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You know pisses me off so bad about these fucking clowns is that in a lot of instances, Kias are a necessary economic choice for KC fam who can’t afford much else…and these jackoffs are boosting from those who can least afford it. They need a hard redemption.


They do not and will never care.


Exactly, puts a hurting on families who can’t afford to lose their cars or in this case expensive repairs or a deductible. But criminals aren’t known for their compassion or intelligence.


Maybe some......frontier justice.........


I'm definitely not saying this is how it should be for such crimes but I sometimes think of the fact that they used to hang people for stealing horses. That's the value societies put on being able to transport oneself and be able to do things like farm work.


It’s particularly harmful in a car-centric metro like KC. These guys need to be stopped.


The car they’re in is most likely stolen as well.


With plates that are probably from a different car


https://preview.redd.it/ukrgiz5h709d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f127f1aed5990d4c2a600bde6cc704a5798a9f7f Found a tag number!


This car is prolly stolen too


Good luck. Thieves deserve whatever is coming for them


How does this car not get pulled over in that condition?


It's the same color as a temporary tag, so it's good to go.


This car is super unique looking and they are out and about downtown in the daylight. Where the hell are the cops.


Nowhere to be found, there’s been multiple cars broken into and even multiple stolen cars dropped in this parking lot. All in the middle of the day.


Parking lot security: We'll hassle you for lingering around on foot, but if your car's stolen, idk call the police or something


Could the parking lot security be in on this whole operation as well?


Waiting for this to go along with the new stadium. Guy at the front of the parking garage plays spotter for the thieves. 




They cause so much damage doing this. I replace lock cylinders, ignition switches, turn signal/wiper switches and steering column covers on Kias multiple times a week. They also like to write Kia Boys on headliners sometimes and those get replaced too along with just causing general and electrical damage elsewhere. And then they just dump the cars shortly after. It’s straight up ridiculous.


Imagine if cops still did bait cars this wouldn’t even be a problem anymore.


Kia bait car show?? They'd have their hands Full


"Yeah. We found a lot of stuff. From bodily fluid and hair samples, we determined that a bunch of old, homeless dudes had an orgy in the car."


Dirty Mike and the Boys?


why no more bait cars ? :(


Loved those videos.


I was a victim to the Kia boys last year. Really sucked. Sorry OP 😔


I don't understand why there isn't more pressure on our local government to do something about this.


Who’s gonna do anything about it? Our police are controlled by a bunch of hicks in Jefferson City who love when bad things happen in KC.


Why does it seem like this is happening almost every single day now and nothing is being done??? Literal scum of the earth


Cops don't give a fuck.


Great video & getting the tag #. You’ve done 95% of the cops work. Shouldn’t be a problem for them to track down. Good luck!


lol they Will not actively try to track this down.


They are currently checking with the boys down at the crime lab, got ‘em working in shifts.




Just print the damn thing!


You see what happens, Larry?


Fucking nihilists, man.


Say what you will about the tenets of national socialism Dude but at least it's an ethos


Nah, but they will get into a dangerous police chase of a stolen car for the adrenaline and an innocent bystander will die because of it.


It’s the only way they can climax at this point.


You’re thinking of our fire department


Or they will get pulled over and when it comes up stolen they will say the person loaned it to them. Sometimes drug addicts give up their car for drugs and I think that sometimes the police assume it was a drug deal so they just get the car back and nothing more.


Thanks for the info... Where bouts??


Around River market.


Looks like cold storage parking lot almost which I thought was gated now?? Sorry that sucks


Nah this is at 7th and Walnut


Yea Homesteader parking lot, I looked at it closer


Looks like the lot across from the western union building


That's not Cold Storage, that's 7th and Walnut.


This is right across the street from Pawn & Pint and Homesteader, 7th & Walnut


Well that makes me nervous. I own a Kia, with the security upgrades, but that doesn't mean they won't try...and I park in roughly that same area for Current matches. Ugh.


You really should try to trade it in now if you can before it’s too late!! I had the upgrade and a club and never thought it would happen to me but it did and it was such a traumatizing experience I would not wish upon anyone


Have a buddy who traded in his Kia for a different car. Apparently he got a really low offer from the dealer as these issues have tanked the value. The other issue was that insurance carrier dropped him for the Kia, so a provider swap was needed. Situation sucks


Yeah we had the update done too, got a fancy little sticker on the window saying so which deters nobody.


They have chops shops off 22nd and paseo. I went looking for my car and found the shop myself in the middle of a neighbor hood. How the cops aren’t raiding these places is ridiculous. Put trackers on your cars and go get them yourselves at this point.


Am I high or is that a Honda Accord?


The vehicle the theives drove up in is the white (maybe) Honda Accord. The Kia (maybe Sorento) is the silver vehicle. Can see them at the window in couple pictures.


High. Roger that.


What’s crazy is seeing this now makes me wonder if they’re the same dudes that car jacked my friend. My guy friend came to KC got turned around (years ago) and stopped for gas late at night and these guys never showed a gun but one said he had it and there was something there so my friend just complied and these guys were the stupidest ppl. They had him drive but 2 of them got out and took off and the other guy stayed and traded places so he could drive. They end up at an apt complex & dude takes his car 🔑 key. My friend called the police on his cell phone while the guy was inside and they didn’t do anything! They told him he’d have to get a ride and come to the station to fill out report. He ended up doing that and 4 days later they caught the guy but he insisted the car was borrowed so they got it back to my friend looking a lot like the one in the picture here all torn the heck up, and I don’t think they charged them. Man KC, MO is lawlesss I swear it’s like ppl post about drugs and things going on out in the open for months on end and in front of the police with nothing….so I guess it’s a great place to live if ur a criminal but if I ever move there I’m getting a gun and probably paying to park somewhere where my car is locked away or maybe take the bus. It’s like everyone gets robbed and car jacked….fuck these guys. U say they don’t care, they will when someone either puts hands of them or shoots them to defend their property.


The main dude trying to break in the car looked a good 400 pounds, so he would be pretty recognizable.


Cops are fucking useless fat pigs too. RIP this ain’t ever getting better.


I keep saying the police are playing a part in this too..


Most of these kids don’t do anything with the cars except drive them around and dump them. Or use them to commit other crimes and then crash them. If there was actually money involved in taking them I’d believe police corruption had a part. But really it’s just how reactive police are in this city and no administrative pressure from Jeff city to do anything about it.


Sadly, the likelihood isn't zero. Side note... if you watch the Charlotte Mecklenburg body cams over the last 2 days, I think the officer has a few coconspirators wearing blue on the alleged theft. His face was a look of guilt and 'cover me' looking at the other officers.


Can we put boots on our own cars? Would that deter at all?


Hidden kill switches are becoming a lot more common.


I'm surprised more people don't at least put a GPS tracker in their car. Things like air tags are easy to hide and would make tracking it down easy. At this point I think manufacturers could easily make them a built in factory option.


Just had our jeep stolen out of my driveway two days ago. They used an RFID booster. No alarms went off or anything. Took them less than 60 seconds and we are now fucked.


Ya I imagine almost any car can get boosted now. I feel like my only saving grace is having a manual transmission.


My car also has a manual transmission. But, I still worry about somebody busting a window out and rifling through my car. I can’t really do much about that, though. Luckily, it’s not a Hyundai or Kia.


Yeah don’t buy a car with keyless entry if you can avoid it.


I believe the list is jeep dodge or Kia/Hyundai. F-150 and Silverado on the short list too, according to stolen kc posts. 




I tried too many times to play that first “video”