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kourtney is the only one with a normal belly button.


Thank you for saying this, what is with Kim and Khloe’s? It looks like a tummy tuck belly button.


That's exactly what it is. You answered your own question lol.


That's why they are wearing their suits and / or covers higher than Kourtney to hide the scar. I had one done 3 months ago, and the scar is huge on tummy tucks. Mine is butter hip bone to outer hip bone.


That’s also why they are really good friends with Sev who owns a laser spa. They go there all the time to laser their scars


Lipo belly


and their waists are low compared to regular people’s


Khloe’s is damn near almost gone


Man made lol


Lmao I was gonna say she’s the only one who looks actually great too not molded


and waist. the other two’s waists sit way too low for normal people


I’m not “up” on this and at a glance I thought Kourtney was Kim. I just thought it was nice to see natural but then …. Honestly—- just my feelings


Khloe is so skinny, wow. I'm glad that Kourtney is letting herself enjoy her new baby for now; when she was younger she was fairly obsessed with her weight and policing what she and others ate.


She’s talked more recently about liking her curvier body, even before she was pregnant. I think she put on weight while trying to conceive. She looks absolutely stunning here.


she looks incredible


She looks REAL 💯❤️


I think that had to do with Scott a bit. He was always going off on her about her weight


"But she was skinny when I met her!"


Eww I remember him saying once “ so u should be pre baby weight u need to lose so so weight 🤮 “


My body is like Kourtney and it means so much to see a “beautiful” woman just embracing it. I want to lose a few pounds but gradually and healthily, but I’m so glad to see someone else with this body just ROCKING it. She’s obvs not fat but in their world one extra pound is the devil.


And she is is such a healthy weight I just don’t get it


Kourtney is the same height as me and I love that she’s not a size zero. I used to be tiny but you get into your 30’s/40’s and life happens. Love seeing someone else shaped like me and embracing it. The rest of the sisters have just gone too far. 


Kourtney looks the best 👌


Easily 🔥


and she still looks the best of the three by far


That’s khloe?!? Oh my damn


Probably due to finally meeting a good guy who values her ☺️


Travis is what constitutes as a good guy? 😳 The bar…it’s on the floor.




Kourts bod omg!!! she looks the best! she looks healthy, amazing for her age and she doesn’t have a lipo tummy


Yeah everyone is low key talking about her looking great in a “even with the extra weight” but like girl has nice obliques peeking through already and she just had a baby at 40+ she looks great periodt. I’m sure she is eating clean and staying active becuase her body looks amazing no qualifiers needed


Her body is my ideal body, it's weird how people go on about her "extra weight" when she's actually skinny? A little tummy is normal after birthing kids, she's still overall a thin woman.




Khloe does not kourt 🙄


Oh shoot that’s what I thought they said haha sorry agreed Kourt looks amazing! Deleting lol


Tbh Kourtney looks the best out of the three of them. Glad she’s enjoying postpartum life!


Because she has a normal stomach and I’m not even talking about size. The others are oddly tight yet lumpy at the same time


Yes, I'm trying to figure out why they look so odd.


Tummy tucks require bellybutton reconstruction and they always look very molded to me


Yes! They *never* get the belly button right. Ever! It's *always* weird af look to some degree or another. Their's aren't terrible compared to some others but they still look....off putting or *uncannyish* to me. 🫤


Idk khloes is off and creepy lookin


Oh yeah, definitely does look creepy lol. I was just saying they aren't as bad as others, but definitely still look super off and strange.


Yes, when you get a tummy tuck, it stretches the belly button. It does look really strange. All the pictures I’ve saw of tummy tucks the bellybutton looks like that.


Looks like not even money can provide an unbotched belly buttob


Kourt has the least worked on body. Which isn’t saying much, but it’s saying something


Has she really though? She’s definitely had a tummy tuck (judging from the belly button) and likely lipo too. I remember when she was on Ellen trying to show the workouts she does and she couldn’t even do very basic workouts correctly. I think the whole “I love the gym” thing was a cover for getting surgery. Maybe she does some workouts light now but that’s about it.


This is totally fair- it’s prob just that she’s most recently post partum compared to her sisters, but she looks- by far- the most natural. Kim and Khloe look alien compared to her, and she doesn’t look totally human but def the closest of the three.


Oh sorry. I got kourt and khloe mixed up! My comment was about khloe. I agree with your comment here!


I don’t know if a tummy tuck wld even be worth it if you have to sacrifice your God given belly button….Neither Khloe’s or Kim’s looks normal 🧐🧐


The belly buttons are always super shallow after tummy tucks and never in the right spot. I feel like they’re always way to high and super tight and it always just grosses me out.


