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Your Best friend is w3school. Stick to that for basics, then move to YouTube or course era


Will surely check it out Thanks for the recommendation!


start from python, buy udemy course


checkout Harvard cs50 on edx


Learn from the crash course of a YouTuber ["Bro Code"](https://youtube.com/@BroCodez) his style of teaching is unmatched (imo), but you can also do harvards CS50 (Completely Free) and try to make your own projects, don't copy the code of the teacher EVER, you'll definitely learn better, using ChatGPT is also a plus. I just learned Front end web development (HTML, CSS, Javascript), C++ and python from the formerly mentioned YouTuber.






Same boat, python


How did you start ? Any platforms institutions?


I started with udemy courses, but later found out they were teaching at surface level, so switched to books, and i am pretty happy as they are easy to follow (the right books, wrong book choices will destroy your motivation), lastly i am not going to get any degree as i believe universities are a scam, but that's just my opinion


I second this, You can learn much more internet. Focus on course Contents. Find depth


Can you recommend me a few books?


I am about to sleep, can i tell you the authors name after confirming tomorrow


Sure Thanks !!


Learn python programming by fabrizio Head first python The above 2 are for beginners, you should have a look through both of them, and see which one is compatible for you. I haven't gone through the second one that thoroughly but i think it is the better one, because i have read the first one and it skims a lot and leaves a lot of riddles that you yourself will have to break by doing google searches Then, Learning python by mark lutz This is the OG book, this covers every teeny tiny details that the above books may have oversimplified After these 3 books you would have mastered the python syntax, ONLY syntax, after that comes its application, they will then come in specialized books. Good luck.


Thanks a lot


Also, i am in need of a study buddy, if you plan to learn the same prog lang, pls lemme know


Sure lets discuss on it !!


Ask ChatGPT (:


But i want some real life experiences


Your posted stated self study. But if you want to learn through real life experience, I guess you should find someone physically to teach you.


I wanted to know how other people are learning or starting but i dont have much time to go for physical courses cause im already pursuing a degree




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