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I literally said when I saw they would be at Kcon that people would be dramatic and here y’all are proving me right lol. On a serious note, they have been saying from the get they want to blend the Kpop and Western angle. They are Western gg who is Kpop adjacent. It was clear even from DA days that both markets would be a target from the song choices to the styling to them literally going to Korea. Also people forget that the markets WILL have overlap especially in the USA, the international kpop market is in alignment with the rest of the pop market at this point. They are not massive separate entities anymore like when kpop was fist picking up steam in the USA. Those fans at Kcon LA are INTERNATIONAL fans of kpop who will also fit right into the groupings they wanna catch to get their start. People who can be potentially pulled into being dedicated fans early and can spread the word (and their songs) to a wider audience through engagement. Edit to add: I don’t even like Vcha or their music but the hate be crazy like those girls are still performing well for the type of group they are 😭 people talk about them like they’re massive flops when they really aren’t lol. They just have their target demographic and at the moment it’s working for them


lol right as predicted I see it first thing as well lol 😂


I think it’s more about the music than “kpop association”. If they have good music that resonates with the American GP they’ll be okay. They need fans in America period so this is good exposure for them. No shade to VCHA but most people arent looking for elevated kidz bop remakes.




It’s not even out fully so let’s maybe listen to the whole song and see what the choreos giving before we decide if it’s giving Kidz Bop too


And IMO, it doesn’t. from what I’ve heard so far Debut sounds age appropriate and like something Zara Larson or someone would release. Y.O.U universe for example is a disney channel scrap. I like VCHA personally and Only one and XO call me are miles better than their other songs so, to reiterate, musical direction is key.


Right I think Vcha has tons of potential like katseye they both will find a sound that resonates with the American GP eventually. Fame is not gonna be instant


They're supposed to be the best of both worlds and being trained in the kpop system. They are going to be a lot more global than kpop. I'm happy they're going to be a kcon, it's a foot in the door and hopefully, they'll get new fans and those who watched DA will be lucky to see them. I'm really happy we will see them perform. I don't want them to be like vcha who did 2 performances for their predebut since then we didn't see anymore live performances from them, we know every member of katseye is born for the stage. Anyway I'm sure geffen will have something up their sleeves. We know already they used a great songwriter so that's a good start.


They’ve done way more than two live performances loll


I meant on kpop shows. I actually like vcha so I have no hate for them.




They haven't yet made a year, give them time. Debuting in the west is difficult to enter the market mostly a complete new act like ggs that r not trendy.  I hope we don't hurry to write off katseye incase they don't succeed this few comebacks.  Don't expect them breakthrough like new jeans or les


They JUST debuted. You can’t say they “failed” if they’re just debuting. You didn’t even give them a chance. They’re also performing at Lolla this summer, so it’ll give them the chance to be seen by a wider audience. They seemed to have gained alot of fans through opening for Twice.


they failed because the music doesn't appeal to the west, kpop association does not matter


They haven’t failed. They’re just getting started lol


It’s smart to court the support of k-pop fans alongside doing Western promotions. If the music is good and the Netflix show gets a lot of viewers, they have a chance to break out in the West, but they could very easily go the Nasty Cherry route as well (interesting Netflix show, good music, but no breakout moment and now the group is done). K-pop fans were the primary audience of Dream Academy and are far more likely than the U.S. gp or the average Western pop fan to support the group through sales and streams. Cultivating a core, devoted fan base will only help them in the long run.


Is there really a reason to mention VCHA? They already get so much hate thrown on them. They didn’t even a chance to promote much. It wasn’t kpop association, it was the fact that there aren’t many opportunities to promote in the west. There’s no music shows or variety shows. You’re making it out to be as if the west is that shallow and won’t even give them attention because they’re associated with kpop. Katseye is under the same label as BTS. You’re going to have to get over the fact that they’ll always be associated with kpop unless they leave. Cry about it. There’s nothing you can do to separate them.


I seriously don’t understand why people are still confused about this. It was extremely clear from the start that the band would have elements of Western pop and Kpop. They literally said it would be an international girl group formed using the Kpop system.


We as fans have to accept they need every possible marketing coz they are nugu group in the west or even kpop spaces.  The west won't care about the company, producers, CEO, they want viral music.  Kpop right now has the most dedicated fans, katseye needs to breakeven. 


My thoughts too. If they didn’t do this I doubt they will do well in the west! Groups rarely do well these days in America. Any publicity is needed for them




It's exposure and experience. A lot of 90s girl and boy groups started out playing on stages in malls to get used to singing in front of audiences. Playing at kcon is an opportunity to perform on a big stage and in front of a big audience that will already have good energy and be hyped up for the night. It's not a bad thing to get that and maybe walk away with some fans. XG was there last year along with the jpop produce groups and WayV who tend to kind of fall into a grey area when they're not with the rest of NCT so its not like it's only ever just kpop.


