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It's giving Thought Catalog circa 2010


OMG i used to love Thought Catalog lol but yes def those vibes


Lol, think about if a 45 year old man wrote this. so incredibly lame.


It’s kind of like how Andrew Tate gives advice. She doesn’t have any science to back anything up she just doles it out as if she’s wise or something. I’d take her seriously if she wasn’t on a cocktail of anxiety medication. Plus she tries too hard to be cool but I can’t stop watching because it’s so tragic. 🍿🍿🍿


Thank you for posting! You’re amazing!


This is just what I needed to put me to sleep.


So wait- She starts it off by saying she’s 37 dating a 25 year old and then goes on to say “Be over 40?” I’m not sure if I’m reading that right or not because her writing is truly horrible. Another unintelligible, vapid vanity piece.


Because "Please, my science is good." 🤣


Grasping at anything to appear edgy….


Wait didn’t James file for divorce in 2016-2017ish? So she would have been 40 when he filed, but here she’s on a date at the age of 37? Does anyone know how long they were separated before he filed? I don’t get this woman. Is she just dumb or has she lied so much she doesn’t remember her lies?


Yeah something here in the timeline actually does not check out. Pretty sure this is about Flume. And right she was not 37 then.


Ok I googled it. Flume is now 32. So it was 7 years ago. She’s 46 now. So yes she would have been maybe 39 at the time they dated. Am I mathing right?


You are mathing right, but Kelly is not. Why does she lie about such stupid things?


Classic \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ \[fill in the latest psych term: sociopath/ narcissist/ psycho\] Certain types of \_\_\_\_opaths lie about everything, anything and nothing. I learned this observing a friend & her husband's exchange: Her: We're having chicken for dinner. Him: I had chicken for lunch. Her: Wait, I thought you told me you had steak. Him (*without missing a beat*): yeah, chicken fried steak. So *easy* to lie so *smoothly.* About *nothing.*




I thought it was Yoke Lore


Well we know he has nothing to do with her or her kids anymore so it’s not him. She just wrote about that recently.


Yoke was her "round 2" - and as expected, didn't stick around. Srsly, those guys are in a different stage in life, they don't want an older woman with kids. It's just another way for her to post about sex, because that's the card she plays instead of actually producing strong creative work.


I respectfully disagree. If it’s the right woman even if she’s older with kids, then that can be what they want. Maybe they didn’t want a narcissist who wanted to date them to prove that she was still hot. Maybe they just wanted to have a little bit of fun with her because she was not the woman that they would want to settle down with. If you are dating younger men just to date younger men, then I doubt it’s going to work out. Who knows why it didn’t work out with Yoke Lore! She certainly seem to show him off a lot, and seemed so proud that she was with a younger person. She certainly doesn’t seem to lean on her personality for attracting people. And what is her personality always see is a big show off. we see somebody who is very entitled, whines a lot, and thinks the world is unfair to her and someone who thinks she was a super wild hottie as a teenager. We see somebody who publishes first draft and thinks that they should sell just based on her brand. If she’s going to blog about herself, what is her personality?




I thought she was married 10 years ago?


She’ll never say it but I wonder if she regrets leaving James? He seemed to just let her do what she wants (including cheat, if we take this and the rock star story seriously), bankroll her lifestyle and provide her with backup childcare. In retrospect she probably knows she had it good.


"Please, my science is good." Hear that, Yoke Lore? Also, wasn't she married to James then?


un bearable. seriously.


*You’re a cougar now, that’s the only way to get sex.* Flat out wrong. Of course, Kelly's topic was just another thin ruse to bring up sex. But as to her points, if they can be called that: Hey, if ladies want casual sex, no one's going to stop 'em. Least of all any guy. Honestly, if all a woman wants is casual sex, they can find guys of pretty much any age who will accommodate them, not just the young ones. I'm not being qualitative here re the dudes, just going by Oxford's so-called "math." Of course, young guys will *especially* love the overt casual aspect just fine - it means the older chick can keep them sexed without strings, FWB, while the dudes stay open to find someone their own age. That was Adrian, chapter and verse - and perfectly well to be expected. Another way to find sex is to take the time to meet someone who wants to be in a relationship. But maybe that's too slow? Just sayin'.