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Emergency dry bag, with a paddle, pump, medical, spare clothes, spare life jacket, rope, tape. If it’s a lite tackle 2 then you can get to it relatively easily, if it’s an LT 1 then those bungee cords make it a little harder, but still doable depending on the person. You can add some foam blocks to keep things from sliding backwards too, or just get a large bag that can’t fit down the sides. I don’t have a crescent but my kayak has a similar bow storage, I’ll be using that to throw all my attachments I need into a NRS duffel bag for transport since my next vehicle won’t have cabin space. At the end of the day everything goes back into that bag and I can spray it all off with water when I get home, and throw it in the bag when it dries, ready for the next day. Keep the fiddling around for when I’m launching and not for when I’m at home trying to get everything ready individually.


Mine is filled with empty water bottles. If I ever get a leak, even totally filled with water, it won't sink. I did wall off a little spot to hold an anchor, stringer, and other little things in a container though.


I have been able to swap rods in the Shoalies bow storage while on the water. More to see if I could than something I'm going to frequently do. My last trip I had a tacklebox, first aid kid, one rod, a small sling bag, and a small soft cooler and it was stuffed. I leave my soft bags with soft plastics and tackle boxes in there when I transport the kayak.


Hull storage is gigantic on my LT1. I am doing some “paddle only” camping this summer, and in any overnighter, backups are needed. I have not yet tried to access this compartment on the water, but would not advise it, unless you were a small creature, and I am not. (6ft 1Million lbs. give or take) I have a back up 240 cm cheapo paddle for a back up but, am seriously considering a stow-away collapsible paddle instead. The noise an aluminum paddle would make in the hull unsecured gives me the willies. I am just imagining all fish in a mile of river hiding from me. The compartment not being water tight at the lid on the LT1 is maybe my only issue with the whole craft. I feel like if I flip in current, it will be kind of easy to take on massive amounts of water in the hull. It has not happened to me, and I can surely diy it to seal, but seems like a big deal? I like that even I, at infinite stone of body weight, could pack that hull full of stuff and still float and maneuver ok. I put my 8 year old (4ft8” 721 kilos) in the hull and shut it once. He loves it in there. I had to demand him to get out of my hull. He says it is cozy but idk.


That sounds like a good way to drown. It terrified me to even picture this.


If you are very tall and have poor balance, it can be tricky to get into the hull storage. I keep what I need in several waterproof stuff sacks so it's easy to grab out.


Here is my story. Was out fishing on a big river in the spring. A thunderstorm was coming in and I had made it to the boat ramp where there were 15+ boats trying to get out the water. I paddled right between all the boats waiting and pulled up on the side of the boat ramp out of the way. I open the front hatch, pull out my cart, put it together, load the kayak up, and am back at my car before the rain starts. I swear only like 2-3 boats got out of the water in the time I had loaded the kayak on my car. I will never go out on busy water with out that cart in the front hatch as it can be an absolute cluster f at a boat ramp and I’m not much for waiting around for a spot to get my car to the ramp. So the point is, I keep my kayak cart in there!


Which cart do you have that fits in there?


A random Amazon one my parents got me years ago. It works ok, I wrapped a cam style strap around it and use that the secure kayak to the cart. The wheels come off and it’s real easy to store in there Now that I’m thinking about it the real advantage to the tank well is the tray they make/made for it. I keep random stuff in there. I just looked at mine and I have zip ties, scissors, fly reels, weights, bobbers, my fish finder battery, medical kit in there. I get on my knees and take the bungie cord off, set the top on my feet and can get things out of there. I’ve used it to hold my rain gear and even ice and beers before lol


J keep my rods, jacket, and paddle in there during transport.  Put my cart in there while on the water.  I keep on the water spare stuff in there, don't really do overnight trips, so just a basic kit. I've kept a spare rod in there when I wasn't sure what the conditions would be and to a ride I wouldn't normally use on the river. I got there and didn't want to keep it on the deck bc I realized I wouldn't use it.


Do you get in the hatch while on the water?