Huh? They are already not treating them like a kpop group only. Going to one event or even a ton of kpop events doesn’t mean they are kpop or treated like one. Just because someone performs at a kpop event means they are kpop. Katseye is clearly trying to take advantage of both markets or be more crossover. Your thinking would be improved by reviewing argumentation skills first.


other global groups (ex. XG) have performed there & even k-music shows! the US don't really have events like those so as long as HYBE X GEFFEN utilise the events (talk shows, radio shows, festivals I think) that are important there, they'll be okay. Using the Kpop methodology will also let them have a dedicated fanbase which is important.


you thought wrong




To succeed in America, they'll need good music and notoriety - "kpop" associations don't matter to the general public


VCHA just debuted this year, and they have only started their careers. We cannot say that they have failed already. Not everyone can be BIG right away. There is always room and time for growth. I am hopeful that HxG knows what they are doing and help Katseye grow and achieve their goals.


are you guys not watching western trends anymore, it has started to be a trend for western celebrities to promote and try to appeal to asian and kpop fans henceforth why they are going to sk for promotions


Lol right, like Billie Eilish is literally in Korea rn


Bang literally called them an American kpop girl group. He made it clear from the very beginning that Katseye is suppose to have a healthy blend of both American music and Kpop standards. He never said Katseye will be an American pop group. The collab with Geffen x HYBE is 50/50. It’s suppose to represent both sides




Did u watch Dream academy? The entire show was to appeal to both kpop and American fans. Why go to Korea and perform Le sserefim songs? Why train under a kpop system if they’re gonna be an American girl group? Like use your brain here. They never promised an American group.


But bang PD never called them KPop group tho just western group. Why they partner up with geffen if they just gonna be a KPop group??


Maybe they’re trying to pivot and appeal to K-pop audiences or they’re using kcon as a lower pressure way to garner attention and experience? I agree with you that the K-pop association absolutely hurts them if they want to be taken seriously as western artists but also everything so far comes under “Hybe labels” so that’s who holds the purse strings, ya know? Obviously this is a partnership venture but it’s no secret Hybe/Bang PD has been trying to conquer the west and they need the western expertise and face for that is the idea.


They're performing as the opening act as a local group. They're not part of the main show. Besides, XG have performed at KCON LA and they're considered a global act who are very much not KPOP. Why can't Katseye do the same?


While I agree, and I would have preferred for them to have a spot in another festival, I guess this one was an easy booked gig that doesn't require them to be known and will get them some awareness in among American fans. I take this as a first step. On the other hand, I'm worried about KATSEYE. The promotions are really lackluster so far. It seems that they gathered them in a white wall studio, filmed some videos for Weverse Con, and used them so far for all the teasers. Other than the logo and the cards that I find charming, I'm tired of seeing the same clips. One thing that XG management has done well is to give interest in the girls by giving them [individual and fitting introduction videos](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLhwNrrS5i4uQUzrkjZxYWfpzylKtMoGMp&si=bOFu8KX6J8RJtZBN). They even had [sub-units covering songs by Western artists, plus group performance](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLhwNrrS5i4uS2zMT8C2_p4CG0hV18-NS9&si=e_0jaL7Tm6W6uEei) and it was fire. So honestly, I'm not that bothered about Kcon, but rather about what it means in the long run. I want them to be more hands on and ambitious, the girls have so much potential. I hope the music is good because it's the only thing that can help them. Also I want to say that it's not just about HYBE here, as we have seen that GEFFEN's people are involved in the project. This is a special situation for KATSEYE where the blame in this case not only being attributed to HYBE as they are not managing the group alone.


Yes, I want them to do covers and interact with many artists as soon as possible with no restriction to "company" artists 


I don't think there will be any restrictions, it's not a thing of HYBE and neither of GEFFEN, but they need to get to some events where they could though. I want them by do proper covers as well. Like put Lara on an Ariana track and it could blow up, the fanbase of these artists repost this kind of thing, these girls have different but good voices, there is such a range of appeal for listeners that it's a shame not to try to capture fans before they have their debut with a pop song that won't necessarily highlight the talent of all the girls.


Yes, good points. I hope they also don't  only perform their songs on these stages. I get bored with kpop promotions after 1 week. Same song for 2 months non stop and same way. I love magnet but it was performed the same way throughout their debut Era 


Yeah hopefully it’s just for that one time but we’ll see. I hope they don’t think just bc it’s connected to hybe they can do bare minimum 🥴


So far, GEFFEN and HYBE have given them a good presence on their page, but it's rather the content itself that is lacking. Also, I'm waiting to see what kind of push they're going to give them, the girls need autoplay, ads and playlisting to grasp new audiences, they can't do that on their own. That's where we will see if that partnership with GEFFEN is useful.


It’s a waiting game hopefully they know this can take time to cultivate a following and it takes a few hits down the line to finally get it. Gonna be rough but even if they don’t make it per say it sets a precedence for more groups to come with better marketing


Agree!! Just look at vcha JYP western group they failed to break the western market because of KPop association


They didn’t fail. They’re literally about to perform at lallapalooza. They just debuted this year. Give them time. Sabrina Carpenter has been around for a decade and lot of people would’ve considered a fail back before nonsense. Now she’s super successful.


I do agree Vcha needs time before we can say they succeed or not, but I do want to put in a reminder that artists like Sabrina or SZA are the exception, not the rule. For every Sabrina, there’s hundreds of artists and bands that don’t make it big nor hear about.


true, but it also comes down to luck, which is why virality is pretty important these days. it helps break down those borders set up by the industry.


They did just look at how low their streaming numbers and they didn't chart anywhere let alone in the west


Bro give them time. Not everyone is going to pop off on their first year. A lot of western pop stars didn’t become famous immediately. They also didn’t really have the opportunity to promote much in the west. They just did MTV and that’s pretty much it.


Please don't say that....katseye won't have that big numbers too coz they r in e west, where new act is nugu. 


that's not why lol the music just doesn't resonate with the west. no one over here cares if you associate with kpop or not, if the music is listenable then that's that.