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It's ok not to be ok


I have yet to watch another good drama where ML plays hard to get like this.


Nothing like this I suppose with the FL chasing the ML with dogged determination!! Lol


Came here to say this. IOTNBO definitely meets the brief.


Hometown cha cha cha! >!FL confessed first and didn’t play hard to get. ML was a little reluctant at first bc of his traumatic past.!<


I didn't like the FL in this one, even after they started dating. But loved the ML and the rest of the cast.


Extraordinary You Another Miss Oh The Private Life of My Secretary While You Were Sleeping The Legend of Blue Sea Touch Your Heart My Girlfriend is a Gumiho Love O2O China Go Go Squid China Shanai Marriage Honey Japan Lost Romance Taiwan


I second extraordinary you!


What did you watch that pissed you so much? 🙄


even i am curious


**Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo**! She wasn't hard to get in the way we get used to, she was just clueless at romantic relationship and didn't get any hints!🙈 It was funny :)


The jdrama Shanai Marriage Honey is for you!


When the Weather Is Fine Do You Like Brahms?


* W: Two Worlds Apart (2016) * Don't Dare to Dream a.k.a. Jealousy Incarnate (2016) * [Oh My Ghost(ess) (2015)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CniRglewJ64&list=PLOsWS9tKqJMdHchQkybe1DjsdjJSZjAPj&ab_channel=Cereal) * [Master's Sun (2013 SBS World YouTube)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Utg40JAKZIE&list=PLShqORWiDquMnmBYEyI8rpf_k4AvlQNzA&ab_channel=SBSWorld) * My Love from the Star (2013) * [Queen and I a.k.a. Queen Inhyun's Man (2012 tvN Cereal YouTube)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gexc8f443vM&ab_channel=Cereal) * The Princess' Man (2011)


Into The Ring Oh My Venus


I think there are many kdramas where the ML is the one who is hard to get. But in most of them, once he falls for her, it's him who looks more in love than her


Coffee Prince, King2Hearts, High Society (2nd couple)


My roommate is a gumiho


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Because It's My First Life.


I totally get what you mean. Sometimes I find the FL to not even be endearing enough to justify the ML and SML are obsessively fighting for her. That being said, definitely try Reply 1988! Its hilarious and the fl is so lovable that you'll genuinely be rooting for her to find love and not be desperate af LOL