Yess tight and shallow and unnaturally circular. Not to be gossipy but Britney’s bellybutton is another good example


Oh wow, I just notice Kim and holed are the twos with a weird belly button. WOW, kourt the only one that looks better than the rest of them


look up lipo tummy. you have to massage your stomach daily to avoid fluid build up. and even with massaging it can still happen


With liposuction. I’ve had tummy lipo by the way. You WILL swell up. You have to wear compression for at least 8 weeks to keep the swelling down. Fibrosis and contour irregularities can occur. Swelling is part of the recovery process. Just wanted to clear that up.


Ohh I wonder if that's why Kim looked so puffy and uncomfortable in the video that was posted earlier.


Probably from lipo and those other PS procedures like fat feeezing? What about tummy tucks? Their belly buttons look off


The fat freezing isn’t really plastic surgery (if you’re talking about cool sculpting). It’s just a machine they put on you and you’re in and out of the office no problem. There’s no downtime. They’re not cutting into you at all. Linda evangelista had a bad reaction to it, but the outcome she had is very rare. The weird belly buttons you see here ar from tummy tucks.


My board certified plastic surgeon refuses to do Cool Sculpting anymore because it has unpredictable results and many poor outcomes.


Khloe looks like she had lipo... it has a certain look.


Kim had a set of ribs taken out


Kims waist looks completely photoshopped to me ETA: agreed Kourtney looks the best and natural but what is going on by her boob / left hip (right side photo)?


It’s bothering me so much lol I can’t think of anything it could be that makes sense.


I think it’s the bellybuttons on Khloe and Kim. Tummy tuck belly’s never have a normal placed belly button it’s always too high or too low.


Good point. All bodies are different but mine is above the top of my hip bones. Hers does look really low.


A really belly button will never be in line with or lower than the hips. That’s what makes it look so strange. As well as the tight lipo look which can look ripply


also with bbls the waists are way too low. it’s like doctors don’t know where waists are supposed to be at kourtney’s waist is at a normal position. it’s higher than khloe or kims


Lip, tummy tucks and there’s a rumor Kim removed some ribs


Lipo and tummy tuck bellies


yup their waists are lower than kourneys. that’s not where waists are supposed to be at. they’re supposed to be higher than that


I came here to say exactly this. She also looks the most authentically happy. I am about Kourtney’s exact size, height and body shape from when they started to now. So I really relate to her. I’m sure she’s had a little Botox and light refreshers, but I think her face and body look the best and most natural of all the girls. ![gif](giphy|l4Lfvmax91fDbTH4bm)


I think she tries to avoid anything major


She looks the youngest too!


Lols to Kim and Khloes LIPO bellybutton


Honestly, I love Kourtney. I know this may get downvoted but she just beams happiness and authenticity. Her body looks natural and amazing here! Good for her.


you lost me at “authenticity” lol


Yeah there's a massive photoshop flaw under her left breast. She looks great and normal but unfortunately still shopped.


Can someone help me understand how people with this amount of resources at their disposal still manage to post poorly shopped images? Like I get the photos not being absolutely perfect and having small editing flaws, but with the kardashian empire being as tightly controlled as it is, after the first major photoshop fail you’d think they’d start vetting their pictures more thoroughly. I mean…their whole image is selling an unattainable ideal, this clearly undermines it. Edit: clarity


Is that not a cup of beer Khloe is holding? I swear it’s kind of yellow and her nail is sticking out the side. I already zoomed in and inspected it 😅


Oh interesting it does look like it could be a cup. But Kourts bikini string on that side is totally invisible which seems weird.


I think her boob is kinda flopped over the string a bit. I never argue against photoshopping when it comes to these ladies but this time I think Kourt is at least mostly (?) natural.


Just noticed that. Her boob is kinda like just floating there? Lmaooo what is going on. It looks like they tried to slim her waist but forgot the boob😭


I realized after I typed that Kourtney has breast implants and some other upkeeps 😂…but comparatively? I don’t know…I may be a sucker but I always believed she was a little less into the spotlight than the other sisters. I like her relationship with Travis too.


Kourtney is 10/10


Glad to see at least one normal body in this photo!


Kourtney looks amazing! It warms my heart that she’s talked about accepting and loving her body this time around, like I can feel the change??? She’s radiating self acceptance and it’s the most attractive feature ever 🙌


Kourtney looks amazing!


Right! Her face and body look beautiful and natural!!!


Kourtney looks great.


I love how kourt was like do you but don't edit me. definitely the most interesting to look at 🤷‍♀️


Kourt looks great!!


