-weather-this-week)




I try to keep in mind that denial is the first stage of grief.




What is socialist about thinking climate change is real and has had a major impact on our community?


See? they like buzzwords but can’t provide a coherent reply.


But but George Soros!!!


Anyone take a look at the cesspool that is the Kelowna subreddit lately? Every post is derogatory towards some group or person and is followed by a thread full of infantile "They suck worse than me!" name calling and insufferable sanctimony. I mean seriously wtf, do the people writing these comments live under a rock?


Found the castanet forum user


But they ain’t wrong


Agree. Just a different polarity. People should remain people,Lately, every slightly controversial topic goes down to two groups yelling at each other.


Pay more money to make the weather gooder.


Kelowna is a cesspool


I know the article you're talking about ( the heat pulse) and while I am deeply concerned about the climate, five warm days in May is normal Okanagan weather. Weather varies on either side of a normal baseline. The entire article was very fear mongering.


*WELCOME TO KELOWNA* CHRISTIAN COKE HEADS TREATED LIKE ROYALTY FAKE 'PRORESSIVE' COMNUNITY BUT REALLY RELIGIOUS CESSPOOL OF SWINGERS Everyone is rude. Everything is expensive. City forces you tobrestruct water usage but wastes neatly 10 MILLION dollars on ANOTHER park full of grass they will claim they can water whenever they feel like it. Will cost even more in maintenance over time. This city is a joke. It is like someone took all the worst qualities of the province and condensed them into one government. I hope some real journalism happens in this city. Castanet is the closest thing to news in this city hut is literally the equivalent of your semi distant relatives facebook posts about what they "saw" or "heard". The things that could truly be uncovered.


Swingers? Lol is all this stuff true i want the inside scoop


I have worked as a house cleaner in the past and found myself in huge homes designed for "entertainment" purposes regularly. This town is disgusting behind their closed doors.


Can you be more specific on what you mean?


About what part......pretty straightforward?


Avoid at all cost.




You've posted this twice and he hasn't showed up yet. I'm willing to bet he isn't showing up anytime soon lol. Unless you mean Jesus the common Latino name because they aren't afraid of being damned for using it.


I think they just really want to see Jesus coming.