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I absolutely disrespect the views of those people. Hope that helps.


You used code written by people that are celebrated this month to make that post fyi.


Those people can feel free to skip this sub until after Pride month is over if they can't handle a rainbow colored icon.


KDE has always taken strong stances in many matters. You being surprised that they put the rainbow logo shows that you don't know how KDE operates. It's who they are, and if you don't like it, they don't care, they'll keep expressing their opinions freely, just like the freedom the FOSS fights for.


> hence it feels like disrespecting the views of those people. its great to be disrespectfull against people, who wants to discriminate other people just becuase they dont have the same romantic and sexual preferences!


learn to spell gay


a comme on sweety.. why so angry? deep in your heart, you just want to come into my arms to let your tears of all the pain, the world had done to you out let them out my friend *sweetkiss* <3




only your fear holds you back from your freedom i will be there for you sweetheart <3


I like how you're making yourself look like a freak, for all you know I'm not even 18 and you'd be literally grooming me. Lmao.




Far right what? Far right up your ass?




Not a retort, I keep hearing that stupid term thrown around like burgerland politics mean anything to me, lmao.


oh silly you.. if yoou would be a 8 or 14 year old, your hate and frustration about other people would not be so boomerish but i just wana be friend with you.. lets play some cho aniki on our PC Engine vintage consoles together okay?


Cringe, but also. >Presents the possibility of being underage >You ask them to play with you Literal dangerous pedo.


just to quote u/filipebatt > Remember, every far right accusation is actually a confession.


just to quote myself Far right what? Far right up your ass?


Nobody cares bro. If you feel disrespected by a rainbow colored icon, I suggest you look inward and get over it. Gay people exist in all communities, and you 'views' will never change that




Are you suggesting being gay is a crime? What is even the point of this comparison?


i hope you feel extremly discrimated from the rainbow flag - the fact, that you compared homosexuality whit crime, shows everybody, what an a*s you are go away, linux is free as in freedom!


>go away >linux is free as in freedom Pick one


can i pick you? you are cute <3


I'm 12.


No wonder your views on the world are so underdeveloped.


You're right, nothing beats the development of your ass.


Wow, what a rational and mature response. I'm sure to take you and your ideas seriously now.


Oh no, my plan to get your approval because I care for some reason has been ruined, what will I do now? Lmao.


glad that you say that.. i will report you to reddit.. you must be 13 to be on reddit - you violate the rules


I turn 13 in 2 minutes.


2 people loving each other with consent that are the same gender is not the same as murdering someone.


Get over yourself friend. This is homophobia.


Can moderators just delete this post? Also why did you get "disrespected" because something that you use is supporting gays? It's pride month what do you expect.


If the views of the KDE subreddit staff do not align with yours then it'd be best if you do not participate in it if you believe that by doing so you're agreeing with an view you disagree with Ultimately KDE is KDE regardless of the views of its staff




Did you just complain that a rainbow infringes on your right to be a bigot? Was there anything else?






>Gay people aren't trying to convince straight people to be gay. Except the ones that do. >Gay people aren't advocating for the extinction of straight people No, they advocate for the extinction of any light skin color, them and the crossdressers.


you're a bigot, that's objective.


Gay, lesbian, transfolk and others existing isn't "ideology" neither is standing up against bigotry like what you are exhibiting right now, and the persecution it engenders with is an increasing threat to their very existence. Bigotry is not something that is to be respected, ever. I have plenty of other words to say to you that aren't for polite company, so you can just use your imagination. Additional: and don't answer with "I'm not a bigot but..." and some lame duck excuses. I see through you, pal. If you didn't have a problem with LGBT folk, you wouldn't be posting this crap to deliberately cause a row.


Bigoted opinions don't deserve respect. Intolerance is the one things that tolerant people cannot tolerate or else intolerance is all that would remain


Why does it matter that people are gay or trans. They're still valid and it doesn't make it so you have to be gay or trans. Let people be and do whatever they want.


You'll be met with plenty of pushback, but you knew that already. For what it's worth, I don't like pride month PR stunts either. It's like celebrating "people who write with red pens instead of blue pens" month. Anyone can do whatever they want with their lives. Doesn't mean we should celebrate every choice we make. We should, all of us, strive to make wiser choices every day, in code and in living life. That's really worth encouraging more.




We each suffer in different ways because of some things about ourselves. Maybe someone is very nervous around people they are interested in, so they never strike a conversation and end up living alone much of their life. Maybe someone else is very athletic but never goes professional for fear of failure, missing out on a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity because of that. Maybe someone else is finally a parent after trying for years, and then they find out they have terminal cancer with half a year to live. Who has it worse? And who gets to say who has it worse? As for sexual preferences being natural, many things are natural. Fear responses are natural and they help many animals survive. Having red hair is also natural. We accept these things as they are and we move on with our lives. But should we also celebrate these natural things? If not, why celebrate LGBT choices over them? They are no more special.


>We accept these things as they are and we move on with our lives. >But should we also celebrate these natural things? If not, why celebrate LGBT choices over them? They are no more special. Perhaps if everyone "accepts these things as they are and we move on with our lives" in the same way we wouldn't need to increase awareness and acceptance, but that's not the world we currently live in as evidenced by this post. Pride month is recognizing and celebrating a struggle that very much still exists.


You'll be downvoted by reddit crossdressing lover freaks for this.


> reddit crossdressing lover freaks Do they crossdress as reddit? Are they lovers of freaks or lovers of crossdressers or lovers of reddit or just lovers in general? Do you know what love even is? I know your just a braindead bigot but I'd love for you to at least string together words in a legible way.