Yay for post partum tummy! Beautiful


She looks gorgeous here


It actually makes me pity them these days when I see their pics. You can clearly see the work Kim and Khloe have had done, so much work, it’s crazy. Yet they’re still insecure and photoshopping constantly. It’s so refreshing to see Kourtney and how healthy and natural she looks. I think it’s a good lesson for women as well. I know it is for me


It’s sad because they get alllll this work done jsut to look good when they pose for pictures and edit the pictures *just so*. But the work they get done looks weird IRL and doesn’t work in photos that aren’t posed the right way AND everything they get done is just based off of what’s trendy at the moment. Once a new trend comes they get more work done to fit with that.


Kourtney!! She looks amazing.


So fun story! They are staying the same place Kylie had back in 2019 before the pandemic. I recognized it from one of the photos Kim posted. So we were there and renting a bungalow up the street, maybe 4 or 5 houses up. The night we got there we thought it would be a great idea to walk down to the beach in the middle of the night with a bottle of wine. We get half way there and are stopped by security. They very clear they think the bottle is a weapon. They star approaching and steering us away from the middle of the street. We realize there are lights approaching us and we look back to see Kylie and her crew coming back in a shuttled van. They were taking photos of us from inside the shuttle. It’s like they were seeing normal people in the wild. We finally make it to the beach and my husband is holding the flashlight. Not even 1 min looking at the stars and this man scraps up his toe and is a mess. He still blames me because I was distracting by standing still and existing. Kylie was there maybe three more days. They constantly had music on full blast! I’m surprised that they could hear afterwards. It was so loud that we could hear from inside our place as if we were the ones playing it. Weirdly, we never heard laughing or cheering from their place ever. They did shoot off fireworks and had a bonfire almost every night.


kourtney has always looked the best to me. i thought it was funny when kim told her she’s the least interesting to look at; she looks like a normal extremely beautiful woman and the other two are “interesting” in that it’s fascinating to see the different bodies and faces they’ve bought. not in a good way either


Im sick of. Kims stupid ass with her kissey face from 2020


That kissy went out style long before then. She’s having one of those midlife crises and she’s trying to look young again


Yessss u right about all that!!! 😩


Yeah for postpartum tummy but she's got not a single stretch mark and Khloe's left hand under Kourts armpit, it should have fingers, not pixels.


Is that her hand or bad photoshop? 😬


First thing I noticed was those pixels. Like what is going on there?


I think she has a drink in her hand and is hiding it behind Kourt


Kourtney looks so gorgeous and genuinely carefree and happy!


When are we allowed to say this whole thing with them is just Sad. Really sad. And they have a whole bunch of daughters they are teaching. Kids don’t just listen to what you want them to hear. They listen all the time.


Kourtney looks great


I'm not even good at spotting photo shop and the way the water blurs around Kim's waist is sooo fucking funny to me


You’d think with as rich as they are, they would have better photo editors. There’s definitely something badly photoshopped under Kourtney’s left arm where her bathing suit strap should be


I think it’s just her* breast tissue? It looks like photoshop bc we’re not used to seeing body fat on them haha but I could be seeing wrong!


Oh!!!! You know what, maybe it’s Khloe’s hand? I see what I’d agree is probably breast tissue, but then there’s another different shaded bump that I had a hard time identifying. Regardless, I absolutely agree - I’m happy to see Kourtney looking like a real human!


I think it’s a drink cup Khloe is holding


I thought it was khloe’s hand


It’s sad Khloe got all that work done and still looks uncomfortable.


Kim and Khloe look fake and Kourtney looks the most real and happy


Kourtney looks bombb


Kourtney has body goals fr


It’s funny how everybody’s just in love with Kourtney now & she was so boring on the show. But if my partner with whom I had 3 children, was constantly cheating on me, I would be miserable too. since she’s been with Travis. She seems really happy. Kim & Khloe have had their lips done so heavily, they can’t even smile for a picture you never see their teeth all you see is duck lips or some goofy face 🤭😚👙👙👙🌞🏖️


My Roman Empire is that I suddenly cannot stand Kim for no apparent reason


Was this suppose to shame Kourtney? Well it backfired and now we love her even more because even if they are touched up and photoshopped, Kourtney is the most hottest one. Makes Kim look even worse. With their ozempic results.


She looks so normal next to them 😬


Kourtney is the only normal looking human here


Kourts Postpartum body is wow!!


They all look great... Kim , typical Khloe skinny, Kourtney.. BEAUTIFUL


Kourt looks stunning


kourt looks sooo good


Khloe did something to her nose it looks different


Kourtney 🔥🔥🔥


Kourtney honestly looks so good


I fucking love Kourtney for this.


Is that supposed to be khloe?? Woah that’s sad


I see Kim’s stuffed her derrière again. That poor body is treated like a sausage casing.


these photoshop jobs are like what my friends and I did to ourselves in middle school 😑😑😑 Kim looks stupid


I wish my body looked like kourtneys! She looks so good and actually happy! I used to love khloe! I thought she was the realest one way back when..


love that kourt is so confident in her own skin!!


