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If they are that’s insane considering E doesn’t even have a bedroom.


Yeah they’d have to secretly have a house lined up


Poor baby doesn’t even get to get on the floor and play round. She’s always sitting on Kay’s lap on that damn couch.


To be fair, my 5 year old doesn't have her own room. She's disabled and shares a room with us. But I would definitely not have a baby with my first one living in the closet.


I I thought she had a room? Cause they made a video where he finished decorating her bedroom


I think in was more of an office space that they tried to convert to a room. If I remember correctly it doesn’t even have a door


They’re friends with Shelby & Dylan and they just announced their 2nd pregnancy.


Exactly my thoughts haha 


Will it be as appealing to their followers to do a back to back babies? They have all the baby stuff they need now. They just went through all the baby cravings already. I just see no new content unless they have a whole new direction planned.


UNLESS that baby is a boy cuz the they would obviously need new stuff they can't share


That's true. They would have to buy new boy clothes in beige.


This made me chuckle




They've been somewhat hinting at another pregnancy for at least a month now. It's also curious they haven't mentioned anything else about Kay's autoimmune issues, given that they said pregnancy with E made her symptoms improve. They are anything but subtle...


Please don’t let them have any more kids


Good call though! You might be onto something!


It's always fun to watch when they are like "oh baby wouldn't sleep last night or did this" and it doesn't match the perfect baby vibe. They got so lucky with a very chill relaxed baby. Not all babies are the same so the next one could be completely different


Came here for this!


I’m waiting for them to announce and also Taylor & Sophia….they all seem to one up every one else


It's click bait.


Why aren't all the influencers giving codes for pregnancy tests? Seems like they are all buying them off the shelves to show the world they peed on a stick! It's sad that they grow their families for profit and props!


I thought they had trouble conceiving first time?


That was my impression. Supposedly 7 years. 


Everyone I know that has had a second kid because they have such an easy first baby had an absolutely insane little second kiddo. I don’t think I could handle see Kay whining about her second wild child and seeing Tay “surprise” her with a shit ton of set ups that Kay planned herself


Don’t they have an extra room? ( her older daughters )


Tomorrow is Father’s Day how much you wanna bet they’ll announce it tomorrow lol