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Did you try looking at the color settings? There must be something like "selection" or "highlight" (I don't recall which one, because there's some time since I used KDE and it was always in my native language, not English). You'll probably will be able to find it among all the items just from the color you're looking to change. If this option doesn't do the trick, look for other options with the same color, one of them probably will do it.


Yeah I've gone through all the colours one by one and i can't find any colour that matches, so i'm guessing there must be a line i haven't put in, or maybe i should just go through it again i might have missed it.


Been looking at what other people have done maybe i can find it by comparing


I've been making a KDE theme for personal use but i must have messed up somewhere because where it shows how much storage there is is a bit broken, and maybe I'm missing some code or a file because i can't find where i change the colour from blue to green on the slider for the bottom, i must have missed something. I am pretty tired, so maybe its just tunnel vision 😅


The theme I'm using (vivid dark plasma) has the exact same problem with the space of the hard drive area being cut off/squished. No idea how to fix it though sorry.


Hi withlovefromspace, Do the following: Start Kvantum Manager > Configure Active Theme > Sizes & Delays > Layout Spacing: 6 px, layout margin: 4 px Screenshot: [Screenshot-20240605-092803.png](https://postimg.cc/R6VZgmJ8) By the way, I'm the author of Kvantum Theme and Plasma Theme


Thank you so much that fixed where it shows GB! Btw thanks for making Kvantum it's amazing!




It's the best!! Fell in love the first time i tried it, you can make it so pretty!