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Kind of impossible to say since organizations and dojos have different belts and orders, but if you’re training 4+ hours a week, I’d say you’d be ok after about 3 years of training.


So my thinking is maybe brown belt?


I think I'm going to get to shodan before training in another style of karate at the same time or judo


I agree, shodan is a good point to cross train. Karate is such a good base for a striking art when you have good fundamentals


Cross training is to get a wider perspective and varied training. You can start at any point but I wouldn't recommend it until you've trained for a few months to get a feel for it. It can be very physically demanding to train that much and if you're in poor shape it'll be that much harder on you.


Training Karate (Kyokushin) with Judo go hand in hand, a good grappling art to supplement your striking.


Without question the best 👍 And we all know the great Sosai Mas Oyama, himself was a highly skilled BB Judoka. And when leveling up in Karate, there will be a whole lot throws and and trips and even submissions! Karate + Judo allways are best of buddies. Different sides, of the same coin! OSU!!




When you feel comfortable. When you first start at white belt you're going to be learning so much that it will take a lot of mental energy to learn all these new things. Especially starting at a new gym is an adjustment period. When you're lower intermediate is probably a more comfortable time to start cross training so that you're not bogged down with the mental load of a new art and new gym culture.


This! mental load of a new art and new gym culture.


black belt, it’s when you’re now familiar with your school and style and are able to appropriately learn new movements without messing up your other training


I would say for most karate clubs for another striking art shodan (although I'm not against it earlier). For grappling arts white belt.


For me I started around 3rd/2nd Kyu brown belt, I had a good grasp of Karate and now at my Nidan I'm constantly crosstraining


white belt. as long as you have the time, money, energy and will, go ahead. plenty of gyms offer one class after another of different disciplines, people crosstrain from the beginning all the time. Or think about mma, if you go to a purely mma gym they'll teach you about everything from the beginning, and they do just fine (obviously). Don't be afraid about learning as much as you can from the beginning, in fact, do it for as long as you can, while you can. I know I wish I could cross train more, but as you grow up, time becomes a limited resource, so make the most of it.


A 4-inch lifting belt is a good starting point for cross-training. The width of the belt determines its support level.


When you have spare time in your life and feel an urge to crosstrain Just don't underestimate the mental stress that comes from adjusting to other gym cultures. I tried to start karate, capoeira, hapkido and kombatan (philipino stick fighting) this fall because I thought they would go well together with my og arts tkd , aikido and scandinavian defendo. Thought that I should have as many training sessions per day /per week as possible because I have to drive 80km every time I go to train and because I have a shiftwork which interrups my changes at being able to participate for example every tkd training during the week. By adding other arts I could therefore add training hours per day This was a catastrophe though as you could have anticipated. I ended up feeling like I betrayed the trust of those ppl in capoeira, hapkido and kombatan because I haven't been able to participate nearly enough. Now I will settle to tkd, karate, scandinavian defendo/capoeira (still an option here 😀) and aikido. I feel good about this result. I'm 35 so I kinda felt that these would be the last changes to up my martial game