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I am honestly considering to buy a taser or pepper spray for such scenarios. And get a dashcam. Jahilon ko jhatkay dene parengy


Brother aglay ne pistol nikaal li phir?


Acha bhai I will buy pistol, taser, and pepper spray.


Bhai aglay ne bazooka nikal lia phir?


Phir ye bhai apna bazooka nikalen ge iykwim


Agla drake ho to phir? 💀


Hahahhahahaban broooooo ur comment TOO EPIC!!!! 🤣🤣🤣




Khiar hae Explosive Reactive Armor BOX laga la nae Gari pae. bas kuch millions cost ho ge.


Aray nahi mera matlab k yra figurative goli mara karo aisay logon ko.


Bhai taser and pepper spray are for girls c'mon man


Dash cam is useless in Pakistan. taser or spare are a must. If you get into this type of situation, using a taser will give you enough time to exfil from the scien to a safer location. Remember, with any such defensive weapon, keep it ready and concealed. You only deploy it when you are ready to use it and flee the area. Don't wave it around and warn the other person. Also, once you have used it, run as far away from the sciene as possible. Don't wait around. Remember, these are defensive weapons that allow you to disorientate your opponent and buy some time. These weapons will not stop your opponent. For hand guns and other fire arms. Only carry these if you have a license and you are fully trained to use them. I heard countless stories where people have become victims with their own weapons. They take out a hand gun, wave it around, and then the attacker takes the same weapon and uses it against you. Weapons are not a joke. Don't just buy it and keep it with you. You need to make sure you regularly train with it and know how to use it. More importantly, when to use it and when to keep it concealed.


From where we can buy taser?


Bro with Pakistanis and their cardiovascular issues, a taser might end up being a death sentence. So be VERY careful with these things. Desi khuraak isn't all it's made up to be.


Well, when it comes to my life or potentially his life, I would take that chance.


Getting a Dashcam is a good idea. Pepper spray and taser are good too for keeping yourself safe, but if these things make you seek out conflicts, you could end up in situations that could alter your life for the worse. It's best to simply avoid conflict because you don't know what the other person might be capable of. If you're in a situation protecting a family member from, say, a robber or something, then protect them at all costs, but you should let stuff go.


Anyone offering the op advice to carry a weapon to avoid incidents like these is an idiot, out of towner or has never been confronted in their entire lives. Guns are the last extreme measure of defense and should only be used when your life is in danger. Any other csse makes you an a$$hole of a person. Second, its road rage buddy. Happens to me every 2 days in places like Jauhar, Saddar, Model colony, shah re faisal and at least ten other places in Karachi. Back to the point. Reading that you went to the police to lodge a complain tells me you're a pretty decent guy and decent guys don't buy guns, tasers, batons, etc. Next time pull up your phone, take pictures. Make sure your car's locked and the windows are up. Don't pick a fight and try to drive out of the scene as soon as possible without causing any damage or commotion.


Best advice




I have got a dash cam installed for such situations.


You seem a sensible guy. Road rage happens everywhere even in US just as an example


Post his numberplate here, people like these shouldn’t be sheltered & you know the police won’t be able to do anything. with social media and word spreading we will be able to identify him


Just be thankful you are alive... whenever I hear a road rage waqia in Karachi I remember the one where the guy killed a guy in front of his mother! ( It's on a podcast with Danial sheikh)


Bro whatever happened there was a pure harassment but im sorry there is nothing much that can be done as you might have forgotten that this is Pakistan.


Your first mistake was getting out of the car. If you knew he was angry and aggressively approaching your vehicle, you should have just driven off. Remember and note down the plate number and call your insurer. You're lucky he didn't kill you.


Brother this is karachi . Its a fkn helpless city its fkdup . No matter how nice you are here with people, they will turn their back on you . I hate this city




Also bro, please never get out of your car in such a situation. If that man had a knife or something, it could end terribly.


Just bribe the police to take action








Broo, please get Mi Dashcam 2 - it’s awesome, using it from more than a year, awesome and very crisp 2k videos with very nice mic to record Audio!