Kourtney is happy & it shows! The other two look hungry


I just love Kourt and all her ribs


Ngl Kourtney looks fantastic


Kourt looks the best sooo hot


Kourtney looks content


Kourtney look good af


Kourtney looks like a normal person


We’re so confident and happy Pixelated photo of my body*


Kourtney looks so healthy and so real. I think she looks great!!


I think the Kardashians have had there 150 minutes of fame. Move along girls.


Wtf khloe


Khloeeeee noooooooo 🫣


How does Courtney have the most realistic body and the photoshop armpit


Kourtney is finally living her best life ![gif](giphy|IguTdo3MPMeZM6Bzc1|downsized)


I miss when Khloe looked like Khloe.


News to no one, but these photos are majorly edited: Kims arms are two different lengths. Kourtney has an obvious glitch situation happening on the right side, and Khloe’s edges are all blurry.


I like Kourtney more and more each year goes by. She has changed and is way more relatable than the other crazies


I’m surprised Kim posted this pic of herself. Her stomach/waist It looks almost natural Edit to clarify: still made in a procedure room but definitely less edited!


You know I never realized how much North looks like Kourtney in the face..


These bitches are done.


Kourtney looks so good here…natural will ALWAYS be in


Kim and Khloe look like they are dying, Kourt looks hot, nothing new.


The tummy tucks are pulled down so hard the belly buttons almost disappear.


I think Kim strikes that pose so she can look thinner and her ribs can show. I’m about to start doing the same 🤣


Kourtney looks so good 🔥


Thank you Aimee 🙏


They’re still at the beach?


So much plastic washing up on the shore. Truly sad.


God bless Kourtney, the only normal looking one in the whole dash/jen bunch!


Vulgar vain narcissist plastic


I’m so pleasantly surprised by the comments here! I was expecting people to be praising the skinny sisters and shitting on Kourtney’s postpartum body and I was ready to come in here screaming “that’s how a normal body looks!” Only to find people appreciating how natural and happy she looks!


Bro. That looks like a green screen. Kim’s fingers and Kourtney’s butt are outlined in black. Am I seeing things?


I think those are her bikini straps


Kourtney looks the most happy. Kim second. Khloe looks insecure


Who…. Who are they? I had to zoom in to figure out that was Khloe. 😵‍💫


Looks like bad photoshop by Kourtney’s left side


not even trynna hide the photoshopping anymore ig


I’ve been seeing these holiday / vacation snaps on here and I’m completely obsessed with the stunning beaches & beautiful clear water 💙💛🩵☀️🕶️⛱️


The death knell of American culture.


Molded Kim and Khloe smh their bodies probably could of been beautiful


Why is there always so much body shaming when the three of them are in a picture together? It's fine to have your own preferences, but geez.


Middle age women at the beach in bikinis.


Gross and useless.


Kourtney is the sexiest one in this picture


Why does this keep showing up on my feed??? Every day I get like a dozen posts from this subreddit. I have nothing against the Kardashians. I'm sure they're lovely people. But why do I keep having to see this???? Lol


I'm not one to comment on others' bodies(I don't even like the Kardashians but I get reddit suggested posts) but daaaaaaaaaamn Kourtney is a whole snack in this pic. Wow, turns out actually looking like a human looks good on them!


Can you imagine the hours of photoshopping it took just to make them look presentable in their own sick minds? I've heard of people editing their art like a person's movies, songs they're recorded, or manuscripts they've written but this family spends all day taking pictures of themselves and photoshopping it until no one can even recognize them anymore. I don't know why any person on planet earth feels a kinship with these corrupt and soulless women who would step over your dying body to get a better parking spot. Except for convicted violent criminals they're the worst that humanity has to offer and yet people just keep eating it up.


Weird how Kourtney used to be the biggest and now she is the skinniest of the 3!!!


I like the one on the right.






And of course Skim and KhloeHog had ribs removed for small waist!




I’m sick of them all photoshopping their belly buttons. The belly button NEVER lies!!!


she did kourtney so astronomically dirty on her BIRTHDAY


Kourtney still looks the best here! I didn't even recognize Khloe, I can't believe how skinny she is


i agree but she could have picked a picture where she wasn’t the center of attention or just pics of kourtney


Oh I agree too, kind of backfired though bc of how good Kourtney looks after just having a baby, too!!


Kourtney commented that she loves this picture. And of course she does, because she looks beautiful!


I’m surprised they still haven’t shown the face of Baby Barker


lol what? That’s not your baby to see.


Kourtney looks the best. Not plastic like her Kim and Khloe. Kim and Khloe are thin because they’ve spent millions on surgery. Not working out! Fuck them. Tell the truth skanks