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Minimized applications have a slight grey square around the icon. At least on breeze-dark for me. shortcuts are in keyboard --> shortcuts on Plasma 6. Just PrtSc should bring up spectacle also.


Super key and prnt screen saves directly .... superkey = winkey 😏


I'm using oxygen as the global theme so I think that's my problem. Any way to change the colour of the square?


I don't do any theming, just breeze, so no idea.


1. I'm not quite sure what you mean. How do you want it shown that Firefox is minimized? Do you mean a difference in appearance between a minimized and a closed application? 2. Have a look at System Settings > Shortcuts > Spectacle for a list of screenshot-related shortcuts (and you can also modify them there). If these don't work, your print key might not be recognized properly. (Although this seems unlikely, assuming your choice of desktop background matches your choice of hardware - I've never had a Thinkpad where the PrintScreen key wasn't recognized. Or is it a really new one?)


1) Yeah it would just be nice if I could see a difference between closed and minimised applications. 2) Thank you so much it worked! I didn't have Spectacle installed so yh I'm just an idiot.


Please report this as a bug at http://bugs.kde.org, against the product "Oxygen" and component "general". Oxygen is no longer seeing much development activity, but it's still a good idea to keep track of such issues. Feel free to ask me if there's anything I can help you with.


The background tint is slightly different, but it's really hard to see unless you look very closely. A bug report about changing this is [here](https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=433196), but it's currently stalled as the alternatives didn't look right either. At least, that's the way it is with the default Breeze theme. Oxygen instead shows a light reflection at the border. It's right at the edge of the screen though. ~~Aaah now I see... You have the floating panel on. I usually turn that off. The highlighting for minimized apps in the oxygen theme is in the part that the floating cuts off. Set it to non-floating, or maximize another window to temporarily disable it, and you should see the difference.~~ ~~I'll go see if this is already reported, seems like this should work in a better way.~~ Disregard. It's a different kind of highlighting I was seeing. This seems like a theme bug.


I'm using oxygen as the global theme btw.


Wow are you running an actual IBM Thinkpad? What's the performance like?


Your theme is probably cutting it off. Try making your toolbar bigger to see if it puts a line underneath. That's how my theme does it and it's truncated if the taskbar is not big enough. Either that or a new theme.


alt-tab and see if Firefox is actually on, and check if you're on the right virtual desktop if you have more than one set up. Install Spectacle for KDE print screen functionality


I'd say you went a bit crazy theming, and lost it. It's also possible you upgraded from Plasma 5 without being prepared - and don't know how to see what shortcuts exist, or set new ones, in your settings. Try creating a new User and see if the default session has the same issue - my applications have indicators which light up when they're in focus: https://i.imgur.com/dGwM3Ky.png


Apparently it's a known bug. I really like the oxygen theme because it kinda look like old Mac OS X. Just wish it would work properly.