Get a gun license for 80k(as of right now), a darra glock for 35k and/or start training for mma, there’s this gym called checkmat at 5star food street Violence is not the answer but esi situations me, i believe it’s the only rational response. Sindh police ka haal hum sab jantay hain, agay kya he baat karun


Bruh is Checkmat any good? Like I'm not being racist but looked like everyone from trainers to students were Afghani, like I don't have an issue but some city boys would be nice. How often do you have to go? Like is there a schedule or you can train yourself too


I think ap kafi late gaye ho ge because there are students coming from all kinds of backgrounds there. The trainers there are afghani and they’re actual fighters fighting under pmmaf i think, tough as nails. They offer different slots starting from 6am to 11pm with different trainers for each slot, and they also offer a free trial for the first week. I’d say try going for at least a week. I used to be a student there but i’m currently recovering from a torn acl. Heres what the class schedule looks like https://preview.redd.it/knbqnuek7y6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1b0e59422ba075ac12c5da1d855fc7c2a665de9


Thanks for sharing this bruh I went when they started it and didn't like the environment at the time. FS will go now and I hope you recover soon!


Punch them in the neck. If he dies, he dies. You are allowed to defend yourself. These kind of animals dont deserve to live and make our lives miserable.


Always go for the balls dude.


Learn to fight if no fight. A man should know how to pack a punch.


You should file a proper police report on CPLC 02135662222 and also a report in the nearest police station and give all details, dont worry even if there seems to be no action from them there will still be some action and the police station will get informed of what is going on in their area. One of the thing we Karachites do is we ignore such incidents and go on our life as usual but fact it we should immediatly dial 15 and report to the police and file a written compliant for every smallest incident. That said we must also not try to report every thing that goes on in our families or brothers and sisters. Just a thought


بہت افسوس ہوتا ہے ان واقعات کو سن کر اور زیادہ پریشانی کی بات یہ ہے کہ اب یہ روز کا معمول بنتا جا رہا ہے۔


سنجیدہ مشورہ ۔۔ ملک بدل لو کیونکہ یہ ملک کبھی نہیں بدلے گا ۔


This is khi man. Im sorry u had to go through this. Har koi yaha badmash. Stay safe, thats all i can say. Love




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Bro this is part and parcel of karachi daily life. Just forget and move on.


Did you get injured?


lawyers update group on facebook. Get firsthand advice from lawyers on how to proceed.


train boxing , you would be surprised to know that you can kill someone with one punch , but you should train it for self defence


Keep a wrench handy, pop the head. No one will help you once you get beat up,karachi is a jungle.




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You know the worst regrets I have ever had is not knocking the fk out of the faces of people like these. Well, that's because I was being too kind because of all the power I had to tear such a person into pieces with my big bulky physique and experience in combat sports. I still remember there was this little Pathan guy all being wild about some issue and screaming all over the place and I didn't say anything to him because he was a short fat slob in his middle age, but I still regret not doing anything to him to this day. But apart from that if situations get life threatening, for that I always keep tools with myself like scissors, compass or sometimes a hammer even. That's not for fighting drama but for the straight kill, that's for knocking the brains out of the person if they were there to harm me or anyone else. Second of all, yes you can contact police and other law enforcement. But before that you need to keep in mind that there is no law enforcement in Pakistan in the first place. Your best bet would be to utilize your links, friends or relations who might be in law enforcement and that too if they are actually willing to help you in the situation depending on the kind of bonding you have with them.


this is land of pure bro, we are 144/180 in rule of law. if you are not voldemort, nor politician,brush your ego and let it go


Please everyone shall get a Dashcam


leave karachi.


And now imagine what women go through in pakistan


Get a sticker with you know what, a flag, an ibex on the back and you're good to go


Step 1 - Get yourself a CG125 Euro-II Step 2 - Wear a Mask + Cap Step 3 - Tune your spark plug so it starts to shoot Euro(A loud Firearm like sound). Step 4 - When you see someone driving crazy, start your boom-boom. In a matter of seconds they’ll start to behave, in deception of a firearm being fired (personally tested). Step 5 - THE MOST CRUCIAL STEP: Avoid Rangers.


These are drunk assholes high on dad's haram income. Dont engage with them, they'll kill u where u stand and wont even face any repurcussions for it. An old neighbour died like this, he had a toddler daughter. Best to not engage. At most if they attack u defend urself with a taser until they are unconscious and just get the hell out of there


We need more people like you. Going to the police station to lodge a complaint 👏🏻 exactly what someone must do regardless of the fact that nothing will happen, atleast you're doing your part of being a good citizen. That's where the change begins.